
For The Best friend

The mundane world is all into Vampires. They see everyone else as an animated sack of meat. You could see a romance between Vampires and Mundanes but when you know that the Vampires are real, you wouldn't want to be near them. Not anymore.

It's already dawn as they started walking to get into the Hotel Vamps and Jade was telling her brief details about Vampires.Her newly rune was still freshly red all over it as it burns her skin.

"How will we find Simon?" She ask glancing at him.

"He'll be in the most secure room in the building." He replied and glanced at her. "Trust me, we will know it once we see it." He added.

"What if they will do an encanto on him?Will he turn into a Vampire?" She asked worriedly as her expression changed.

"No, you have to drink vampire blood for that. Even then, there's more to it. It's an overly involved process, if you ask me." He replied as they jumped into a not too high floor to another.

"But I don't get it. What if a vampire bites him?" She asked breathing heavily the moment they landed on the ground.

"They won't drain him right away. They like to take their time." He replied and chuckles."Vampires are real gourmets" He added and started walking again, ahead of Monroe.

*Sighs* "He'll be terrified." She said worriedly knowing that Simon is a scaredy little cat.

He stopped and turned around to face her and said "Actually, he'll feel kind of high, kind of like he's in love."

"With the one who bit him?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said casually.

"That's awful." She replied. Jade look at her with confusion in his eyes. "It's awful?" He asked. Monroe just stared at him and frowned. "I guess I wouldn't know " he added and look away.

"You've never been bitten?" She asked and his gazed went back to Monroe. And her expression changed when she realized something."You've never been in love." She exclaimed. He blinked his eyes and gulped because of shame."The point is it wears off. Just like love."He then continued walking." What's the deal with you and that guy, anyway? He seems kinda--" Asked to divert the topic.

"Be careful." She reprimanded as he's about to say something bad about Simon. But he didn't listen and continued. "Unworthy of you? How's that?" He said without hesitation.

"You really think you have it all figured out?" She replied holding back her anger. "I do" he said proudly.

"You don't even understand friendship." She started to argue."Really?" He replied sarcastically.

"You have a parabatai,right?" She frowned.

"Alex would die for me." He glared at her.

"Now you understand me and Simon." She said while glaring at him back trying to let him understand. He looks away and inhales deeply agreeing to her just to avoid more arguments.

"Sun's gonna come up soon." He said and they both looked to the sky."Remember how to use the blade? Keep your arms steady and don't overestimate what you know. They can be tricky. We'll try and make them off you as much as we can." He added.

"Where are Alex and Izzy?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Being distracting." He told her and they entered the back door.

However, Izzy and Alex are walking down the dark basement as keeps annoying her brother making him talk to her.

"You're really not gonna talk to me, are you?" She said walking along with her brother. She smiled when her brother finally speaks.

"That's because you have no idea of what you are talking about." He replied while fixing his combat gloves.

"But I do. You are hiding from yourself, not me. You have feelings, whether you like 'em or not, Alex." She said.

"This is not the time or place, Izzy." He reprimanded as he climbed up into the steel stairs attached into the wall.

"I don't know. Looks pretty smooth so far." She smirked as she gazed at her brother and followed him by climbing the same stairs.

They came out in a low ceiling with large pipes everywhere. They tiptoed walking without creating a sound as they are eyeing the surroundings. Izzy followed her brother smoothly. Until they found a door. She quickly ran to it.

"This must be the way." She said and opened the door without hesitation.But to their surprise, six Vampire men are standing and waiting for them to come out. They growl as the moment they saw Izzy and Alex. "Roooaaawr!" And they all started to run and about to attack them. But Izzy was quicker and closed the door again as they're holding back the door.

"Well, not that smooth." Took back what she said earlier." Any day now"She said to Alex while he's trying to get his stele from his pocket and giving all his strength at the same time.

"Yeah, if you hold the door still, it might be a lot easier." He replied. Finally got the stele and draws a rune into the door that could block the Vampires."It's not taking it." He said after realizing that the Vampires are too strong.

Without hesitation, Izzy quickly took the seraph blade hang around her brother's back and wielded it. She immediately walked towards a pipe without him noticing that he's the only one remains holding the door.And she cut it and hurriedly ran back to the door and put it as a blocker.

"Whoever said, 'The pen is mightier than the sword' is an idiot." She said and smirked to his brother and walked miles away from the door.

"When you're right, you're right." He said casually and followed her.

Meanwhile, Jade and Monroe were walking slowly without creating a sound as they entered the basement.Monroe stopped him and grabs his arm."wait, I hear something." She said nervously."Hold up"Jade replied and wielded his seraph blade. He walks and peep through the wall and they saw Vampire shrieking and running and moving really fast towards the door where Izzy and Alex were waiting.

The Vampires keep banging the door harshly while Izzy and Alex were standing right in front of it waiting for them to succeed in opening the door.

"Do you think they know where we are?" She said excitedly while looking into the door that has been dent. She was holding the seraph blade she took from her brother.

"That's the idea, right?" He replied as excited as her. He was holding his bow and waiting for the Vampires."How long do you think we have to distract them for?" He added while his eyes fixed to the almost breaking door.

"Ten more minutes." She said smirking. He quickly turned his gazed into Izzy and repeats what she said "ten minutes? Are you kidding? We're liquid lunch in five." He took an arrow that's on his back.

"So let's just distract them." She exclaimed.

"Let's distract them!" He repeated.

"You better get ready" She glanced into her brother as he position waiting to release the arrow. Izzy's snake looking bracelet moves and expands its length forming into a whip.

The Vampires finally manage to break the door and stop right to it as they saw Izzy and Alex.

Izzy whipped the first Vampire and her whip encircled to his feet and pulled him closer to her and slashed it with the seraph blade. The Vampire shrieks and it evaporates into the air.

Alex, on the other hand releases his arrow to the Vampire running aggressively to their direction. It evaporates the moment it hits by the arrow right to his chest.He did the same thing to the two Vampires running from the door.

*Both panting*

"This is fun." He said smirking and positioned his arrow right into the door as more Vampires appeared and hid back as they saw Alex and Izzy.

"Keep coming boys!" Izzy said and smirked.

However, Monroe and Jade keeps avoiding the Vampires as to wherever they go there are Vampires shrieking and running. Until they've finally reached the area where Simon and Barbara were staying a while ago. But they're not there anymore. It was dark out there and walks quickly into the room ahead of Jade without thinking. Suddenly, a Vampire appeared. The one they've encountered from the Bikers Bar. The one who made encanto to her.

"YOU!!" He pointed out his finger to Monroe as he ran aggressively towards her.

"Monroe!" Jade tried to stop her but three Vampire jumped to him causing him to be thrown away.

"Just ran 30 blocks to get here. Before I freakin' burned to death in the Sun!" He added while straining her from the back." You missed your ride, angel doll?" He said and smirked.

Jade was struggling on fighting the three Vampires. He's been kicked, punched and thrown away.

"Jade!" Monroe shouted worriedly to Jade.

"Why'd you go with him, huh? You really know how to hurt a guy." The Vampire forcedly twisted her around to face him. And he moved his fingers making an encanto to her. She stopped struggling and chuckled as she looked into his finger as if it still works on her.