
New beginning

In the darkness of nothingness it is easy to drown gasping for air where there is none, but strangely no pain its like living but not living. James thought long and hard where he was, he would try to scream for help but not even a sound was made.

Then suddenly...

A tiny white light in the darkness barely a spec of dust but in possible for James to mess as there was nothing else but darkness, James tried to reach out and grab this spec of light but he couldn't move his arms nor could he feel any part of his body. This tiny little light it looked forever too far to reach but with nothing but pure willpower he wanted to get to it. It seemed as though Time wasn't moving but James stared at this light hoping to escape the nothingness it seemed like hours went by days to months, months to years but soon James realised the light was getting bigger and brighter this only made him focus more intently on getting there, to where was he hoping to go to anywhere but here in this dark void of nothingness.

To James it felt like years had gone by if only he knew it was more like a couple billion years that actually had gone by he probably would've gone crazy. After all that time that gone by the light finally started to shine bright that James couldn't even see the darkness just the light but he still felt like it was forever too far to reach. Finally after 981100 years James felt like he was almost there he could feel the warmth of this light then suddenly darkness in closed around him. The light getting darker The warmth he could no longer feel instead a cold feeling swept across him like a Sea being held back by a dam broken flooding over a desert. James was drowning in it until he finally gasped for air thinking nothing would return.the sound of himself breathing deeply in James could hear.

James realise he could breathe again then James felt sand under his body he slowly opened his eyes in a blur turning into little stars in the sky it was dark but James could see perfectly. James crunched his hands in the sand before slowly pull him self together and standing up.

As James was standing up he felt dizzy struggling to stand he could see Sand lots of sand, looking around James could see that he was in some kind of lifeless desert.