
The Necklace

As Monroe went all over the place to find Simon, Jade on the other hand, went to their surveillance room and swiped every location in the hologram screen to look for Jocelyn until he reached the restricted place.

Monroe found Izzy in her room instead of asking her about Simon, she asked if she could borrow least revealing clothes from Izzy which Izzy gladly let her borrow.

"Is this the least revealing thing you have?" She asked Izzy with disbelief upon seeing herself in the mirror. She is wearing a sleeveless shirt with a long cut that reveals her cleavage and a fitted leather black jeans.

Izzy chuckles "what? All the naughty bits are covered.A little too much in my opinion." She sighs while staring at Monroe from head to toe.

She then turned around and walked her way into the bed.

"So..um.. you,Alex and Jade are what,family? She asked Izzy while following her to the bed.

"Translation, you want to know if Jade and I are a thing?" Izzy said mocking her and chuckled

*Scoffs* "And why would I care?" Monroe denied.

"Because you do *smirked*. Don't worry. In every way, he's like my brother." She explained and moved to sit properly. "Our parents took Jade in when he was ten. We trained together. Learn to fight side by side." Izzy said using her sweet Angelic voice to convince Monroe.

*Sighs* "Few days ago, all I am worrying was getting into an art school. *Inhales* And now…"

Izzy cut her and said jokingly " is this the part where I give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner demonhunter and accepting your true destiny?" And smiled.

"Was it a pep talk ?" She replied and look at her.

"Basically." She stood up and walked closer to Monroe who's standing in front of her and caressed her hair."Monroe, remember that you were born to do this no matter what has happened...this is who you are." Izzy continued encouraging her.

"Not exactly feeling that…" She reply and smiled hesitantly.

"Yet." Izzy smiled clearly think that she's right.

"Okay,but now we have to find Natasha." She said out of the blue and sighs.

"Truck down and kill the most dangerous rogue demon in history before he kills us all." Izzy said seriously without breaking eye contact from Monroe.

"You really know how to ruin a pep talk, don't you?" She said to Izzy while smiling.

Izzy smiled back and said "let's go." When she's about to take a step she remember something and face Monroe again. "And oh, Simon is kind of nerd-hot." She laugh seductively and went out of the room.

Monroe was left mouth hanging.

As Monroe and Simon finally meet inside the headquarters, they were at the training room floor standing. Simon quickly convince Monroe that they must go home, just the two of them. He suggested that they'll be the one to look for Natasha. But Monroe told him that there are demons outside and they can't kill them without the help of the demonhunters.

Izzy walk in between them and followed by Jade interrupting Simon and Mornoe while they are still talking. Izzy pressed a button from the wall and suddenly the wall opens and the sword rack went out. An excitement flashed in Izzy's face and touch one of the sword. But Jade tap her hand to stop her from touching it.

*Woah* Monroe's reaction upon seeing the swords.

"Fifty bucks say he doesn't approve this mission." Izzy said while still gazing at swords and slides her finger into it as if she's examining it. Speaking of the devil…

Alex arrived and said "I don't approve this mission. I spoke with the clave. They are sending seelie scouts to search for Marcus,but they made it clear,the little girl does not leave the premises." With an authority in his voice and look directly to Monroe.

"Hey, my name is not 'little girl', okay. I don't care what that clave thing or you want. I'm going to find Natasha." She exclaimed and frowned.

"Alex, this warlock could have the answers we need. With Marcus's people searching for Monroe, she's not safe outside alone." Jade added to convince Alex.

"Jade has a point." Izzy also agreed to Jade.

"You too,Izzy?" Alex can't believe that her sister would take side to Jade and Moroe.

"All right, since you have all the answers,where do you suggest we search?" Alex asked Monroe sarcastically.

"We should start at Natasha's apartment and there's a thrift store that she…" she said while holding the pendant of her necklace the one that her mother gave to her. And suddenly, her necklace lit up and she *Gasps* and saw a vision of Natasha who's running fast on her way inside the pandemonium.

"I,um.. weirdly, I think I know where Natasha is." She said as soon as she's back from her senses.

"Great! I'll drive." Simon said and took his key from his pocket and look at everyone. They didn't react and just stared at Simon. Izzy was smiling at Simon and think that his cute.

"What? Unless you have demonhunter-mobile or something" and bowed in shame.Izzy chuckles.

"You were kidding about the runes on the floor… killing me, right?" Simon added the moment he noticed that they are at the training room floor and stared at Jade.

Jade,Alex and Izzy stared at each other and smirked. "Possibly" Jade said to him and tapped his shoulder *chuckles*. And they all walk out of the room. Simon as the last one and asked Izzy "wait, Am I gonna die?"

Natasha went to the Pandemonium to ask help for Steven the most powerful warlock. Who is also busy letting his people through the portal he created to save their lives. They have been attack by Marcus's people because he found out that a warlock brewed the potion that let Jocelyn sleep and now he's hunting all warlocks down one by one.

Natasha did not able getting help from Marcus, 'cause he doesn't want any more trouble. He also asked Natasha to come with him to save her life but Natasha stayed for Monroe. The moment Steven was gone through the portal, Natasha ran quickly to get out of the room but before she could finally get out two circle member men are waiting for her outside the Pandemonium. She couldn't use her warlock power yet, she's too weak.

Natasha fought back and got the chance to escape but to her surprised one men also waited for her at the next alley and block her causing her to fell on the floor. They cornered Natasha and brought her to Marcus.

Monroe and the others arrived at the Pandemonium. They were moving really fast in a dark place, Monroe leading them the way determined to find Natasha.She then hold her necklace and it lit up. She saw another vision of Natasha forcedly held by Marcus's men.

She felt terrified seeing her in her vision. So she quickly ran inside the Pandemonium thinking Natasha is still there. We they entered the club, there is no one inside and broken glasses could be seen on the floor.She then hold her necklace again and expected to see Natasha but the necklace didn't lit up this time. Disappointment was written all over her face. They are late, they took Natasha.

Alex ordered everyone to go back to the headquarters thinking it's not safe for them to be in the club where the circle member took Natasha.

"So what now, Marcus has my mom and Natasha and we're just gonna give up ?" She blurted out to Alex. "What about my memories, they can't just be gone." She added.

"There's another option." Jade said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't even--" Izzy pointing her finger at him. "Absolutely not." Alex. They both said in chorused.

"I'm not afraid of Silent Brothers." Jade replied and smirked.

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Monroe asked Jade with curiosity.

"They are DemonHunters with superior powers." Jade replied.

"Who possessed the ability to recover memories." Izzy seconded.

"A process that can also kill you, so there's that." Alex added and shrugged his shoulder as the three of them stared at Monroe.

"Your bedside manner is abysmal." Simon jokes referring to Alex.

Alex faced Jade and said reminding him "we've broken too much rules and now you wanted to go to the Silent Brothers? There's no way. I won't allow it."

"This isn't our choice to make." Jade replied. "This is Monroe's decision." He added and glanced at Monroe's direction.

" You can't ask her to do this. She doesn't know what she's facing. She's not prepared." Izzy replied to Jade angrily.

"If anyone could tell me another way to recover my memories, I'm listening." Monroe said to the three of them.

The three just look at each other having no words to say. They knew that there are no other choice except for the Silent Brothers. Nobody talk until she sighs and said "That settles it."

"See? I told you she's one of us." Jade said confidently and winked at Monroe.

So they walked out of the club and everyone followed Jade. Izzy grabbed Simon's arm and wrapped her arms around his and they continued walking.