
Death Upon Us

Every life is different, some might die a young age. Or some might live differently.

SlapOnTheWrist · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Throne

I sit on thy Throne, it is cold.

Every breath i take, causes me to shiver.

Today is coldest day, but as i sit alone.

Alone, no presence to entertain me today.

I look to my right, where my important ones stand.


Nothing stands there.

It hurts.

I get up, im walking alone in the endless hall.

My castle is extremely large. It shows my (Used to be) Authority.

It hurts.

I walk through the empty streets.

No single soul in sight.

I wish this would be a nightmare.

But reality is just too cruel, everyone vanished.

What did it pains me.

The very beings we cherish and pray upon.

The Gods, The Creators, The Sanity of most.

It hurts.

The green grass has turned into snowy white.

The coldness could freeze the bones.

I throw my beloved crown.

This crown was gifted to me by my father.

He died early because of a disease.

As i walk past all my territory, into the forest.


2 days go past, i never stopped walking.

Where I'm going?

To fight.

How dare those who followed me, Betray.

They worked for THEM.

The rewards were but mere mortal things.

Mostly a couple pieces of land, and large amounts of money. Millions to be exact.

The couple of pieces of land were the size of empires.

But to what cost.

They could of help fight against the gods, it not like most were powerless. Just scared.

Everything my country had to offer, all its people, all of its joy and sorrow. It all vanished.

It could of stayed with me until my last breath.

Until My Throne Was Taken.

I didn't wish for much.

Most of my life, went the way i wanted, and this stuck with me.

I stopped lifting my sword, i stopped fighting.

I had Loyal Subjects to help me, But where are they now. Dead.

They Died and turned into Dust, dirt and sand. These things have no value towards me.

My Family, my lovely Daughter and that soiled Kid. And my Wife. She was my everything.

But Why, My so called friends, they betrayed me. Betrayed us.


I Start running.

Those stupid people.

How could they.


I look at the tall walls that spread around building.

Laughs and cheers could be heard within.

I walk towards the entrance.

"Stop, show some identification or pay 5 Copper" A guard shouted as i walked forwards.

They did their job, but how dare they ask of my wealth.

I unsheathe my blade.

Revenge is my goal.

As i strike, my victims blood flows into my long river.

It was a skill i learned by chance.

*Endless Slaughter - It strengthens the user for killing. No Limit.

It was overpowered, and most would envy me.

If i stayed as a emotionless killer, i could take on the world, if i stayed to my Lifeless path. I could potentially rule the world, but i didn't wish for such things.

My Heart was elsewhere, The only reason why i was king in the first place was, because it was a gift.

A gift from my late father, he was a wise man. I could remember him leading armies of millions, that willingly followed him once into battle. All those stories stuck with me all my life.

As i thrust the blade forwards, with a never ending rage.

Thousands die, my pressure is overwhelming.

Most couldn't or wouldn't move, as the fright they saw crushing their defence was I.

None could stop me. Most who faced me died.

I walk towards this countries castle.

In the hall stay a Throne.

"Welcome Guest James." Mike had the most vile smile.

James couldn't even stand this person.

The blade that dyed in red slashed forward.



"My old friend, are you sure about this" Mike had a nervous Smile.

Both were friends, in fact great friends. I would look after Mike, while he would look after mine.

We both fought the most toughest battles, against the dragons and armies of Golems and Legions of Enemies.

It hurts.

I would've never come to kill a friend, but he did the unthinkable. Why must he follow them. What did they do, what did they do besides destruction.

I slash once more, but he evades and slashes towards my shoulder. As blood continuously flows, the air gets colder. Sudden gravity pressures me into the floor.

I'm unable to get up, as my body gives up. So does my eyes.

They slowly close.

Mike looks towards James, "You idiot, you should've accepted." as he finishes he walks back to his mighty throne.

Not as exquisite as James's but nonetheless a Throne.

As Mike sat onto his throne, he continue to look at James's body. He kept thinking of their past. How they used to speak about the future, how they would work together, how they would continue to look after each other.

But everything changed with time, it was an idiotic dream that both had, Maybe Stupidity could help,

But no regret could be seen in Mike's eyes.

[Rebirth Complete.]


Time Passes.

The world, is the lushes green forests surrounding the world.

Rather is a desolate, plain and empty world.

The World has crumbled, the soft dirt, that can cultivate the delicious food has now turned into sand.

This world cannot contain life any longer.

And most died.

*World History Ends*