

It's been 9 months after an incident that has caused everyone to hate Dennis and there is nothing that he can do to get the forgiveness of everyone he has hurt. One day after getting lost and ending up in a bad neighborhood he is saved by the youngest generation of superheroes the "Opresores de la Injusticia a Favor de la Gente Comun."

PogLoser · 都市
2 Chs


It was the 5th time Dennis has had that nightmare, "stay away from me, I hate you. How could you do something like that? Do you not have morals? Don't come any closer to me, we aren't friends anymore" those words echoed through his mind, "God damn I think that I should probably sleep more, but I can't resolve my problem asleep" he thought to himself, as of today it marked the 9th month of the incident that made everyone start despising Dennis, tired of this he decided that the best way to make everyone forget his mistake was to search for a way to manipulate memories.

"Oh right today the Opresores de la injusticia a favor de la gente común

come to school, maybe I could enlist as one of them, save some hostages, kill a few pandilleros, and" as Dennis's imagination grew wilder he fell asleep.

As he drifted to sleep he was transported to a place familiar to him, the place where horrible acts were committed "Blue Lagoon High-School, the place where you committed a crime and the last place you will see, Dennis Dickson we the Enforcers of Justice and Law condemn you to death" he heard a voice say "everyone you have terrorized up until this moment will finally see justice" a woman spoke, it was a voice that had nothing but hate in it stating something that Dennis could not ignore. "

In the school he could see it, everyone had come to see this, it was the justice that they had craved, "do it" a boy who looked more like an adult said "a man who has sinned as much as him must perish" a dark-skinned girl shouted enthusiastically. "And the man who will be your executor will be none other than him," another girl said

Everyone screamed as loudly as possible when he appeared.

Out of a door came out a man whose appearance could only be described as imposing. Kevlar armor with red spandex below, a mask with the shape of a bird's face, and 2 wings made out of presumably fire.

He was the Phoenix the Opresor which Dennis respected the most, with his powers that paralleled those of the greek bird of the same name he was arguably the best of the new generation of heroes who only cared about looking good on camera for he was one of the few who cared about the wellbeing of everyone with a disregard of his life or material goods, hating nothing but evil he was the embodiment of justice and pillar of hope in this decaying world.

Cowering in fear Dennis ran, he could not think of anything but surviving, outnumbered and overwhelmed he could not outrun everyone, and as he gave up out of nowhere a pillory appeared, and as it appeared a girl without a left arm seized him, about to get put in there Dennis started crying. "No please I don't want to die " he screamed.

"you should've thought twice before sinning," the phoenix said after they had grabbed him he was locked to the pillory with no means to escape.

"Curse the man in front of us, send him to hell, Curse the man whose atrocities history won't forget, Curse the man whose name is Dennis Dickson for he can not repent His flesh will serve as a reminder of his sins while his blood will become part of Enaorin who will punish him for eternity for he must pay for his sin."

As everyone's chants increased in intensity he could see that they were expressionless as if they were dolls and while the violence increased in the chants the sword of fire went directly to Dennis's neck.

as his head rolled off his body he could see him, the boy he despised the most, dark-skinned and a handsome face with a lean build with a disappointed face said "it seems that you have gotten what you deserve Dennis, I hope that in hell someone finds pity for you."

As he said that Dennis woke up with a scream, still in shock from that dream he checked to see if he still had his head.

As he was moving his head he could see his room, featureless walls that were all plain and boring, a bed that was the same tone of black as his hair, and a nice old fashioned wooden desk with an inexpensive laptop on top as well.

"at least it was a different dream this time," he said to calm himself down.

¨Do I have to do this? What if he makes me disappear as my hamster did?"

"Don't worry Dad will kick him out if he even dares to do something to you, besides this is just a simple innocent little prank."

"innocent? what does that mean?"

Dennis could hear a boy and a girl having a lively conversation outside his room, those were his 2 cousins and they had a terrible relationship, to say the least, their names were James and Harper Johnson.


"Ummm… yes he is also here with…. uh…. what was his name again?" James said trying to remember what he was instructed to say.

"We all know that is a lie" Dennis sighed, "If he were here then the whole house would've melted down by now." He might've been accustomed to this but it was not to say that repeating the same routine was not annoying.

"This is all your fault James," Harper said, her plans being thwarted by a young boy must've made her angry.

"I'm only 6," James said, trying to shift away the blame from him.

"And so what? Do you think that being 6 is a reasonable excuse for not remembering a 1 vowel name? Are you that dumb? Well it doesn't matter now does it, i hope that this makes you think twice before ruining my plans."Harper retorted this was her last chance to pull something like this off, now that Dennis knew what was going on it was unlikely that she could drive him away from her house.

Alright Jamie you need to be punished for your misdeeds. As she said that she touched his face and just as she removed her touch something bizarre started to happen.

