
Death Row Ability: Blood Battle Level Up

Li Dao is reborn into the Daqian Dynasty as a third-class count. During a palace banquet, he accidentally drunkenly broke into a palace, coinciding with the recovery of his past life memories, so his memory was confused and drunkenly ruined the innocence of the mistress of the palace. In the end, the emperor was furious and sent Li Dao to the death camp in the border, wanting him to die outside the border. As a result, he accidentally awakened the 'Kill the Enemy and Explode Attributes' system. From then on, killing people can become infinitely stronger. Since then, Daqian has less of a playboy count, and more of a human hero who has slaughtered countless people. Dynasties fight for supremacy, rivers and lakes are in strife, foreign races invade, overseas rages, and immortal gates are opened. Step by step, Li Dao hacked out an invincible road that belonged to him alone. Years later, when Li Dao returned to the imperial capital with his great war achievements, he stepped into the imperial palace again and found that the woman whose innocence he had destroyed at the beginning was already sitting on the dragon chair. And next to the dragon chair, there was a young daughter whose eyebrows were similar to his. At this moment, there was only one question left in Li Dao's mind. Is this anti or not?

SumeruSea · ファンタジー
59 Chs

Transformation is successful, I met a noble person

Li Dao first came to the two wolf cubs with a teacup filled with precious blood.

The pure black wolf cub instantly became vigilant and protected the pure white wolf cub behind him.

Li Daogang raised his hand, and a dull roar came from the mouth of the pure black wolf cub.

"It's quite fierce."

Li Dao ignored it and directly grabbed the pure black wolf cub.


The pure black wolf cub opened its mouth and bit Li Dao's stretched out hand, then shook its head and bit.

"Don't make trouble!"

Li Dao's head collapsed, and the pure black wolf cub was stunned.

Picking up the pure black wolf cub, he handed the tea cup to the wolf cub's mouth.

The pure black wolf cub smelled the precious blood and suddenly came out of his daze.

If it smells the smell of precious blood from a distance, it can still restrain itself, but if it is brought to its mouth, no matter how strong its self-control is, it will not be able to resist its body's instinct.

Just stick out your tongue and lick the precious blood in the teacup.

Perhaps out of instinct, he stopped after licking about a third of the precious blood.

After that, the two eyes looked drunk, and they fell limply on Li Dao's hand.

Seeing this, Li Dao placed the pure black wolf cub on the table and waited quietly.

After about a few minutes, the pure black wolf cub on the table suddenly reacted.

The whole body twitched involuntarily, and then the same situation as Yuan Bao happened before.

Old hair is replaced by new hair, old teeth are replaced by new teeth, old claws are replaced by new claws.

At the same time, Li Dao also noticed that there seemed to be an extra connection between himself and the pure black wolf cub.

A few more minutes passed, and the pure black wolf cub finally woke up.

This time when facing Li Dao, he no longer had the fierce look in the beginning, but showed an instinctively close look, like a dog he had raised for many years.

At the same time, Li Dao also saw clearly the pure black wolf cub's new image after being transformed by the precious blood.

Originally its hair was a little dull, but now it became black and shiny, like ink.

He touched the body of the pure black wolf cub again, and found that even the body had become a little bigger. The important thing was that he could detect that the pure black wolf cub was like an ingot, evolving in the nature of its bloodline. It must have grown up. Only then will its potential truly become apparent.

With the performance of the pure black wolf cub, Li Dao knew that his precious blood experiment was successful.

Precious blood can not only transform creatures the size of ingots, but also large creatures like wolves, but it requires more precious blood.

Thinking of this, Li Dao couldn't help but murmured, "I don't know what effect the precious blood will have on humans."

The thought was fleeting.

There is currently no suitable person around to experiment with, so we cannot use wine as a guinea pig.

Next, Li Dao used the same method to pour precious blood into the pure white wolf cub.

Perhaps because of the closeness with Li Dao, the pure black wolf cub didn't react much to him touching the pure white wolf cub. Instead, he cupped the pure white wolf cub and let it take the initiative to get close to Li Dao.

the other side.

With the success of the experiment on pure black wolf cubs, he also gained confidence.

Regardless, he poured precious blood into the two Haidongqings, and asked him to bleed them again during the process.

