

"Step into the captivating world of 'Demiwars,' where mystic powers collide, and alliances are forged in the crucible of battle. Arcane Academy and Abyssal Citadel, human and demon schools, converge in an annual spectacle of Essentia prowess. As students showcase abilities inspired by worlds unknown, secrets unravel, friendships form, and the boundary between good and evil blurs. Join a diverse cast in a thrilling journey of self-discovery, where the fate of two realms hangs in the balance. 'Demiwars' weaves a tapestry of magic, intrigue, and epic clashes that will leave you spellbound. Unleash your Essentia, and embrace the adventure."

LordSanctify · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Peaceful Days Arc

Riku would yawn as he noticed the light shining through the dorm room, he was still worried about Julie.

Riku would eye the floor to check if Julie is alright, not knowing she was sleeping naked.

Riku's Nose would bleed slightly, before slightly chopping her skull yelling at her to get dressed.

Julie would slightly tear up while she was rubbing her head from where Riku hit her at.

Riku and Julie started laughing with each other, before heading to the table for breakfast.

Riku eyed Julie, seriously asking, "What happened to Principal Nobuki?!"

Julie looked down, remembering the events that happened at the school.

Julie frowned before starting to cry a bit, telling Riku, "H-he's dead…"

Riku would seem pissed off but noticed Julie crying as he then gave her a heartwarming hug.

Riku: "I'll give you some time to yourself for now, Julie" he would smile before walking away from the kitchen.

Riku: *yawning* "…I'll be back in a couple hours, Julie" he would hum a bit while he headed out the door of his dorm room.

(Music Plays for the Intermission)

The Screen Faded to Black, as Riku and Lilith would stare at the Screen.

In Large Red Letters, it would show the Demiwars Title.

(The Intermission Ends)

The Scene Shifted to a Conference Room, where we see Xebec sitting nonchalantly

Xebec: (Serious) "As you see, I brought you all here for a reason."

Xebec, Continued: "This Reason is to bring me back, the Julie Girl either dead or alive."

???: (Nodding) "I Understand But Make Sure Call Us when Planning."

???: (continuing) "I'll bring the others over to help you, alright."

Xebec would nod to them, elegantly. 

Xebec eyed at Nora, saying: "get one of the prisoners to do the mission, so i can talk to my allies in peace got it."

Xebec muttered to Nora, saying: "tell them that the mission is a life or death situation..so no failures required understand."

Xebec kissed Nora, before she ran off to scout a prisoner to do the mission.

(Music Plays for the Intermission)

The Screen Faded to Black, as Riku and Lilith would stare at the Screen.

In Large Red Letters, it would show the Demiwars Title.

(The Intermission Ends)

Nora would walk over to Xebec as she whispered in his ear, "I Got Someone for the Mission."

Xebec would nod, as he shouted "APPEAR BEFORE MY SIGHT, CRETEN."

The Guy walked inside the room, bowing down to Xebec and Nora, saying "Don't Worry I'll End The One you want me to end.."

Xebec would ask for his name, which the guy said "My Name is Owen."

Nora would hand Owen the Picture of the Target, which caused him to lick his lips and leave to find her.

Owen would smirk at it as he said, "this will be easier said than done" 

Owen would show what his essentia was which was a blue like flame type of power, somewhat causing xebec to impress at it.

Xebec would order Owen to Leave, to which he does and uses his speed to dash to find the woman.

Xebec: "Nora, Go keep a eye on Owen for me, alright.. since imma meet up with the people from before so we can discuss our plan to destroy those Filthy Mortals for me..."

Nora would bow down to Xebec, before running off to keep an eye on Owen.

Xebec would sigh as he walked down to where the capsule was, which was about 80% finished from now, causing him to smile brightly.

Xebec: (smirking) "before the day of the tournament, you'll be out to wreck havoc on those humans" 

Xebec then walked off, as he then checked his watch, realizing that his guests will be returning for the next meeting, causing him to smirk.

(Music Plays for the Intermission)

The Screen Faded to Black, as Riku and Lilith would stare at the Screen.

In Large Red Letters, it would show the Demiwars Title.

(The Intermission Ends)

We then Shift outside, where we see Riku Akiyama And His Friends talking to each other.

Riku would yawn a bit, as he was feeling tired from training for a minute and a half.

Nari eyed at Riku, who wasn't taking training seriously causing her to get annoyed.

Riku: (smugly) "Do I Have to take this seriously?!"

Nari would create a fist and walked to Riku, whacking him in the head causing him to wince in pain.

Nari: (Annoyed) "Now can we take this seriously... and Jiya make sure to stay focus and maintain your essentia levels alright."

