
Delicious Souls


Dao_of_listless · ファンタジー
24 Chs


The cushioning of the couch softened my fall and snuggled me with warmth. I felt like I could sleep in an instant, and I did. Totally forgetting to lock the door and change my clothes.

Coming back to reality in an instant I felt like I needed more sleep. Grabbing a nearby pillow I pulled in into my arms. Hearing a slight yelp, I ignored the sound and hugged the pillow. Obviously it couldn't be someone, why would someone even be in my room? Waking up to a pillow in my arms justified my whole conversation in my head. Changing out of my old clothes, I went to the bathroom to shower.

Turning on the shower, hot water blasted out the shower head. Thanks to my resistance I only felt hot water, instead of boiling hot water. Lowering the temperate I showered for a few minutes. Or 40 minutes? Showers felt so short yet so long. Changing into a clear pair of shorts and shirt I looked at the stat screen whilst turning on the news.

[Nep Rodger lvl 10 (Class Available)

Age: 15

Strength: 18.7

Dexterity: 19

Constitution: 28

Magic: 20

Stat point: 0

Blessing: Golden Phoenix, Ghost Phoenix

Talent: Golden Body lvl 1, Soul Fire lvl 3, Soundless Steps lvl 1

Skill: Mana Presence lvl 1, Fire Magic lvl 4, Herb Search / Identify lvl 2, Darkness Magic lvl 3]

Clicking on 'Class Available' another screen popped up.

[Congratulations! Evaluation for your class will begin soon...]

Evaluation? So I'm going to be given a class, based on what? Just like the system said, another screen popped up moments later.

[Choose: Good/Evil/Neutral]

I chose neutral, what's the point of being good when there's always going to be evil. Evil was just out of the question, I'm not that person secretly.

[Choose who to save: Friends/Family/Random Person]

My finger hovered over 'Random Person'. If I could save a person, then that's all that matters. But my 'friends' and family are a different matter. Though I don't hold grudges, I still hate them both.

[Choose: Life/Death/Immortality]

I straightaway picked life. It's obvious.

[Choose your purpose: Pleasure/Strength/Wisdom]

I chose pleasure and resumed the quiz. I'm not going to deny it, but I'm a selfish person inside. I declared that I'm going to experience life and I want to be happy doing it.

[Choose your method: Physical/Magic/Spiritual]

I chose spiritual to go along with my plan of becoming an exorcist.

[Final Question - Choose your method of coping: Lies/Truth]

Hesitating, I didn't want none of these. I don't want to be through an incident where I have to chose between these two methods. I want to be lied to, but I also want to know the truth.

Eventually picking truth, the screen lighted up brightly which caused me to shut my eyes. Even through my eye lids I could feel the brightness. After a few moments the brightness calmed down and I could see once more.

On the blue screen was the words...

[Congratulations! You have been given:

Class: Soul Translator

A seeker of the truth through the soul, a wandering person who doesn't take any side. The one who lives by their owns rules and governs their own life. Who is detached to this world except through the spirit world. Who seeks life by its rules, not through immortality or early death. The bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world.

Effect: Skill - Soul Communicate, +10% Perception]

My mind cleared and my eyes blinked open to an almost different world. The world seemed more bright and vivid. It looked much more detailed and sophisticated. Well, that's unexpected.

'I understand your worries even though it may sound weak, your class will evolve once your level 25'

Fine. I sulked slightly but accepted it. I can't reverse this, I can only make this work. Getting out of the house I want to find some green soul crystals to increase my magic stat.

Which monster most likely has the nature element? Going out on to the streets and buying some information at the information booth, it cost me 5 nor. Little by little, my money was dwindling.

Going to the adventure guild, the only reason this place wasn't an option was because they chose you. Not the other way around. They were the ones that received the commissions and requests, they also handle the affairs with other cities.

Going there, they had open quests. Open quest are quests that don't require any guild to complete them and don't have much requirements. You just had to apply for a temporary guild membership and complete the commission. Once you complete back the request you must have some sort of evidence and then you receive the reward.

The information had said that I had bought said that there was an open quest about wind elementals. Seeing how they fit my requirements, I went to take a look. They indeed had the open quest about wind elementals, but many had their eyes on it.

Suspicious I asked the attendant and he said that there was not one person who accepted the quest that survived. The adventurers at that guild took it as a challenge and made each other do the quest only to end up missing.

Curiosity almost took over making me accept the quest, but I rejected it. Choosing another quest it was about some evil wind fairies. Seeing it rank 2 on the monster scale, I almost rejected it too. But having killed that ogre warlock, I had enough confidence to accept it.