
Delinquent World

THIS IS DIALOGUE STORY The adventure of a main character called Zul Akmal who want to be number 1 strongest delinquent in the world, so he decided to become stronger day by day to achieve his goal, but in order to become number 1, he need to defeat all of delinquent and gangster in the world to be number 1. Author's Note : The book cover are not mine, it was taken at google and i edited it, the credit goes to original creator

Kurokawa_Zul · アクション
19 Chs

Gift For Saving A Life And...IT Brother?..

"The school has ended..."

Zul: Hmph *walking* (I guess, when we help people, good things happens to themselves)

Girl1: Wait!

Zul: ? (It was a girl back then) Yeah?

Girl1: *take a breath* B-before that... let me introduce myself, my name is Elina i like to thank you for saving us in the train

Zul: Oh no problem, i like to help people cause.. *getting flashback*

Elina: Because?

Zul: Well because good things will happens to themselves right?

Elina: Well that was true, well how old are you?

Zul: 15

Elina: Oh really? we're same age then!

Zul: (What the-) then why haven't you go to school today?? i saw you carrying a baby

Elina: Cause i'm married

Zul: ... I'm so sorry for your backstory-

Elina: Nah i just joking

Zul: (What the hell girl)

Elina: My parents wasn't at home so i need to take care of my brother

Zul: I see

Elina: Well cause you have saved my life would you like to have a dinner at my house?

Zul: ... *look at my watch* But is 3 p.m

Elina: I mean! if you want to have a lunch at my home!

Zul: *look at my phone* ... My mom already made a lunch

Elina: *bow my head* Please!

Zul: Sure i guess

Elina: Well follow me to my house

Syarul: YO ZUL!

Zul: ? Oh hey man

Syarul: Where are you going- *saw Elina* ... Hold up is that-

Zul: No

Syarul: Ok who are you?

Elina: Well Zul have saved my life so i like to thank him by making a lunch for him

Syarul: Ouhh~ *thumb up* Please.. take care of Zul he never have a girlfriend before

Zul: Actually we're not even dating

Syarul: BUT IMAGINE BRO! You saved her life! then you guys just become friends and then one day! you guys somehow marry and have a good life!

Zul: Wow what a "well made" story


Zul: (It was a shitty story)

Syarul: I.. i need to see this.. can i follow you guys?

Elina: Well sure! i don't mind

Syarul: (YES)

Zul: (Why)

Elina: Follow me! *walking*

Syarul: *follow her* (CAN'T WAIT TO TELL OTHER ABOUT THIS)

Zul: *follow her and look at Syarul*

Syarul: ?

Zul: Don't you dare tell other about this


Zul: I do

Syarul: (HOWW)

Zul: Because i can


Zul: No i meet many of people so i know what are they thinking, and i also able to read body language so it make it much easier

Elina: What are you guys talking about?

Syarul: Nothing

Zul: *bump on someone* Ah, sorry...

Delinquent1: Huh? *look at Zul* you need more than apologize

Syarul: Ayo?

Elina: ??

Delinquent2: What's wrong?

Delinquent1: Looks like this dude don't know how to apologize properly

Zul: (But i just apologized a few second ago)

Delinquen3: Should we teach him a lesson?

Delinquent1: *hold Zul's shirt and pull him* Next day, you going to bring me $60 for each of us or else we going to beat you

Syarul: *punch his cheek to the ground*

Delinquent1: ?!

