

A girl named ULMI is almost get killed by her husband but she summons a demon a powerful one who take her with him far from her previous life what will happen next....... This story is of such a husband victim woman 'Ulmi' who earlier loved her husband very much but now hates her equally. In front of that hatred, she considers her life too small and thinks of giving up her life, when a handsome demon saves her life, he wants to know the reason for giving up her life. That woman named Ulmi gives both reasons for her love and hatred for her husband, now she wants to take revenge from her husband for the atrocities committed on her. Will Ulmi be able to take revenge on her husband? Will she be able to understand the love of her savior demon or will she fall prey to the hatred of the same demon?

sharmaarunakks · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Golden chariot

Then Uthappa affectionately called Ulmi from outside and asked to serve food to everyone quickly. Ulmi also said affectionately

"Serving now..."

Ulmi now told Bindiya

"I… don't tell Uthappa what happened between us."

Bindiya assures Ulmi that she will not tell Uthappa what happened between them. Both served delicious food for everyone. While eating, the firefly praised the food. Hearing this, Uthappa chirped and praised Ulmi. Bindiya was very satisfied when she saw Uthappa's love for Ulmi. Bindiya tried to read Ulmi's mood. Then told Bindiya Uthappa

"Now both get married as soon as possible."

Bindiya and Jugnu stayed there for 2 days then went to their kingdom. Uthappa took Jugnu and Bindiya's promise to come to him and Ulmi's wedding. Both accepted this invitation of Uthappa. As soon as both of them left the whole forest was filled with darkness. Seeing all this, Ulmi got very scared. She got scared and stuck to Uthappa. Uthappa's heart started beating fast. Ulmi was able to hear his heartbeat. She shrugged and immediately turned away.

Then a golden chariot, tearing through that darkness, came and stopped there. It was brought by two beautiful dogs. It was the chariot of the clan of demons. Whenever a new demon couple is ready to join the demons with their mind, then that chariot automatically comes. Uthappa was a demon prince. When his mind was connected with Ulmi, then the dog chariot came. Seeing the chariot, Uthappa understood that his parents had agreed for his marriage with Ulmi. Uthappa's mother had the power that when a love affair develops between two hearts, their eyes will shine and the picture of a loving couple will emerge. This time when the light increased in his eyes, he saw the picture of his son and Ulmi emerging. She was very happy seeing this. He liked Ulmi very much. She was very beautiful, easy going and innocent. Seeing all this, she sent a golden dog chariot to bring them both. Uthappa's mother loved Uthappa very much. She wanted to get them both married.

Ulmi asks Uthappa

"Why has this chariot come here? Who sent it?"

Uthappa tells Ulmi

"My parents sent this chariot. Ulmi I want to ask you one thing…"