
Transformation Slime

Just a few hours after they started the subjugation request to take down a few of the Ground-Crawlers spreading out in the forest, the party, plus Bavet and Gobo, managed to kill roughly ten times as many as were required in the request. And at this point, there were two news that Eiro was rather happy to hear.

"Yes! Finally! Level 100!" Jess exclaimed happily as she grasped her staff tightly, and Eiro looked at her with a light smile on his face underneath his mask, "Congrats. Then I guess we can have you change your class after we head back to town."

"Hehe, alright~! Ah, and you said to choose the Apprentice classes for the specific elements one after another for now, right?" Jess asked curiously, and while the Demon squatted down and extracted the venom from the Ground-Crawler Jess just killed, he looked back up at her, "Yes, that's exactly it." Eiro replied quickly, and Krog turned toward Eiro with a curious expression.