

A girl named ULMI is almost get killed by her husband but she summons a demon a powerful one who take her with him far from her previous life what will happen next....... This story is of such a husband victim woman 'Ulmi' who earlier loved her husband very much but now hates her equally. In front of that hatred, she considers her life too small and thinks of giving up her life, when a handsome demon saves her life, he wants to know the reason for giving up her life. That woman named Ulmi gives both reasons for her love and hatred for her husband, now she wants to take revenge from her husband for the atrocities committed on her. Will Ulmi be able to take revenge on her husband? Will she be able to understand the love of her savior demon or will she fall prey to the hatred of the same demon?

sharmaarunakks · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Prince Uthappa

He started sniffing around Uthappa. Along with this, they started asking questions and answers to each other, whispering about that new unknown demoneass.

Then a demon looked at him with a sharp eye. Seeing him like this, Uthappa's head shook.

Uthappa knew that if he looked into Ulmi's eyes, he would know the whole truth. Demons have the ability to read each other's emotions. The demons also know among themselves that which monster will change its form and disappear from where. They cannot recognize each other by their costumes, but their weakness lies in their eyes, which tell each other's expressions.

Who was looking at Ulmi with sharp eyes. He was slowly moving towards Ulmi staring at Ulmi. Sensing his intention, Uthappa brought Ulmi close to him and flew away, engulfing himself. From there he reached a dense forest. Taking great care of Ulmi there. Took het to his wooden house built there. During her stay there, he used to take great care of Ulmi. Been living there for some time. He told Ulmi about all the rules of the forest. She also learn everything very well. With the help of Uthappa, she had learned to live, dress, eat and drink, walk and move like a demon. Uthappa would bring different kinds of fruits for him from the jungles. He brings different types of flowers to put in her hair, decorates the house with different types of vine boots, plucks fruits and flowers and brings them for her. He did not even allow thorns to be printed in her. If she did a little work, he would advise her to stay carefully. Now slowly by staying close, Uthappa started falling in love with Ulmi, but Ulmi was completely unaware of this fact and was not able to feel this feeling. She was lost all the time. If Uthappa would lovingly ask her the reason for her sadness, she would have avoided it with a laugh.

Slowly, Ulmi told while narrating her pain.

"I miss my children a lot. Although you take great care of me, still I miss home a little.

Uthappa asked him

"And your husband's?"

On hearing her husband's name, Ulmi started whispering like a poisonous serpent. she said angrily

"I am with you today because of that person….. I had even decided to sacrifice my life to get rid of him…. And you saved me…..you are so good being a demon…. And he was not worthy to be called a human even after being a human being….. he... only because of that bloodthirsty person….. today I am away from my children….. don't know in what condition my children will be… that bastard them How would you keep…"

Uthappa lovingly explains to Ulmi

"This is the world cycle… In that dimension of yours, human beings cause a lot of suffering to human beings. In our place, the demons kill each other by fighting the demons among themselves.

Ulmi smiled hearing this

"You and I will not kill each other, nor..."

Uthappa laughed and laughed after listening to Ulmi.

"No, never because you….. a human and a demon… how can both fight."

It was evening time. Ulmi stood up to prepare the food. Uthappa had brought small creatures from the forest, but on seeing Ulmi, he left back in the forest. Because Ulmi was a vegetarian. She did not eat anything except fruits and vegetables. The same Uthappa was a non-vegetarian, but Ulmi does not eat anything like that, so he did not mention this thing even once.

Then Uthappa heard the voice of the golden winged goose speaking.


was calling.

Uthappa understood that his friend was sending a message through his swan. He came out and saw the golden swan carrying message and caressed him in his lap. He pulled out the message that is stuck in his wings. Very happy to read the message.

After 10 days his friend is coming to meet him with his army of donkeys. His friend is very fond of donkeys. He had bought many kingdoms from the demons for his best donkeys, of which his favorite was Dhenchu-Dhenchu. Used to ride that donkey often. His friend does not know anything about Ulmi.

He came to know about Uthappa only when he had taken donkeys to the donkeys fair in his kingdom. Then Uthappa's parents told that he had spread his wings and went towards the dense forest and that is why he is reaching there within 10 days to meet him.

Uthappa was filled with excitement. His mind started dancing in peace. He caressed the goose lovingly and fed it. When he asked him to stay here overnight, he also nodded and agreed. Uthappa has made arrangements for his stay. He changed his wings and changed into light blue feathers. He looked even more beautiful. In the silence of the night, a shining light appeared in the house. Ulmi asked Uthappa

"How is the lighting in our house today?"

Uthappa looked into her eyes and said lovingly

"My friend is coming to visit us after a day. If you meet you will be very happy."

and looking into Ulmi's eyes said

"And if I tell him about you, she will be very happy too."

Ulmi blushed.