

A girl named ULMI is almost get killed by her husband but she summons a demon a powerful one who take her with him far from her previous life what will happen next....... This story is of such a husband victim woman 'Ulmi' who earlier loved her husband very much but now hates her equally. In front of that hatred, she considers her life too small and thinks of giving up her life, when a handsome demon saves her life, he wants to know the reason for giving up her life. That woman named Ulmi gives both reasons for her love and hatred for her husband, now she wants to take revenge from her husband for the atrocities committed on her. Will Ulmi be able to take revenge on her husband? Will she be able to understand the love of her savior demon or will she fall prey to the hatred of the same demon?

sharmaarunakks · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Horse's part

the horse began to tell

"Uthappa to my master is a very good, very good demon."

Then the cat interrupted and asked

"Then why did he leave you here?"

the horse began to tell

"Uthappa deman is very nice and has a noble heart. loves me a lot. He became a complete vegetarian for a human being. He is very much in love with Ulmi a human. Know what Ulmi saw in her friend Drav that she could not recognize my master's love, fell in love with it… Uthappa also loved Ulmi very much but he cheated on his friend. For Ulmi, Uthappa had left his home, his parents, the palace and came to him. All this he did for Ulmi. Knowing all this Drav, he would have respected the feeling of his friend, then he would have stayed away from Ulmi. Though love is not done but it is done but it was giving her heart at first sight… and Ulmi… she also turned out to be unfaithful.. She has no shame at all who saved her life, who cares so much for her to liquidate her Immediately moved to his state with the dropping fluid. Without telling Uthappa, hurting his heart, he married Drava. If both respect Uthappa, then they do not do so with him. He had planned to kill him. The liquid could not kill him. Uthappa got angry and left from there and came towards the forest. Through the forest, he entered the area of ​​Kuvalay. Which he realized when Kuvalay came to the fore. Because of that today Uthappa was flying everywhere by taking the form of a bird. He can come in the real room only when he rides on me and uses his occult power…"

Telling this the horse told

"I know human language also because of Ulmi and I had seen the value of Ulmi in Uthappa's eyes. That's why I recommended Ulmi to teach me human language. Uthappa is very pure hearted. Don't know in what condition it will happen now…."

Saying this the horse fell silent. Tears started flowing from his eyes. All the animals promised to help the horse and ran to kill the snake. Then the horse stopped them and said

"Don't kill him because now he is Ulmi's husband. Uthappa would never want Ulmi to become a widow. He still loves Ulmi and Drav, but has not forgotten the deceit of both of them. Still doesn't want to trouble them."

He had calmed down when he heard the sound of Kuvalay's footsteps.