
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

First Mission

This world has already on the brink of destruction where people are killed due to lack of power to fight against those ferocious monsters, or lose their life due to lack of will power. Against living in this hell, they just chose to give up on this miserable life.

I have almost experienced both the situations so I can't blame anyone. But now... it is different for me. Now I have been under the roof of others. The people who suffered like I did would understand how it feels, when... when you suddenly get a roof over your head, get food and people with whom who can share some talk.

"Come on. Don't fall behind like that." said Faye.

"Right back at you." I replied.


(While going towards the Demona Stronghold...)

While reaching our destination I got to know about two of Faye's trust worthy subordinates, Fido and Jin. Both were cool with me joining them for the first time. I guess she must have told them about me.

*Inside my Mind*

He is a monster killer, you know. He even dodged my arrow and is still alive fighting against Gerrad. Blah... blah... blah...


Something like that maybe.

What to say about those two. Fido is confident and leads the group whenever Faye is getting ready for the attack. For Jin, he doesn't talk much but never leaves anyone. He always keep his voice low and keeps track of everything. I would really like to talk with him properly. Maybe he is an observer like me who loves to observe different things.

"From your face you are not looking afraid. That's how it should be everyone." said Fido.

"It has nothing to do with confidence. It is because I have experienced horrible things like this before. Now my mind has made up that... just... yeah. Let's move on from this." I replied.


(At Demona Stronghold...)

We reached our destination and we could see 3 monsters roaming around there with almost no sign of human life.

"It seems there is no human life left here." said Fido.

"Don't go on thinking like that. There might be humans waiting for us to let our guard down." said Jin.

"Yeah we can't deny that possibility." I replied.

"Yep. He is a sharp mind of this group. I knew it. Well I'm an observer of course, how can I miss that thing about someone like this." I said to myself.

"Well, what will be the plan then?" asked Faye.

" WHAT? you came to this place unprepared?" I said.

"Well... I am not the one who make plans that is all on Jin. But now you are also here so you both can come up with something good." said Faye.

Me and Jin started with each others basic ideas around the information we had about all this situation. It was not about planning with others or anything is not my style. The problem was there was no even ground for us.

To make it clear, my plans are more like over the top, risky kind of. But Jin's plans are like no one must be hurt and to regroup if anything happens. It was a battle of each other's ideology.

The situation was not like why go safe or why go risky. It was about finding a middle ground to execute our plan more smoothly.

"Well Jin, let's go through this then. There are a total of 10 people here. We will divide ourselves in 5 - 5 groups. With that we can go for a left and right flank attack together." I said.

"What about the third one? We can't expect it to be out of action when all the commotion is going on." said Jin.

"True. That's why we will attack both the left and right flanks with 4 people each. While the remaining 2 will be the backup and they will distract the monster. How does it sounds like?" I said.

"There is a risk of missing a monster and while the slayer killing those monsters, these two will be completely vulnerable. " Jin replied.

"How about we add a... if distraction required in it?" I replied.

"It still bugs me but it can be OK. Still, what about the second monster?" asked Jin.

"Like I said. One monster will be taken care of by Faye and her squad. With that I will go for the other one at the same time." I replied.

"I won't allow that. Even if you might have defeated a monster, you can't handle them alone." said Jin.

"Who said alone. I just need someone who can work on my side plan on this, that's all." I replied.

"And what's that?"

"Well... it will be a risky plan, but it will work." I replied.

"*Stare...*" Jin

I can't just avoid Jin's gaze like that so I explained it to him.

"Alright let me explain how it goes. First I will charge head on towards that monster in the far opposite direction from yours like how we planned to begin this mission. Then I need two strong members who can dare to jump over that monster's head till I keep that thing busy while giving some chip damage as well.

After that I will slowly charge up over that monsters body and will try to reach over it's head. Then we all will stab that thing with our full power and that monster will be down for sure.

Easy... I guess." I replied.

"There are many angles like, if you can't make it up or might die diverting that monster. And who will be with you if you tell someone to do that crazy thing." said Jin.

"There might be someone who can pull this off. And in fact I am doing the more deadlier job here." I replied.

"That's not the point here-" said Jin.

"I will go with him." said Fido.

"Come on you can't do this. I know you are the strongest and bravest of this whole group but you can't do... that." said Jin.

"Don't worry about it. You know I have done it before." said Fido.

"Yeah but it was- *exhales* Alright, do what you want." said Jin.

"*yawns* So are we ready boys and girls?" said Faye while yawning.

"So no one else. Alright then. It's up to us to handle that monster, Fido." I said.

"You won't be disappointed by my strength." Fido replied.