"Aaah, what's happening to me" James screamed while his body was shriveling up at a fast rate.

Now looking like a prune James was whimpering and crying about how he wanted his mom to pick him up.

"Stop you're gonna kill him!" Dennis exclaimed while he watched in horror.

"aaaah I need water" James whispered while his body was like that of a shriveled fruit.

"Do you think I would kill anyone? I'm not like you prick, I wouldn't murder anyone for no reason, and besides, we've lived for 6 years under the same roof and you still don't know what our powers are? You really are a self-centered asshole aren't you?" With all the hatred and hostility of the world, Harper said the words that she had previously said to Dennis.

"I didn't kill anyone" Dennis whimpered, although he had already heard these words anytime he heard them he would always feel shocked.

"What you did was basically murder for an athlete, I would know I am an athlete myself" Harper replied to Dennis' words with her thoughts on what he said.

"It's not prosthetics are a thing anyways" Trying to end the conversation Dennis said the most messed up thing he could think to say in this situation.

Unable to say anything else Harper did something and James came back to life.

"Remember Dennis, one of these days I will make sure that you land in jail" as she was exiting the room Harper said those words with nothing but resentment in her words.

"But isn't Jail like a very prestigious University? Why would you want to send him there if you hate him Harpie?" James innocently asked Harper unknowing of what she meant.

"No Jamie, jail is a place where assholes like him belong," Harper answered his question with a righteous smile on her face, there was nothing in the world that she hated more than that which she perceives to be unjust and what Dennis had done was one of those things.

"Man, not even my family likes me now, just how more do you want me to suffer Barbara?"

As Dennis pondered this question he realized it was already time to go to school.

Walking through this neighborhood brought back nostalgic memories for Dennis from a time that would never come back, just thinking about it made him tear up a little. Distracted with all of his thoughts he didn't realize that he had entered the wrong street, when he turned his head up he saw it, bleak architecture reminiscent of the cyberpunk movies he used to watch with his uncle when he was younger, graffiti which said nothing but negative things about everything and anything with some drawings of a strange creature sprinkled in between, and as he realized where he was suddenly a man came from behind him.

He was short with black hair and blue eyes and wrinkles in his face like if he was a sharpei, truly inhuman he looked like if he came out of someone's worst nightmares.

"O Lord what have thee brought upon these eyes of mine, would it be a poor lamb that needs guidance or would it be a sacrifice for yourself truly? O Lord please guide me and tell me what must I do with the young man in front of me o lord please….." the man said enthusiastically increasing the speed of his words after every word he said until Dennis interrupted him.

"uh, do you know the time?" Dennis asked ignoring the old man's blabbering

"Why should I know? Time for you and me is different for I am nothing but a servant for Xolih" the man responded to Dennis elatedly.

"Uhhh are you high sir? Because if so then I must say that is very irresponsible, what would your children think." Dennis said dumbfounded on what he was witnessing.

"The only thing I'm high on is praise for our lord Xolih" The old man responded with an innocent smile on his face "I got it, you have sinned, haven't you? If that's the case I know what to do with you" the old man said to Dennis when he suddenly started doing something that could only be described as inhuman. His body started contorting like a snake and he became something that would be best described as indescribable, something that looked like it came out of the farthest depths of hell itself, two heads which looked like blobs but vaguely resembled a human face, tentacles for feet whose color was a shade of blue contrasting with the redness of the skin, the arms were still very skinny but now there were 4 of them

"O praise Lord Xolih for he has brought me a delicious meal to savior in front of everyone o lord I feel nothing but gratitude for you for this o my body and my soul are surrendered to you o lord praise be to the Lord who has been with me on the worst of times and whose company I feel even when I am alone," the thing said while walking towards Dennis.

Unable to move Dennis could only watch in horror as the thing's tentacles started to grab ahold of him, accepting his death he started crying and whispering something to himself

"damn it I'm to die, I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to please do something, someone please help me."

As if someone had heard this suddenly someone appeared.

"Don't worry fellow citizen. The electricity-based superheroine Lighting Girl is here to help! she exclaimed. She was wearing a white hoodie with a small lightning bolt in the middle, black pants with small lightning bolts in the tibia area as well as a yellow ski mask with clouds and lightning bolts where the eyes are to conceal her identity.

As she appeared the thing focused all of its malevolent attention to her.

" O Xolih you are too generous bringing me an entire feast o I give you my gratitude and my servitude o praise be…"

"I don't have much time so I'll need to do this quickly" she interrupted the thing as she started to spin.