Jiya nodded at Nari, as she would focus on her essentia, creating a ki like aura with it.

Nari eyed Riku, as she then focused on her own essentia training.

Riku sighed, as Lilac appeared before Riku asking him, "Get Along with your friends alright."

Lilac would eye Nari and Jiya asking Riku, "You like them don't you?!"

Riku would get embarrassed at that comment, causing him to blush slightly.

Riku: (Embarrassed) "N-NO I D-DON'T"

Riku would eye the tree that he was resting beside, as a similar silhouette of Lilith would drop down from it.

Riku would move out the way, as Lilith landed on the ground in front of him.

Lilith: (grinning, slightly) "How about this, if i win i will expose you to everyone, but if you win i will join your team in the demiwars tournament"

Riku would sigh, as he asked "You Really Want to Fight Me?"

Lilith would start to get annoyed at Riku, as she yelled "YES I DO"

Riku would sigh as he closed his eyes, tapping into his mind as he thought of a power to use.

Lilith would unleash her poison essentia as she unleashed her blade, pointing it at Riku.

Riku would think of a random ability but something changed within Riku, as he thought of not using any abilities.

Lilith would get annoyed at the fact, Riku isn't using any abilities against her causing her to dash at him angrily.

Riku would think of ways to counter the attack that's incoming at him.

Lilith would send a palm strike at Riku, causing him to spit out blood from the impact.

Riku would slowly regain composure via the attack Lilith used on him.

Riku would close his eyes as he thought of Vivio's Martial Arts Ability (she's from a anime called magical girl lyrical nanoha)

Riku would dash at Lilith, as he performed Accel Smash Infinity which was a combo attack that involved him to use a simple strike combination techinque.

Lilith would try to fight back but was overpowered by Riku, due to the combo he using against her.

Lilith was sent into the tree, bleeding a bit but she decided to go all out, as she put all her essentia into one attack which Riku followed by charging a Flash Bullet to defeat her.

Lilith would unleash her attack, sending at Riku which Riku did the same thing by firing his flash bullet attack at her, beam clashing with her.

Riku and Lilith would pant after the beam clash was over with, causing Riku to dash forward, sending a elbow to her stomach causing Lilith to pass out finally.

Nari and Jiya ran over to where Riku was, also noticing Lilith as they helped her up.

Riku sighed as he simply told Lilith, "I Want to be friends with you but not only that a teammate you can count on." 

Riku: (sighing) "You Guys want to get ice cream and watch a movie for now?"

Lilith, Nari and Jiya would nod as they followed Riku, slightly growing their friendship but bonds were growing as well.

(Music Plays for the Intermission)

The Screen Faded to Black, as Riku and Lilith would stare at the Screen.

In Large Red Letters, it would show the Demiwars Title.

(The Intermission Ends)

We would shift to outside where we see Julie walking around the campus, at night.

Julie would be deep in thought, thinking of how to kill Xebec, and to end the demiwars before it starts soon.

A Strange Rumbling Noise would be heard by the bushes as a strange man appeared before Julie, causing her to increase guard.

Julie: (serious) "Who's There?"

???: (Shouting) "Raising Burst!!!" A Blue Giant Fire Blast was seen in the distance, causing Julie to use her Shadow Style Techinque and sent the flame upwards.

Julie: (Serious) "Found You"

Julie would use her shadow style techinque, appearing behind Owen, striking him into the pavement.


Owen: {Smugly} "Don't Worry about it..."

Owen would send multiple blue fireballs at Julie's Way.


Julie: (Annoyed) "Quit Playing Around and Fight Seriously."

Owen would dash forward at Julie as he engaged in hand to hand combat with Julie, as shockwaves of their attacks could be seen in a distance.

Julie: (serious) "why isn't he going down... how is he able to withstand my attacks??"

Owen would lick his lips as he said, "alright pretty lady, it's time to go meet your papa."

Owen would laugh before finally unleashing his power, entering something called "Essentia Overdrive" (Essentia Overdrive is similar to Mana Zone)

Julie would brace for impact, as she was sent crashing into the pavement of the ground.

Julie coughed up blood, as she slowly tried to get up only to get beaten by Owen again.

Owen would strike Julie without hesitation, not allowing her to attack at all.

Julie's Essentia would burst as she continued to think about Riku, and how she was proud of raising him.

Julie: (serious) "Shadow Essentia Style: Cosmic Burst" (think of miwa when you think of this character)

Julie would notice that this attack would destroy her ability to use her shadow essentia for good, putting a slight smile on her face.

Julie sent a elbow strike into Owen's Chest, sending him back.

Julie would smirk as she would show his hand fully, yelling "COSMIC BURST" as a Gray Shaded Blast formed unleashing all of Julie's essentia at Owen.