The two sea greens may have seen that Li Dao's actions were good for them, so they did not resist, but were very obedient.

five minutes later.

After the baptism of precious blood, one more wolf cub and two sea greens were added to the list.

The pure white wolf cub has the same hair as the pure black wolf cub, its hair becomes snow-white and shiny. Compared to the pure black wolf cub, which is aloof and arrogant, the pure white wolf cub looks lively and cute.

Just after the transformation, he dared to jump directly onto Li Dao's shoulders to show his closeness.

The two sea greens also experienced huge changes after their transformation.

Larger in size and sharper in claws.

What's important is that his originally yellow pupils suddenly turned golden, making him look extraordinarily handsome.


At this time, the pure black wolf cub suddenly let out a dull roar towards the two Haidongqing.

When the pure white wolf cub saw this scene, he also joined in. After all, he was a wolf, and he had a lot of momentum even when he was really fierce.

The same goes for the two sea greens. Faced with the sudden hostility, they also fluttered their wings to fight back.

At this time, Li Dao suddenly remembered that the two parties had a grudge, and his parents were killed by the other's parents.

Originally, they were ignorant and ignorant, and could not clearly express their hatred.

But now, after being baptized with precious blood, they instantly understood that both sides were enemies.

"Okay, we will be a family from now on, don't make trouble."

Li Dao spoke to comfort him.

Yuan Bao can understand what he said, and presumably these four can understand him too.

However, what surprised him was that none of these four little things gave him a positive reaction, perhaps because they were overwhelmed by hatred.

In this case, it can only...

Suddenly, the wolf cub and the young Hai Dongqing, who were still confronting each other, trembled.

As if suddenly frightened, they all turned to look at Li Dao.

At this moment, in their eyes, the person they were close to seemed to suddenly transform into an apex predator and release hostility towards them.

Faced with this kind of hostility from those close to them, the four little ones quickly gave in.

Two wolf cubs lay on the ground and howled.

The two Haidongqing also bowed their proud necks.

Seeing this, Li Dao restrained his murderous intent, then stretched out his hand and knocked each of the four little ones on their heads.

"I think your parents didn't want you to kill each other and follow in their footsteps before they died, so please try to be more harmonious with me in the future. If anyone doesn't get along with you, then I can only force you to get along with them."

Li Dao looked at the four little ones and said seriously.

Seeing that the four little ones didn't respond, he raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Scream when you understand."



The four little ones made pitiful and helpless sounds.

Seeing this, Li Dao nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, don't act pitiful and come out with me to meet people."


Jiu'er was watering the flowers with Yuanbao, but her attention was always focused on Li Dao's door, curious about what her young master had just brought back.

The sound of opening the door just sounded, and she quickly raised her head to look.

"Master, who are the four of them?"

Jiu'er was surprised when she noticed the four little ones, but soon showed an expression of love, because after being baptized with the precious blood, the appearance of the originally good-looking four little ones has soared, making them naturally lovable.

"I just bought it when I went out today. When I go to serve as a soldier, this white wolf cub will be responsible for accompanying you and looking after the home. There is also this Haidongqing. If you miss me, you can let it send me a message."

Originally, Li Dao planned to keep both wolf cubs at home.

However, the pure black wolf cub's temperament was obviously not suitable for guarding the home, so he thought of bringing it with him when reporting. After all, the military camp did not say that wolves could not be raised.

"Thank you, Master."

Jiu'er's eyes turned red when she realized that everything was for herself.

Li Dao reached out and touched the little girl's head. Now that there is only such a little girl around, it would be a lie to say that he doesn't feel sorry for her.

Suddenly, Jiu'er thought of something and asked, "Master, do they all have names?"

"Not yet. Just like Yuanbao, you can name them."

"Thank you, Master."

Jiu'er looked at the four cubs, starting with the pure black wolf cub on the left.

"One black and one white, then just call them Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai."

"The other two, one is black and white and is called Bai Qian."

"A person with light black and deep white is called Mo Qian."

"Master, what do you think?"

Xiao Hei Xiao Bai: "???"

Hearing this, Li Dao looked at the four little ones and found that they matched well, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he said to the four little ones, "Do you all remember your names?"

