In a remote jungle nestled between Chu City and Whitewater City within the Da Xuan Country, a thin and frail figure was leaning against a thick tree trunk. Both of his legs were spread apart in a relaxed manner. This figure belonged to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenager. Aside from his unusually pale face, the boy had fairly common facial features. His clothes were loose-fitting and a bright shining steel sword was carelessly thrown by his side.
After a long while, Liu Ming's Divine Sense slowly withdrew from the jade slip, but his mouth began to chant a low incantation, at the same time his palm open, with a tiny black smoke sphere emerging on each of the five fingertips, fluctuating slightly with the movement of his lips.
When the black smoke spheres grew to the size of a chicken egg, he made a gesture with his hands and touched the five spheres onto the skull of the corpse.
At that moment, a faint yellow light appeared on the surface of the corpse, blocking the invasion of the black smoke spheres.
Seeing this scene, Liu Ming's face showed not shock but delight, and he quickened the pace of his incantation; the black smoke spheres slowly penetrated the yellow light.
After the time it takes an incense stick to burn, all the black smoke spheres had vanished into the interior of the corpse with a flash.
Liu Ming let out a soft breath and a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.