

The money we have does not belong to us. It belongs to God. (verse God owns the cattle in a thousand hills feeds birds flowers etc.)When you give you tithe and give offering you are saying that you recognize that your money came from God and you are thanking and praising him for it. Tithing is not something you should do because you feel like you have to but because you want to. (verse God loves a cheerful giver) He does not want you to give from a feeling if obligation but of love. He wants you giving because you want to give. If fact he wants you giving to him so much he promised multiple times in his word to bless you if you trust him with what he has given you. When you give to God you are saying you are trusting him to provide for you and take care of you. You are telling him you have faith in him and believe he will do what he says he will do. Tithe and offering isn't and obligation it is an act of faith. Don't give because u feel pressures to do so but give because u want to.... Give because u trust God and want to please him... Give with a cheerful heart and God will bless u