Owen would scream in pain, as he was hit by the blast causing him to bleed.

Julie felt her essentia fading, causing her eyesight to become blurry.

Owen would walk menacingly, as he then kicked Julie into the air, causing her to bleed a bit much than usual.

Julie would smile, as she realized she might dead from this battle.

Owen would drop down, as he caught her before she was sent into the ground.

Owen: (smirking) "You can show yourself now, Nora."

Nora would reveal herself to Owen and Julie, asking if why she is here.

Julie: (eyeing Nora) "not telling you, bitch.."

Nora would get pissed off, as she unleashed her essentia before hiding her essentia back.

We would get a glimpse of a Spiky Haired Male, hiding in the trees waiting for the perfect moment to strike 

???: (relaxed tone, smirking) "I guess i could go down and help that person but i should let it play out."

Nora would sense someone hiding above them, finally using her essentia to throw something at where the person was hiding at but they were no longer there.

???: (Laughing, immaturely) "you should take anger management classes, lady"

Nora: (annoying) "SHUT UP."


Nora would tell Owen to not die as she inflicted a curse which kills him if he loses at all.

Nora: (keeping her composure, a bit) "i'm not going to waste my time on a child like you."

???: (serious) "then let that woman go freely then..."

Nora: (chuckled seriously) "How About No.."

Nora would vanish within the shadows, as Owen was urging to kill someone at least.

Owen would eye at Julie who was grabbed by him, causing him to drop her but send her flying into the pavement.

??? would get hit in the crossfire, getting sent into the ground from the impact of the wind force from the attack.

Owen would eye the mysterious guy, asking what his name is so that he could kill him in honor.

??? would be revealed as Yusei Akiyama, after their mask cracked in half.

Yusei: (Serious) "Just Know, I'm going to kill you for breaking my mask..."

A Dark Aura would surround Yusei, as he turned to stare at Owen.

Julie would throw a rock at Owen, causing him to sprint at her this time.

Owen: (Angry) "YOU WILL DIE FOR HITTING ME." he would charge a huge ass blast at Julie, hitting her in the process.

Little did Julie Know, she was protected by Yusei as he sent the Blast Upwards.

Owen would go all out as he then turned his blue flame essentia into a brighter blue variant color, eyeing Julie and Yusei.

Yusei was attempted to use his black hole techinque but Julie would stop him, telling him to give Riku something to remember her by.

Yusei's eyes widen, realizing Julie was there for his brother Riku like he was her child

Julie would smile, before she realized she still have a little essentia left so she used a rock infused with her last remaining essentia to send it straight through Owen's Chest.

Owen would cough up blood, after realizing there's a hole through his chest, before his final breath he decided to fire a small beam like flame blast into Julie's Chest.

Julie would fall back after getting hit by the blast, smiling about being able to see Riku but now she was glad that she could also meet her father, Nobuki again.

Yusei would pick up Julie's body, as he buried her by the school. 

The Souls of Julie and Owen would get sent into the capsule, infusing into the hybrid.

The Capsule would finally break as the water flowed, showing the hybrid slowly waking up.


The Scene would Shifted to a Conference Room, where we see Xebec sitting down seriously.

Xebec: (smirking) "So This will be the week where the main event is going to happen.."

Xebec would eye the others, as he called for the light purple haired male to know his name.

???: (confusingly) "I'm Kiyoshi Kagura, At Your Service Sir"

Xebec: (impressed) "I can't wait to see useful you'll become after"

Xebec would tell Kiyoshi to send his lackeys like he said he would send, which he does.

6 People would walk over to Kiyoshi as they stood beside him, facing Xebec.

The 6 People would be revealed to be Azumi, Kenta, Suzuka, Umiko, Hiroyuki and Suna. 

Kiyoshi: (serious) "with them, being with me we'll work with you however we have one more member but she's dealing with something rn."

Xebec: (nods) "that's fine"

Kiyoshi and his members would name themselves, Zero Kaiden (ゼロカイデン).

Xebec would smirk as he realized that he have new people to join him in destroying the mortals.

We then shift to where the hybrid was finally waking up.

???: (confused) "...where am...i?"

???: (still confused) "...Who...am...i?"

??? would run out of the basement, as she eyed the room but she would realize that it'll be useful for her to escape for now as she used her teleport ability, teleporting somewhere which spooked her that she's in someone's dorm.

??? would sleep on the couch, not knowing anyways and without Riku's knowledge.

Preview For Next Arc:

"Start of a New Saga, Demiwars Tournament Officially Begins."

Riku would walk off as he looked a bit more serious than usual.


(Japanese Version for the Prologue Arc will be Made soon for Demiwars)