
Demigod of Destruction

Unfortunately, Leo's Space ship deviated from its path and crashed into the Sun, dooming him and his companion to a horrifying end. Yet fate had more sinister plans as godlike beings gave Leo another chance in a menacing alternate world. In this realm filled with deceit, terror, and enigma—would Leo leverage this wicked chance for immense power or become entangled in an even darker destiny in this new life? ---------------------------×-------------------------- Chapter Length Between 1000 to 1300 words

Story_Killer · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Cute Fight or Serious Battle ?


When Leo heard Riyu's voice and turned back, he stumbled into the wall and fell.

A painful cry echoed throughout the air as he exclaimed, "Aaah!" Mommy! Aahuchhh!

Leo looked up in pain and asked in an irritated tone, "You old aunty, why did you call me?"

"Who old aunty?" Leo could sense the fury in Riyu's voice, but he uttered the words that the girl hated to hear.

"Obiously you,"

You could see anyone other than yourself.

"If I am old aunty then you are an stingy old pervert," When Riyu uttered those words, Leo sensed the deadly intent emanating from Riyu's body.

How could you say something like that to me? Don't you remember I freed you from this tomb?

Their heated exchange words lasts for another hour until they were too exhausted to continue arguing.

Leo threw his hands in surrender when he noticed that Riyu was still in the midst of an argument and said, "Everything occurred thats all my fault, you are completely innocent and cute little girl."

"Are you happy now? Can we end this?"

"If you knew that it was your fault then why did you argue so unnecessarily with me?" Hearing riyu's words caused leo to freeze for a moment.

Leo sighed deeply at the thought that even gods could not win a debate against their wives; what chance did he have?

"Please come out from the scroll, Miss Beautiful.

I would not call you an old aunty again."

"You still called me an old aunty."

Leo put his hand on his head, wondering why it was so difficult to convince girls.

In explanation, he stated again, "Please come out of the scroll, Miss Beautiful."

After some time, Riyu emerged from the book and said angrily, "If you call me an old lady once more, I will never come out of this book again."

Leo attempted to butter her up and replied, "The most beautiful lady in the universe, please calm down.

I apologize again, Your highness.

Today I forgive you but if you do it again then I will never talk to you."

"By the way Riyu, Is it not appropriated for a man to ask any woman about her age, but I am curious about your age?

May be its"18".

She added, "I was trapped in this tomb for more than 500 years, but my age growth stopped after I attached to this scroll."

Leo thought to himself that she was too younger; that's why she was so temperamental.

"What were you thinking?"


He then continued to ask, "Where was the door of Nature Valley?"

Riyu responded, saying that there was no need to find the door to access Nature Valley.

She added that she knew of a secret door that opened into an ancient temple but only opened once every seven years, and today it would be open.

Leo inquired further as to where the door was located; Riyu replied with instructions to concentrate one's soul energy in a particular rock.

"Actually, my meridians were damaged, causing my soul power to be quite weak," The leo's helplessness could be felt by riyu when leo stated those words.

Riyu immediately offered to help him fix his meridians, and they worked together to restore his powers.

Once he felt ready, Leo thanked Riyu and they set out on their journey to find the secret door.

As they approached the rock, Leo felt a surge of energy rush through his body.

He focused his energy on the rock, and suddenly, a bright light shone through the cracks.

As they stepped through the doorway, they found themselves in a dark, mysterious temple.

Leo and Riyu cautiously made their way through the temple, wary of any dangers that may lurk within.

As they progressed, they noticed strange markings on the walls, symbols that seemed to glow in the dim light of their torches.

Leo was fascinated by the mystery of the temple, but Riyu was wary.

She had heard stories of people who had entered the temple and never returned.

But Leo was determined to find the door to Nature Valley, and he led the way deeper into the temple.

Suddenly, they heard a sound, a soft rustling that echoed through the halls.

They froze, listening intently, but the sound stopped.

Leo turned to Riyu, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Did you hear that?" he exclaimed.

"I don't like this," Riyu nodded, but she looked nervous.

But Leo was too caught up in the mystery of the temple to listen.

He pushed forward, determined to find the door.

As they reached the end of the corridor, they found themselves in a large room, dominated by a massive stone altar.

On the altar lay a Crystal, its surface glowing with an inner light.

Leo recognized the Crystal immediately.

This was the Crystal that held the secrets of Nature Valley.

He reached for the Crystal, but as he touched it, the room suddenly began to shake. The walls trembled, and the floor heaved beneath their feet.

Riyu grabbed Leo's arm, and they ran for the exit.

As they burst out of the temple, they saw that the sky had turned dark.

A storm was brewing, and lightning crackled in the sky.

Leo and Riyu looked at each other, both wondering if they had made a mistake in coming here.

But then Leo remembered the Crystal, and he held it tightly in his hands. He knew that the secrets contained within this scroll were worth any risk.

Together, he and Riyu set out on their journey to unlock the mysteries of Nature Valley, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Leo muttered to himself, "Oh no, I'm just stucked in an illusion." But why I saw that scroll? Eventually, he heard Riyu's voice.

"It's all right. There's no need to be sad. I understand the issue you're facing and I'm here to help. Just take my hand and focus your power..."

Leo placed his hands on Riyu's hands and focused his spiritual energy on the wall of rock. The wall began to tremble and eventually crumbled, revealing a doorway before them.

Upon noticing the open door, Leo began to exult with glee. This caused Riyu to recall the occasion when Leo had grasped her hands;

Riyu's pulse began to quicken and she experienced an indescribable emotion.

Leo stopped dancing and turned his attention to Riyu; her face was flushed, and she seemed lost in thoughts.

"Are you okay, Riyu?"

Upon hearing Leo's question, Riyu emerged from her thoughts and replied,

"Yes." Leo then said, "Let's go," and they entered the door in front of them.

When they arrived at the ancient temple, Leo said, "Finally we're here," to which Riyu replied, "Yes."

"Prior to entering the ancient temple, remember the first challenge will be a trial of mental fortitude. You must confront your fears and endure any pain that may come."

"I understand, Riyu."

Leo entered the ancient temple to take the first test, and after some time, Riyu heard a frequent anguished cry coming from the temple that lasted for 30 minutes.

Eventually, Leo emerged with a cheerful expression on his face and uttered in a shaky voice: "I succeeded, Riyu!"