
The Deal

Eiro pushed Koperia away from him, "Please stop joking like that. You know exactly that I won't be 'yours'. Ever." The Demon sighed deeply. Koperia looked back at Eiro with a light frown, "Then what else will you offer me for my services?"

"Your... services?"

"Yes, 'services'. Helping your soul take on a proper form during your next evolution... your... legendary evolution. Surely, it might be powerful enough for your soul to adapt naturally, but at the same time it could also simply not happen. However, this will be your best chance at ever shaping your soul, at repairing it. How about I stay nearby, and when it's time for your evolution, you let me help you a bit." The Queen of Undeath asked. Eiro turned his head toward Armodeus, who had a nervous frown on his face.