"I hope that you don't die because if you do I will go to jail, but whatever I heard that there was this one guy who claimed that he had just developed his superpower and that worked I guess that I could do the same, actually that won't work, as an agent for the government, all of my information is public aside from my name and face which I consider dumb because it's easy to identify someone just based on their superpower. Whatever, just don't die after this ok?." as she finished monologuing the thing had extended its disgusting hands to grab her but as that was happening the girl had disappeared suddenly and without a trace

"Bet you won't like this," she said as she was at an arm's length of the thing, I hope that you are made out of rubber because i am going to zap you out of existence" as she said this she immediately gave the thing a swift punch, and as if it was struck by lightning the thing caught on fire.

"O Lord I am so fortunate to have put my faith in you for I would have ascended if that was not the case o praise be the to Xolih for it's not my time yet" the thing exclaimed with what could be suspected to be a smile on his faces, as she saw this she decided that the best course of action would be to run.

"Hey can you get up," she said to Dennis who had been at that moment weeping for forgiveness in the ground. "uh if you….nevermind I got this." As she said this she started snapping her fingers at superhuman speed, generating lighting to zap him and wake him up from whatever trance he was put on, as she was about to zap someone stopped her "Ch… I mean Lightning girl haven't we already told you that doing that will only make it harder for people to call us when they need help." That person exhaled like if this was a normal conversation they had from time to time, he had a black spandex suit with an orange hole in his face. "Lu… I mean Quasar don't you see that I'm busy? First, that thing appeared and while it was wreaking havoc this boy started acting like if he was in a trance so I thought maybe if I gave him a little shock he would come back to his senses." Lightning Girl said, trying to justify her actions.

"Just let me deal with this. We have a conference to attend in… where was it again? Blue Lagoon or something like that, you know what? Just enter the wormhole, it should leave you somewhere closer to the school than we are right now as he said that suddenly a hole appeared in the ground, it was of multiple colors which gave it the impression of being something from outer space. "Also tell Da… I mean Phoenix that we'll be running late." as he finished his sentence the girl went and entered the hole with Dennis, as they were traveling the hole she went to check the time when. "Huh? Where am I? Dennis had finally snapped out of his trance.

as he said that he stood up and looked around to identify where he was located.

"Huh? Something went incredibly wrong" He heard a female voice exclaim, she was looking paranoid to the point of removing her yellow gloves and biting her already short fingernails. "Lucas you dumbass you should have warned us beforehand." she murmured to herself.

"So are you going to tell me who you are? Are you a friend of Chad? Because if so this is the farthest he has gone, kidnapping me? Who would've thought that he would break his stupid moral code just because I pissed him off a bit? Like, let it go it's been 9 months already so just leave me alone. I swear that you're the ones that should get kicked out of school for how you treat me. So what if I did make your girlfriend leave school, shouldn't you be at fault for…..."

as he started venting his anger out of a door came a girl she looked about 15 years old, she had black hair and blue eyes and had a very pale skin tone, wearing a black tracksuit with white N's all over the place and a small letter N in the middle, and holding a small transparent needle she injected the colorless liquid that was stored in there into the unsuspecting Dennis, he collapsed onto the red carpet that decorated the quartz floor which complimented the marble walls with pictures of different masked individuals at the center of each one of them.

"Lightning Girl you can't bring outsiders without filling a form first, and even then they must be in a stable mental state, you wouldn't want to repeat that incident would you?" The girl angrily asked the anxious girl who was standing in front of her.

"Ignore the boy he probably had a rough morning, we have more important matters to discuss Ha...uhh I mean Pitch-clank was it?" Lightning girl responded to the other girl as she was sweating under her mask.

"I've told you thousands of times already Lightning Girl my codename is not Pitch-clank it was Pitch-black until I changed it a while back, now it is Noir, sounds cool doesn't it?." She replied to Lightning girl with the enthusiasm of a young kid who was talking about their favorite subject to their parents.

"Now Hannah we can talk about our names later, we have more important matters to discuss," Thunder Girl said looking distraught beneath her mask. "Anyways take care of the boy, I gotta see if Lucas is still alive, also tell The Director that we can't assist the assembly today." she ended the conversation abruptly as she disappeared leaving nothing but a burn mark on the floor.

"God damn it, you know that I'm terrible at talking with people." Hannah murmured under her breath as she went to wake up Dennis.

Waking up he could see that he was in an unfamiliar room, filled with replicas of classical paintings as he was seated in a red puff which he thought was comfortable. "Chad, I swear to god I'm telling the police you kidnapped me unless you kidnapped me so we can make up and restore our lost friendship? Go back to our old ways, and maybe you'll let me join the football team again?" Dennis said with hope in his eyes.

Hannah had a look of surprise on her face and as she was about to say something someone entered the room.

tell me what you thought about this story I'm trying to implement as much feedback as possible because this is my passion project that will be published for at least 5 years and I wouldn't want it to become a massive pile of shit.

(the same reason of why it's on hiatus for about a month)

PogLosercreators' thoughts