Syarul: *uppercut his stomach*

Delinquent1: *cough*

Syarul: *uppercut his face*

Delinquent1: *my nose bleed and knock out*

Syarul: You guys are a thousand years behind Zul, if you even defeated by me, you can't even fight with Zul

Delinquent2: TCH! *kick him*

Syarul: *dash forward and kick his stomach*

Delinquent2: ?! *cough and knock to the ground*

Syarul: *dash to Delinquent3 and kick his shin*

Delinquent3: ?! OW

Syarul: *uppercut his chin*

Delinquent3: *blood come out from my mouth and knock out*

Syarul: *turn around*

Delinquent2: *kneel*

Syarul: *kick Delinquent2's face*

Delinquent2: *my nose bleed and knock out*

Syarul: You guys have no idea who you guys messing with, we are-


Syarul: (OH YEAH!, Looks like you really like to hide our identity)

Zul: (Actually, is just that i like a free food-)

Syarul: (I-i see)


Elina: Hope in! *get inside the house*

Zul and Syarul: *get inside*

Elina: It's ok! we already cooked the food

Elina's Mom: *gasp* Thank you so much cause saving my children's life! *hold Syarul's hand*

Syarul: °-°...

Elina: Mom! the one that saved our Iife is this guy! *point on Zul*

Elina's Mom: Oh! *hold Zul's hand* Thank you so much cause saving my children's life! i appreciate it! as a reward you can have a lunch at our house!

Syarul: Wait, so am i allow to eat too?

Elina's Mom: Yes you can, there is a lot of food!

Zul: *sit down* Ah.. (Damn this chapter kinda boring)

Syarul: OH MY GOD! THERE IS A LOT OF FOOD! *take a plate*

Zul: *sigh* Well let's eat up *take a plate*

*A Hour Later*

Zul: *tied my shoes and stand up* Hm.. *bow my head* Thank you for the food

Elina's Mom: It's ok! don't be so polite! you can come here anytime! and looks like Elina kinda like you


Zul: (I didn't remember a romance genre in this book??)

Syarul: Man you about to live a good life man, *tear up*

Zul: Bro why are you tearing-

Syarul: It's just because you finally going to have a girlfriend

Zul: Dude did you make fun of me?

Syarul: Kind off

Zul: Well we will be going now! *leave*

Syarul: See you guys later! *leave*

Zul: *get a call* Hmph? *answer the call*

Aman: Zul! there is a former gangster want to join our gang!

Zul: a former? who?

Aman: I-it was a gang from a Double Seven

Zul: ...

Syarul: *heard it* D-D-D-DOUBLE.. SEVEN?!

"Double Seven is one of the biggest gangster in the Malaysia"

Zul: Who?

Aman: They said they are IT Brother

Zul: IT Brother... (If i remember, a long time ago i have analyze about Double Seven but i laking a information, but i remember heard about IT Brother, they was kicked out of Double Seven cause being weak, they are Malay and Chinese family, but i don't mind accepting them) But.. for what reason they want to join us? are we really that strong?

Aman: They said that they want to become more stronger by joining our gang

Zul: But what REASON

Aman: They are rejected by other gang

Zul: Why?..

Aman: Hmm, i think you should come here instead and find the reason why...

Zul: I will

*Later, at the Ordinary Boys Hideout*

Zul: *arrived*

Syarul: *arrived and fall to the ground* FINALLY! WE'RE HERE! *take a breath* I-i think my lung about to die...

Aman: I told you i'm not a leader!

???1: Come on! we just wanted to be stronger!

???2: Yeah!

Aman: THERE HE IS! *point to Zul*

Zul: Ah, are you both IT Brother?

Iman: Yeah I'm Iman and this is my older brother Tuah

Tuah: We're mixed culture of Malay and Chinese

Zul: I already know that, but the question is why are they even rejected you guys? don't you guys a former of Double Seven?

Iman: We.. kicked out for the reason

Tuah: Yeah...

Iman: Long time ago, Double Seven was a huge gang of gangster even until now, and we was one of the strongest in that gang and we even have a tittle, but... one day, we got beaten easily by a monster..

Zul: A monster?

Tuah: Yeah, after that we was hospitalized for a 3 week... and then we got kicked out, we expected to be able to join other gang but.. there was a rumors about us

Iman: Yeah, the rumors said that we got beat up by the normal member and hospitalized for a 4 month, that's the reason why there is no gang that wanted to accept us..

Tuah: Yeah...

Zul: Well if you join our gang that means we will have about 48 Members include both of you and the captains

Tuah: Wait, so doesn't it means that you going to accept us?!

