


AfterDarkWriting · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Two - New World Already?

He sat up straight in a rush, taking a sharp breath of air. His eyes bounced around, finding himself lying in a field of green grass and a clear blue sky overhead. Patting the soft dirt, he pulled a stray blade of grass apart, looking around at the lush green plain. Looking down, he saw much different clothes than the one he slept in, a hint of dampness to them.

As if on cue, a hand placed itself on his shoulder, making him jump in shock and turn around. The figure reflexively took a step back, hand curling away. He looked up and saw her long red hair, flowing to an end at her waist, a deep blood red colour in her wide eyes and a soft glow to her lips parted in a gasp. Her dress, an off-white frock that had seen better days fluttered as the wind passed them by, the two being silent for a moment.

Then she chuckled, shaking her head.

"You'll fall asleep wherever, like a cat."

He remained silent at her comment, in awe of her presence. She looked at him expecting a usual response but only got back silence. Puzzled, she reached her hand out to his head,

"Are you okay, Erik?"

Erik. That was his name?

He stayed still as she checked his forehead, placing her palm on it and then the back of her hand.

"Where am I?"

She pulled her hand away, looking at Erik. What was up with him? He took a fall into the river he was most expert at navigating and now he questioned where he was. She shook her head.

It was a nasty fall, maybe he hit his head.

Saying that, she patted his head, taking hold of his arm.

"Well then! You're home. This is our backyard."

She said, gesturing her arm widely and waiting expectantly at Jack's reaction. He looked aghast.


He really did hit his head.

"No. We're waiting on lunch."

He gave her a shrewd look.

"Well, where am I then?"

She looked out and spoke again,

"The outskirts of Meero. The endless green plains end over there, broken by the kingdom of Qarlun. Remember?"

Erik rubbed his head. All he could remember was a torrential storm and the ringing of a telephone. Not Meero or Qarlun or this… woman.

"Who are you?"

Her jaw hinged open in surprise. Feigning mock anger, she lightly hit his shoulder, pouting.

"You forgot your own sister?! How could you… what a waste of a brother…"

She turned away while Jack stayed digesting this information.

He slept in a telephone box and woke up in Meero. And with a sister who was now angry at him, as far as he know.

"I'm sorry, I… I think I need to go home."

She gave him a look sneakily.

They'd spent their entire lives here and just one hit, he'd forgotten everything?

Sighing, she began walking down the hill, heading onwards.

"Alright, let's go home."

She immediately stopped and turned around. Holding her hand up, she pointed at herself and said,

"I'm Jeria. Your sister!"

She smiled and then hopped along, Jack following after her.


It took them a long time to get home, the sun having touched the horizon as the blue sky gave way to pinks and oranges and purples. Erik groaned in pain, his ankles screaming with each step as sweat trickled down his back.

"How much… further..."

He gasped out at the sprightly Jeria, who seemed the least bothered by the distance covered. She didn't bother turning around as she stepped forward.

"Almost there."

Even though the weather was lovely, it was still not something Erik could stomach for so long with a buzzing in his head. He kept holding the back of his head as he trudged along the now dirt path. The green fields had long since passed behind. In front of them, huts of wood and straw came into view, tiny figures moving.

Erik sighed, planting his feet into the ground. Jeria turned around with an inquisitive look in her eyes.

"You're tired?"

Erik nodded as he breathed in silence.

"Is that… home?"

Jeria smiled slightly. Turning to face the houses, she waved her hand above her head and said,

"Yes it is."

Jeria flashed him a toothy smile as she knelt down on the ground. Erik was puzzled until she spoke up,

"Here, climb on."


"No buts, its a short distance. Come on, we're late to lunch."

Erik sighed. He stepped forwards, eyes turned downwards, focused on Jeria's back. The red ribbon laced across her back fluttered about as a breeze passed them by. Erik's cheeks tinged pink. He didn't really like the fact that this girl was his sister, or so claimed to be. There was little similar amongst them.

He placed his legs around her back and rested his hands lightly on her shoulders. She gave an exasperated sigh.

"Scoot down, I'm not dad to carry you on my neck."


Erik scooted down until his butt touched Jeria's hands. She gave one look back before standing up with a "Hyup!", Erik's hands throwing themselves around her neck. She giggled, stepping forward at an easy pace, the duo getting closer step by step to the houses. Some of the folk waved at them from the distance.

"Such a baby, having to be carried by your younger sister."

Jeria giggled as she teased Erik. He remained quiet, head resting by her own head.

"What will dad think, his favourite boy, baby carried home by his sister?"

She smirked. Erik clasped his hands tighter, definitely not a fan of Jeria. He lightly kicked her thigh. She harrumphed in response, jumping up and down, trying to shake him off. Erik almost lost his grip, hands slipping. He immediately reached further down and squeezed tightly, Jeria gasping out loud. Erik felt her face immediately heat up and redden. He looked down her front, his hand tightly squeezing her boob. She slowly turned her head with a fiery look in her eyes.

'Oh shit.'

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