
Demon's Son

Eighteen-year-old Raejin's life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon the concealed truths of the world, revealing a complex web of deceit and power. Determined to rectify the deep-seated wrongs of society, he embarks on a perilous journey through its darkest corners, confronting adversaries intent on maintaining the status quo, while forging alliances with those who share his vision of a just and transparent world. raejin's quest is a transformative one, not just for himself but for the very fabric of society, as he strives to be a catalyst for change in the face of overwhelming odds.

sad_jim · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter Three

The crowd was roaring with expectation, and the air was heavy with an unpleasant mixture of sorrow and terror. The audience's applause reverberated, producing a contradictory symphony of anxiety and excitement. The coliseum was packed with excited spectators; their excitement was obvious, but there was also a general feeling of unease.

In the arena, the warriors stood sternly, armored, and ready for battle. Their determined expressions may have covered up the underlying unease that reflected the feelings of those in attendance. Every move they made carried the weight of the approaching fight—a conflict they were thrown into for entertainment purposes rather than one of their choosing.

I suffered greatly during my time at the academy because I was still adjusting to my newfound abilities. Ever since that "incident," Srax Verdiann's eyes have been stuck. I want to know if I'll turn into the demon king or not. I used to get really scared of his stare.

There are a total of 16 rounds and a total of 150 participants. 2 participants will go at one another's throat until either one surrenders. Each round is a total of 2 minutes. Deadly blows are not allowed. If any participant tries to kill the other, he or she will be disqualified and will receive a penalty. 

The first round was between Romulas and Triathorn; they were both my seniors and were fairly experienced and strong, respectively. 

Romulas marched towards the coliseum wearing a long sleeveless coat with the words "fear" written behind it and a sword in his left.

Then Traithorn walked out, having no weapons in his hands, and came bare-footed. He came from a royal family of Trevaliyon, feared for there fighting skills and loved for there women.

Romulas spoke a few words before the fight. "Blood is in the air; I can almost smell it."

Traithorn chuckles"You think getting tutoring from expensive teachers is going to make you a fighter; its the arena that makes a man or breaks him."

The announcer formally starts the match.

Romulas makes the first move; he goes for the head, but Trathorn ducks and punches him in the gut. Some blood is spilled from the romulas mouth. Then the latter goes for face; traithorn blocks it with his hand. He pushes the romulas back and huff's.

Romulas pulls out a sword from thin air; the crowd is stunted by this move.

Traithorn, angered by this stunt, says, "Have you no honor?"

Romulas replies, "What's honor, hmm? Is it that which holds you back from your true potential or that which makes you a loser?

Who will win or who will lose? its to early to determine the battle's victor!

Thank you for enjoying the story up till now, more is one the way. If you have any idea let me know I will surely add them. Once again, Thank you.--Sad jim

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