
Delicious Souls


Dao_of_listless · ファンタジー
24 Chs

“How do you make money?”

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, different then the one I was in, in the academy. Why does stuff keep happening when I'm asleep. Let me at least have some say in where I go!

As I got off the shabby bed that looked worn out with age, my stomach growled in hunger and searched for a source of food. By the bed side was a note, grabbing it and reading it's contents it said: 'We here at the Hunters Academy would like to personally invite you to next years entrance exam. We hope to see you there to officially become a member of our academy' Below it was signed Miss Delilah, that must be the principal or something.

Underneath that same letter was another by the same person. It read: "I would like to apologise, you must be very confused. Let me clear things up, you were released from our custody and without any home to return you too, we have rented this room for you for 1 week as well as breakfast. Sorry it can't be any more. I wish you will go to the Hunter's Exam for our academy but it is your choice. By your lovely teacher, Miss Delilah' I guess she isn't the principal? Then why did she get me an invitation to the exam?

Putting the letters into my inventory, I saw myself through the mirror. My hair messy and rugged with stray pieces going everywhere. My faced looked ever so punchable as it reminded me of my bullies and on my body was ACTUAL CLOTHES! Just a simple grey shirt with nicely fitted black jeans.

Getting out of my room in plain white shoes, I entered the halls with a dizzy mind from waking up. Walking through the hallway to the elevators, I pressed the down button and waited for the elevator. Only when the elevator did arrive, someone came as well. Not looking at the person and focusing on my food deprived stomach, I entered the elevator ignorantly.

Pressing the ground button, I saw the lady beside me as well. Dressed in a red business suit she seemed very professional and competent. As soon as the elevator arrived at the lobby, the lady strode herself confidently out the door and out of the hotel.

Sighing at the amount of energy she had made me realise my own lacklustre attitude. I straightened my back and walked my way to the restaurant in the lobby. It was a small establishment but it seemed packed with people. Maybe because I had changed since I came to this world, or because I was too tired to notice, I had totally ignored the crowed in its entirety and my social skills and got breakfast.

Just some bacon and egg with toast, a classic. As I was eating I though about my financial situation which sounds very complicated. System? How can I make money?

'Simple, you work!'

Be more specific.

'You try to get hired at a job you would apply for and then work, this in turn would make you money'

Due to my situation, what's the best job I can do?

'Work for a guild. They accept applicants who complete a certain task they give and just like that, your in. You give them your details and they assign you into one of their departments'

What do you mean details?

'Like your age, name, your role in a party and some other skills'

I think I have an idea for my role. I'll be an exorcist! That way I can do my job and eat at the same time, I'm a genius.

'There something wrong with your statement. Ghosts are the manifestation of your soul crystal. The only reason they still roam the world without going into heaven or hell is because they still hold resent in theirs hearts. When you kill ghosts, they drop damaged souls crystals. They are a massive downgrade to normal soul crystals'

System? What's the average stat for people in this world?


Soul attacks are my only use! I'm below average in everything so I can only be an exorcist. System, at what level can my soul fire damage ghosts?

'Your current level can't kill them, but it will scare them away. Level 3 is the stage where you can damage ghosts'

Then that's today's plan, we're going hunting and getting my soul fire to level 3. Then we're gonna go guild hunting!


[Ding! Soul Fire level up!]

I smiled with excitement and continued killing and eating the souls of the goblins that remained. Right now I was in a rural area far from the city and was fighting goblins. It was quite easy to get soul fire to level 3 so the rest of the time I had stuffed my inventory with spare goblin crystals.

[Ding! gained:

+ 0.1 stat point]

[Ding! gained:

+ 0.1 stat point]

Crunching the two crystals in my mouth they got absorbed into my stomach along with another 6 I was snacking on.

[Nep Rodger lvl 4

Age: 15

Strength: 14.1

Dexterity: 14.6

Constitution: 16

Magic: 20

Stat points: 0.8

Blessing: Golden Phoenix, Ghost Phoenix

Talent: Golden Body lvl 1, Soul Fire lvl 3

Skill: Mana Presence lvl 1]

I put 0.4 stat points in dexterity and another 0.4 in strength. The dexterity stat was pissing off my OCD and I just had to fix it, now it's a whole number. My stomach rumbled with satisfaction and I felt stuffed. I was full and I went to go home. I was satisfied with my results, level 3 soul Fire and a half full inventory of goblin crystals.

The day felt really short as I paid another 20 nor to enter the train going to the city. It was almost empty and silent the whole 20 minute ride. The people who boarded on these times were quiet and all tired of their day, ready to take a break back at home.

Arriving at the jam packed train station in the city, it felt much different to the country side. People of all sorts going where ever they need to be, going to and from work. Travelling with or without friends. They all walked with a purpose in their step, something I genuinely smiled about.

The half an hour walk to the hotel was a quiet night walk that calmed me down. My mental state has been all over the place and the night sky really helped me calm down. With the dimmed lighting from the moon and the decoration of stars, I walked back with my head to the sky and my feet with motivation.

On the way, passing by street stalls. My nose picked up a delicious smell. Something of barbecue and something of meat! I changed my destination instantly and arrived at a small cart cooking kebabs. The smell wafted from the grill which made me drool even more.

"Oh young ones..."

The granny who occupied the cart smiled weakly whilst I brightly smiled back.

"Excuse me, how much for 3?"

She looked at me with inspection and judgment. Only to smile a few moments later. The creases on her forehead eased a bit and her smiled brightened.

"Free. For free..."

She gave me 3 kebabs and smiled her loving smile. I could only smile and thank her. Passing by the cart saying goodbye, I managed to slip something in her pocket.

Eating the kebab, it was tender and sweet. The sauce gave it so much flavour and power! There was a soft tanginess which surprisingly went well with the heavy sauce that coated the meat and vegetables. The contrast with the tender meat and soft vegetables made me ignore the spiciness that attacked my tongue.

Entering the elevator and pressing the 7th floor, the floor with my room, I saw a tired women dressed in a red suit, run towards the elevator. As she came I outstretched my arm which made the elevator sense my arm and not close.

The women made it to the elevator whilst I finished my first kebab, I started eating my second. She heaved with each breath and the was her blonde hair was a bit messy.

"Rough day?"

I stretched my last kebab towards her and she gladly took it.

"It was more than a rough day"


As I packed up the cart slowly, there was a small jingle in my pocket. With my fragile fingers I looked though my pocket.

"What a nice boy..."

In my hand was 30 nor.