"It's done then. Slight changes my friends. Now 4 will go over the left monster with Faye, and Davis, accompanied by Fido, will go towards right. I will be with 2 others to watch over the third." said Jin.

"Well. The plan looks good. So let's go then. Let's kill those MONSTERS." Faye shouted.


(Towards the Left - Faye with 4 others...)

"Let's go everyone. Do your job and distract that monster and bring him to the location I gave you. I will be ready before you even know it."

Those members were throwing weapons and shouting at the monster. "Yeah you big fat muscle head. You want humans you shit. Then try to get us you freak."

It worked and the monster started moving behind them. That monster was careless and was just following them and on the top of one building, Faye was ready with her aim.

She pulls out five arrows at the same time. When the arrows touched the bow, they started to glow and a kind of energy veil was created all over her. Then that veil started to shrink as she was pulling the bow string and taking aim.

When she took the aim and stretched the bow to it's limit, at that time only her arrows were covered in that veil and were glowing.

Then she shot those arrows which traveled directly towards that monster. The arrows were dodging all the derbies, buildings, and was only focused on their target.

All this happened so quickly that in mere seconds the arrows hit their target and the target was down. That blast was a big one because she added explosives along with her arrows. The arrows were strong but not that strong to bring a monster down in one go. But with the additional impact she got with the help of those explosives, she took down that monster on her first attempt.


(Meanwhile on the Right - Davis and Fido...)

"I hope she will be alright. Well I know she is a Slayer and all but still-" I said.

"You focus on the task in hand. I sided with you so I could personally see the man who is still alive after taking a fight against my training mentor." said Fido.

"Well, WHAT? You trained under Gerrad? No way. You are not cold-blooded like him do you?" I asked.

"Don't go on saying things about him." Fido replied in a higher tone.

"Yeah I know. Just relax. I know what kind of guy he is. Probably a man who lost something but now has something to protect." I replied.

"Why you-" said Fido.

"From that fight against Gerrad, I know that... He won't fall for anything unless it is what he truly desires." I replied.

"So you judged him that much by just fighting against him. An observer you are." Fido replied.

"To be honest. If we keep his sneaky eavesdropping habit aside, he is a descent guy I guess." I replied.

"That thing I can't disagree with." said Fido.

"He is the strongest in term of raw power. He can even defeat your King with sheer power, but he is loyal so that is definitely out of question." I said.

"He joined this group when there were only 20-30 people and I was in the latest 20 people of this group." Fido replied.

"So you are one of the earlier members of this group. That's something." I replied.

"When Gerrad joined this group, everyone was scared of him, even the King was a little scared not gonna lie. But he was a nice person. As time fly I got closer to him while he was training us.

It was a great experience because I was not a fighter before, but after meeting him, I have became much of a fighter now. That's why-" said Fido.

"You respect him. I understand." I said.

"Yeah." Fido replied.

"I had a similar story like you. I was not a fighter either, but one person(Shimon) taught me how to fight and defend myself." I said.

"So where is he right now?" Fido asked.

"Not in this world. *smiles* Maybe somewhere in a more brighter place than this world." I replied.

"What happened?" Fido asked.

"I killed him." I replied.

"What? WHY?" Fido asked with shocked expression.

"It was my final test. If I can't defeat him then how can I be able to defeat a monster? He said that if I want to survive then I have to kill anyone.

He said either you kill me to survive or I will kill you for training a weakling like you. It was hard on me, I am here because of him and his training. But he smiled when I delivered that last blow. [Happened in Chapter - 14]." I replied.

"He was a great teacher I think, because he wanted his students to understand the reality of a battle which can be decided by a second of hesitation. Gerrad was something like that when training us.

Many failed, but I did not gave up, and that's why I am here. Now I won't get afraid even a monster standing tall in front of me. " said Fido.

"I can see why they rely on you so much. It is understandable now." I replied.

"We are close to our location now. I can see that monster." said Fido.

"We are splitting then. Take your position." I replied.

"Yeah." Fido replied.

"Get ready Fido. We are going for it now." I said.

"Just don't die on me or else everyone will blame me for your death. *smiles*" Fido replied.

"Let's see if I can prove you wrong or not. Let's meet on the top... of that monster's head." I replied.

I can do it. We can do it. So let's show them what humans can do.

- - -

[ DAY 107 - MONSTERS COUNT : 3,311 HUMANS ALIVE : 4, 223 ]

[Characters: Jin - 17 years old | Fido - 23 years old | Faye - 19 years old | Davis - 19 years old]

New Journey is beginning for Davis here but the struggle is still far from over.

The Ones who followed the story till this. Thank You So Much!!!

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts