

"Look at the drawings." She told Joe referring to Monroe's sketchpad. "It's already happening." It has different kinds of runes that she've drawn out of nowhere.

Joe sighs." We both knew this time is coming. We'll tell her together." He said.

"No, it was my choice, I'll do it alone." She said with a stance in her voice.

"Well, do it soon. Because if she's unprepared your life is in danger. And so as Monroe's." He replied.


At the club.

They were setting at the top of Simon's van when suddenly, Monroe open up about how protective her mom these days.

"She's just trying to protect you." Said Simon.

"Protecting me from what ? I spend all day in an art studio.My life couldn't be more mundane." And chuckles. While looking at both of her friends.

"Besides,I really don't know much about my mom when she was young." She added.

"Just do what I do and get all the dirt from your relatives " Maddy suggested smiling.

Monroe scoffs." Well, I would if I could but she doesn't have any. And my...my dad died before I was born." While playing with the stele in here hands.

"So… you have no one ? No uncles, no aunts and cousins?" Maddy faced Monroe and asked with shock.

"Nope. Just me and my mom." She slightly replied.

"You guys don't think that's a little bit suspicious? Your mom could be hiding some deep, dark secrets." Maddy in her incredulous question.

"Maddy it's not possible. My mom is incapable of concealing something from me." Monroe said doubtless of what her mother is capable of.

On the other hand, her mother at their house took a sword handle with an engraved to it. And wield it through the air and a silver blade came out if it.

However, on the demon-hunter's headquarters, A lady with runes all over her body were preparing her costume which is a silver wig, white crop-top with matching white skirt that shows off her perfectly curved body and a black cardigan to cover herself.

"Izzy let's go…" Alex called her. Then went outside of the room smiling to meet her brother. Alex was also covered with runes all over his body. He's got black hair, perfect thin lips, appealing jawline and his eyes were black that has long thick lashes.

"Hello there,big bro." Still flashing a big smile.

"Really?" He said as he stare at what her sister wearing especially the silver wig.

"What can I say? Demons dig blonde." She replied in a calm voice.

"If course they do. But that's white." Pointing her head and smirked.

"Platinum." She said with a rolling eyes. As they walk towards Jade who's standing near the monitor also covered with runes all over his body. Jade has a blonde hair, broad shoulders, hazel eyes and a mysterious look on his face.

"We're ready Jade." She said excitedly.

"Nice choice, Izzy. Demons dig blondes." He complimented her.

"I told you!" She told Alex.

"It's platinum." Trying to correct both of them.

They are on their way to their mission together as for some reason demons are killing mundanes and draining their blood.

"Why do they want blood ? Isn't that Vampire's territory?" Alex ask to Jade as the head of this mission.

"I dont know,Alex. Lazy Vampires, maybe?" With a serious tone of his voice.

Izzy sighs and told both men that maybe there's something special about the mundanes blood. In which Alex also ask what could be special about mundanes blood. As they walk on their way to the weapon section of the headquarter.

"We'll have more answers,when we figure out who exactly the demons are working for." Jade told them.

"So… you don't think they're acting on their own?" Izzy asked.

"No." Jade immediately replied.

"They are not exactly creative thinkers.They are shapeshifters." Alex added.

They went back to the monitor to discuss about what their target looks like, for now. So Alex told them to get a mission approval. But the two refuses to listen as what Jade said.

"Come on Alex.By the time you've sent that message, we'll have killed six demons already." And smirked.

"Besides, it's more fun to break the rules than follow them." Izzy seconded and smirked. And they went out of the room.

As they found their target in the dark alley the old man keep glancing at his back, he didn't notice Alex standing on the side and just passed through him. And he followed the old man as he get passed him.

Upon noticing that he was being followed, the old man turned his head around only to see nothing but darkness.

Alex was quick to jump up the roof of a building, avoiding the old man's gaze.

So the old man continued walking through the dark alley.

Until he reaches the crowded part of the place. Blocks away from Alex was Izzy who's staring directly to the old man and walk along with him at the rooftop.

Izzy noticed that the old man intentionally bumped into a black guy and suddenly his face went the same as the ones he bumped into and smirked. His head was moving as if he's listening to a music proud of himself thinking that he manage to escape from those people who's following him. But the woman was keeping her eyes unto him so she won't miss any possibility of him escaping.

Jade was also waiting for him in the next alley, where there are much more people around and smirked when he saw the black guy that they've been following intentionally bumped himself again into a sexy lady walking across him and he then shifted into the same look as the woman and smirked again. Thinking she's free from whoever is following her.

Alex and Izzy went closer to Jade and they jumped together from the rooftop to the ground without letting the shapeshifter to notice.

As they walk following the shapeshifter on her way inside the club named pandemonium.

Suddenly, Jade didn't notice and bumped into a girl standing in front of a van staring at the drawing on it.She was drawing a sign that she didn't even mean to draw.

"Hey! Can you watch where you're going?" Said Monroe. He was stunned for a moment seeing her beautiful face, brown eyes, golden wavy hair and thin lips that complimented her V shape face.

"You can see me ?" Jade asked with a question in his eyes.

"Yeah, that's kind of the point, but you obviously didn't see me." She exclaimed looking directly to Jade's eyes.

"YOU have the sight." Jade unbelievably point out to Monroe.

"Wait, the what?" She laughed to what she just heard.

"How can I not know who you are?" Jade ask while shaking his head.

"Has that line ever worked for you?" She unbelievably asked to him.

Out if a sudden, Alex called Jace and he run towards him who's about to enter the room since Izzy went inside first.

Meanwhile, Simon and Maddy were confusedly staring at Monroe talking by herself that moment.

"Did you guys believe that blonde dude?" She said as she went closer to them.

"You mean the imaginary dude you were talking to?" Simon replied.

"No, the guy right there,running into the club." She explained pointing out Jade who's running into the club.

"Monroe, there's nobody there." Maddy said surely.

"The guy covered in tats? Like---" She smiled as she told both of them.

"Roe,what guy are you talking about?" Simon asked her really confused

"You guys seriously don't see him?"

Maddy and Simon just look at each other confused.

Monroe then removed her jacket wearing only the dress Natasha gave hair earlier and she on her way inside the club.

"H-hey! Where are you going?" Simon shouted to stop her.

"To find answers. I don't want to look like I'm insane in front of you guys." And run quickly inside the club.

"Remember your fake ID sucks." Simon shouted again but Monroe didn't listen and continued running. Simon looked worried and couldn't do anything about it.