
Demon's Son

Eighteen-year-old Raejin's life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon the concealed truths of the world, revealing a complex web of deceit and power. Determined to rectify the deep-seated wrongs of society, he embarks on a perilous journey through its darkest corners, confronting adversaries intent on maintaining the status quo, while forging alliances with those who share his vision of a just and transparent world. raejin's quest is a transformative one, not just for himself but for the very fabric of society, as he strives to be a catalyst for change in the face of overwhelming odds.

sad_jim · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter Four

As the conflict proceeded, both men were equally determined to win. Even after 15 rounds, no obvious winner had been recognized.

As we entered the final round, both guys were down to their final few moves.

The bell rang, signifying the beginning of the round. Romulas was severely injured, with blood gushing from his skull, a broken right arm, and cracked ribs. It seemed as if he had survived on a thread.

Traithorn was adept and suffered no significant injuries. As both men moved down the arena toward the middle, a smoke screen appeared. Blinding the spectators.

When the smoke cleared, everyone was stunned.

Romulas has fought Traithorn and won the match!

The onlookers quickly began referring to him as a cheater who obtained victory through unfair means.

It was truly a match worth watching!

After Romulas and Traithorn's match came mine and Sarasou's match.

Sarasou was a young, beautiful girl who caught every boy's eye—well, almost everyone. They say her eyes are so beautiful that it could turn a man to stone. I don't know how much of that is true, but I was determined to find out.

We both made our way down to the arena, and excitement was in the air. I was determined not to let the people know about my new-found powers because if I did, I would be arrested and eliminated on the spot. 

As Sarasou and I stepped into the arena, the atmosphere was electric. The crowd's roar filled the air with a cacophony of excitement and anticipation. I could feel the energy pulsating through the stands, the weight of thousands of eyes bearing down on us. Despite the tension, Sarasou moved with grace and confidence, her steps light and assured. Her beauty was indeed captivating, and her eyes shimmered with an almost hypnotic intensity.

I couldn't afford to let my guard down. Rumors about her eyes turning men to stone swirled through my mind, and I resolved to keep my focus sharp. We took our positions, and the arena fell silent, the anticipation almost palpable. The bell rang, and the match began.

Sarasou was swift; her movements were fluid and precise. She came at me with a flurry of attacks, each one expertly executed. I parried and dodged, my mind racing to keep up with her relentless assault. It was clear she was highly skilled, and I could see why she had earned such a formidable reputation.

As we danced around each other, I became acutely aware of the power I held within me—the power I had to keep hidden. The authorities were strict, and any sign of supernatural abilities would result in immediate and severe consequences. I had to rely on my training and wits, suppressing the urge to unleash the full extent of my capabilities.

Sarasou's eyes flashed as she launched another attack, and for a brief moment, our gazes locked. I felt a strange sensation, as if her eyes were probing the depths of my soul. But I shook it off, focusing on the fight. I countered her move with a swift strike, aiming for her midsection, but she twisted away with an agility that was almost otherworldly.

The match continued, each of us testing the other's limits. The crowd was enthralled; their cheers and gasps were a constant backdrop to our battle. I could feel the strain building, my muscles aching and my breath coming in ragged gasps. Sarasou showed no signs of slowing down, her determination evident in every movement.

I knew I had to end this soon. Summoning all my strength, I launched a series of powerful attacks, pushing Sarasou back. She parried and dodged, but I could see the effort it took. Sweat glistened on her brow, and her breaths came faster. I pressed my advantage, determined to claim victory.

In a final, desperate move, I feigned a strike to her left and then swiftly switched to her right, catching her off guard. My fist connected with her side, and she staggered, a look of surprise flashing across her face. I followed up with a sweeping kick, and she went down, hitting the ground with a thud.

The arena erupted in cheers and applause; the sound almost deafening. I stood there, panting and exhausted, as the referee declared me the winner. Sarasou lay on the ground, dazed but conscious, and I extended a hand to help her up. She took it, and as she stood, she gave me a small, respectful nod.

