
Demon's Duality: Embracing Humanity

In the depths of the demon realm, amidst whispers of ancient prophecies, a female demon named One yearns for the impossible: to shed her demonic form and embrace humanity. Driven by an unquenchable curiosity and a longing for a life beyond the shadows, Lilith embarks on a perilous journey, unaware of the chaos her decision will unleash. As One crosses into the human world, her friends from the demon realm, fearful of being left behind, follow her trail. But they are not alone. Dark forces lurk in the shadows, drawn by the scent of newfound power. One, now Aisha navigates the complexities of human existence, she must confront not only the demons of her past but also the malevolent beings who seek to exploit her transformation for their own sinister purposes. Caught between two worlds, Aisha must unravel the mysteries of her own identity and confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything she holds dear.

Mamapatience · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Perfect World

In the realm of perfection, where beauty, kindness, power, and intelligence intertwined seamlessly, there existed a world untouched by strife or discord. Here, every inhabitant bore the mark of perfection, their every trait harmoniously balanced to create an idyllic existence.

Within this utopia, equality reigned supreme. No individual soared above another in any aspect; each person possessed a symphony of qualities that rendered them flawless in the eyes of their peers. Yet, this equilibrium came at a price—a price paid in the exile of those deemed unworthy.

Children born into this realm were subjected to the stringent standards of perfection. Any deviation from the prescribed norms was swiftly met with condemnation. Those who failed to measure up were swiftly cast out, banished to the fringes of this flawless society.

And so, the cycle continued unabated, perpetuating an illusion of harmony maintained through the ruthless culling of imperfection. For in the pursuit of perfection, there was no room for deviation, no space for the flawed.


As the child, a girl born into the world of perfection, was handed over to the clan leader, an air of solemnity hung heavy in the chamber. The parents, their faces etched with a mixture of resignation and hope, silently acquiesced to the fate they had sealed for their offspring.

"What will happen to her?" the father's voice trembled with uncertainty, his gaze flickering between the clan leader and the child cradled in his arms.

"We'll send her to a place where she can rule," the clan leader's words were measured, his expression betraying no hint of remorse.

"So she'll be fine. That's good," relief washed over the mother's features as she spoke, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

With a swift motion, the clan leader dipped his hand into a pool of ink, the darkness of the liquid contrasting sharply against the pristine surroundings. With deliberate precision, he inscribed the symbol "1" upon the child's smooth forehead, marking her as the chosen one among the imperfect.

A portal shimmered into existence, its ethereal glow casting an otherworldly hue upon the chamber. With solemn resolve, the clan leader gently placed the child into the swirling vortex, his eyes lingering on her form as the portal began to close.

Yet, in that fleeting moment before the portal sealed shut, a revelation pierced through the facade of certainty. The child's eyes, once closed in silent acquiescence, snapped open, their depths alight with a gleeful defiance that sent a shiver down the clan leader's spine.

The symbol upon her forehead flickered, its significance wavering like a flame in the wind, defying the certainty of its inscription. And amidst the closing portal, a sound echoed—a laughter that rang with a promise of upheaval and change.

In that moment of clarity, the clan leader understood the gravity of his error. And as the portal sealed shut, trapping the child within its depths, the clan leader knew that the world of perfection would never be the same again.