Iman: Really?!

Zul: Yeah, i mean why not? (I saw through their stats...)



Strength: A

Speed: B+

Battle IQ: AA+

Durability: A

Zul: (Iman have a good stats)



Strength: B+

Speed: A

Battle IQ: AA+

Durability: A+

Zul: (Tuah too, but they both have same battle iq) Are you both a duo?

Tuah: We are!

Iman: Yeah!

Zul: Well, start from now, you both a part from Ordinary Boys, you guys now are one of the captain in this gang with a tittle called.. Ordinary Twins

Afiq: (That was fast)

Zul: Well should we test your skills?

Iman: *warm up* Sure

Tuah: It's has been a long time since i have fight... but it sure can get me stronger than before *warm up*

Zul: Alright.. then


10 Of OB: *walk in*

OB1: Haha.. i'm nervous

OB2: (Why our life always be a punching bag)

Nizam: *walk in* I'm in

Syarul: Same *walk in*

Aman: Alright! Get ready!

Iman: *ready with stance*

Tuah: *ready with stance*

Aman: Set!

Syarul: *ready with stance*

Nizam: *ready with stance*

Zul: (Iman and Tuah seems like have Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu or Judo, Syarul was a street fighter where he uses a combo, Nizam also have a street fighter where he mostly use a fist)

Aman: FIGHT!

Iman: *dash to OB1*

OB1: ?! *punch him*

Iman: *dodge and uppercut his stomach*

OB1: ?! *cough a blood*

Iman: *lift him and smash him to the ground*

OB1: *knock out*

Tuah: *punch OB2's face*

OB2: *my nose bleed* ?!

Tuah: *punch his chest*

OB2: *knock back really far*

OB3: *kick Tuah* HAA!!

Tuah: *catch his leg and hold his neck*

OB3: ?!

Tuah: *lift him and smash him to the ground*

OB3: *cough*

Zul: (Is it mixed of Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu and Judo?)

Iman: HAA!! *tackle OB4*

Tuah: *punch OB5's cheek to the ground*

OB5: *knock out*

Iman: *lock OB4 to the ground* TUAH

Tuah: *run to OB4 and kick him*

OB4: ?! *knock out*

Syarul: Holy crap.. they are strong

Nizam: Now i'm nervous

Syarul: But hey! it's ok! cause we are captains of Ordinary Boys *wear a sunglasses*

OB10: *knock to front Syarul and Nizam*

Nizam: ?!

Syarul: Ah *take off my sunglasses* Well... time to fight i guess

Iman: *tackle Nizam*

Nizam: ?! *dodge* HA! *uppercut his chin*

Iman: *kneel and catch his arm*

Nizam: ?!

Iman: *lift him and smash him to the ground and pull his arm while stepping on his shoulder* NOW! *fully locked him*

Nizam: MY ARM!!

Syarul: ?! *dash to them*

Tuah: *kick him away*

Syarul: *knock to the ground* ?!

Tuah: *dash to Nizam and punch his face*

Nizam: *my nose bleed* ?!

Iman: *stand up and spin while holding his arm*

Nizam: MY ARMM!!

Iman: *stomp his face*

Nizam: *knock out*

Syarul: *dash to Iman*

Zul: (They target Nizam first)

Syarul: *barraging Iman*

Iman: *block* Tch!

Tuah: *kick his stomach*

Syarul: ?! *cough*

Iman: *punch his face and uppercut his chin*

Syarul: *knock to the ground*

Tuah: *going to punch his face*

Aman: STOP!!

Tuah: *stop*

Syarul: °-°... (THANK GOD)

Zul: You guys proof to me that you guys capable to join our gang, for now you guys are Ordinary Twins *give a black jacket and white jacket*

Iman: *take a black jacket* YO!!

Tuah: *take white jacket* Cool!

Zul: (I'm glad my gang finally grow bigger...)

"Arrival of IT Brother already make Ordinary Boys unstoppable, can they beat the other strong gang???"