The match was over, but I knew the real challenge was just beginning. My newfound powers were a dangerous secret, and I had to be careful. The authorities were always watching, and one misstep could mean my end. But for now, I basked in the glory of my hard-earned victory, determined to face whatever came next with the same resolve and determination that had carried me through this match

As the crowd's applause slowly began to fade, Sarasou and I stood facing each other, standing in the middle of the arena.

The intensity of the battle still lingered in the air, and for a brief moment, we shared a mutual respect that transcended the competition. Despite her loss, Sarasou's eyes held a calm determination that hinted at her resolve to come back stronger.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. The match had pushed me to my limits, and the urge to tap into my hidden powers had been almost overwhelming. But I had managed to keep them in check, relying solely on my physical abilities and training. It was a narrow victory, but a victory nonetheless.

As we left the arena, I could feel the eyes of the spectators still on us, their curiosity and excitement palpable. Whispers of my unexpected victory against such a formidable opponent spread like wildfire through the crowd. I knew that this attention could be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it meant recognition and respect; on the other, it also meant scrutiny and potential danger.

Back in the locker room, I took a moment to collect myself. The adrenaline was wearing off, leaving behind a deep exhaustion. I splashed water on my face; the coolness was a welcome relief. As I toweled off, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. The matches were more than just physical confrontations; they were tests of character and willpower, with each victory and defeat shaping our destinies in ways we couldn't yet understand.

Just then, I heard a soft knock on the door. I turned to see a familiar face peeking in—Kade, my closest friend and confidant. He slipped inside, closing the door behind him with a grin.

"You were incredible out there," Kade said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I knew you had it in you, but that was something else."

"Thanks, Kade," I replied, managing a tired smile. "It was tough, but I couldn't let my guard down for a second."

Kade's expression grew serious. "Listen, you need to be careful. The way you fought today—there are going to be questions. People will start wondering how you managed to win against someone like Sarasou without any apparent injuries or powers."

I nodded, the weight of his words sinking in. "I know. I'll have to be more cautious from now on. But I couldn't let her win. There was too much at stake."

Kade sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I get it. Just remember, you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together."

His words were comforting, a reminder that I had allies in this uncertain journey. We chatted a bit longer, strategizing about future matches and how to maintain the façade of an ordinary competitor. As Kade left, I felt a renewed sense of determination. The road ahead was fraught with danger, but I was ready to face whatever challenges came my way.

The days that followed were a blur of training and preparation. Each match brought new opponents and new challenges, but I continued to hold my own, carefully balancing my abilities with the need to remain undetected. The tension in the air grew thicker with each passing day, and the whispers about my prowess became louder.

One evening, as I was leaving the training grounds, I noticed a figure waiting for me in the shadows. Stepping into the light, it was Sarasou. She looked different—less of the fierce competitor and more of a thoughtful, contemplative person.

"Can we talk?" she asked, her voice soft yet firm.

I nodded, curious and a bit wary. We walked to a quiet spot, away from prying eyes and ears.

"I've been thinking about our match," she began. "You were holding back, weren't you?"

I tensed, but her expression was not accusatory. Instead, she seemed genuinely interested.

"I had to," I admitted. "There are things about me that I can't let anyone see. Not yet."

Sarasou nodded, as if she understood more than she let on. "I suspected as much. You have a strength that goes beyond physical skill. But be careful. The world we live in doesn't take kindly to those who are different."

Her words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the precariousness of my situation. As she walked away, I felt a strange sense of camaraderie. Despite the competition, there was an unspoken bond between those who understood the burden of hidden power.

The tournament continued, with each match bringing me closer to the ultimate test. I could feel the eyes of the authorities watching, waiting for a slip-up. But with every fight, my resolve grew stronger. I was not just fighting for victory; I was fighting for my survival and the chance to forge my own destiny in a world that demanded conformity.

And so, as I stepped into the arena for the next match, I was more determined than ever. The challenges ahead were daunting, but I was ready. With allies by my side and a steely resolve in my heart, I would face whatever came next, no matter the cost.

Sorry for the delay, I hope you really like this chapter. -sad jim

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