Little Black and Little White whined feebly.

Bai Qian and Mo Qian were in high spirits, obviously very satisfied with their name.


after one day.

Outside the alley.

Li Dao held the horse with one hand, while Jiu'er followed behind him, with a look of reluctance on his face.

"Go back, there's no need to send it out any more."

Li Dao turned around and said softly.

"Master, I'll wait for you at home."

A qualified woman will not make things difficult for a man, Jiu'er wiped the tears from her eyes and said softly.

Li Dao nodded, put Xiao Hei in the bag on the side of the horse's back, and got on the horse.


Without too much hesitation, he flicked his riding whip, and the horse galloped away under the eyes of the drunkard.

Anyway, soldiers also have holidays, and it doesn't mean that once they go, they will never come back, so there is no need to miss them too much.

Soon after, Li Dao arrived at the military camp in the north of the city.

At this time, many people have gathered here.

According to the recruitment rules, after joining the army, it is confirmed that you will be assigned to the camp.

If you don't want to go by yourself, you can go to the local recruitment office to find a convoy that goes specifically to your camp.

Li Dao led the horse and searched for the convoy going to Huangsha Town among the many convoys.

After a stick of incense.

Li Dao frowned slightly. Along the way, he saw dozens of convoys from camps, but he couldn't find the convoy from Huangsha Town Camp.

In confusion, he found a guarding soldier, took out the report letter and asked, "Brother, I am a new recruit in the army. Where is the convoy going to the Huangsha Town Camp?"

"Huangsha Town Camp?"

The guarding soldier was stunned and looked at Li Dao with strange eyes, "Are you a recruit assigned to the Huangsha Town camp?"

"Any questions?"

The guarding soldiers were speechless for a moment. They were about to say something, but suddenly they thought of something they had been told yesterday and stopped immediately.

Then he said, "The convoy you mentioned going to the Huangsha Town Camp is not here."


"Because it's relatively remote and has complex terrain."



Li Dao's eyes moved slightly and continued to ask, "Then how can I get to the Huangsha Town Camp?"

"Just go there on horseback."

Li Dao nodded, "I understand."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Watching Li Dao walk some distance away, the guard soldier whispered to himself, "What an unlucky guy. He was assigned to the Huangsha Town Camp. I don't know who he offended."

at the same time.

Li Dao, who was a hundred meters away, twitched his ears, and his expression flashed unnaturally.

There is something strange about Huangsha Town Camp. People say that he has offended someone.

He had just arrived and had never had any friction with anyone, so how could he offend anyone.

But now is not the time to think about this.

No matter where the Huangsha Town camp was, he had to report there, otherwise he would be labeled a deserter if he was found out if he didn't go there without permission.

However, there is still plenty of time now, so we can inquire about the situation of the Huangsha Town Camp.

Soon after, Li Dao found the waiter who he had just met yesterday.

In a teahouse.


After meeting, the waiter sat down and greeted him warmly.

"I came to you this time to inquire about a place."


"Have you heard of the Huangsha Town Camp?"

The waiter smiled when he heard this and said, "Of course I've heard of the legendary Thorny Head Camp."

"Spiky Head Camp?"

Li Dao raised his eyebrows and threw a piece of broken silver over, "Please tell me carefully."

Taking the broken silver, the waiter began to explain enthusiastically.

With the introduction by the waiter, the so-called Huangsha Town Camp gradually became clear in Li Dao's mind.




The more he listened to Li Dao, the more he became convinced.

Who is so fond of him that he can be assigned such a place?

For ordinary soldiers, it is very likely that they will not be used to a place like Huangsha Town Camp.

But for him, there are so many military camps in Yunzhou, and there is no better place than the Huangsha Town Camp.


Forced to go to Huangsha Town Camp?

No, no, no, this is not offending anyone, this is obviously meeting a noble person.

If he really knew who had arranged for him to be sent to the Huangsha Town camp on purpose, he would really have to thank him.

This is why he didn't know the place Huangsha Town Daying before.

If he really knew and didn't need to be arranged, he would just go on his own.

After understanding it clearly, Li Dao felt relieved.

After finishing speaking, the waiter couldn't help but ask, "Guest, is one of your friends assigned to the Huangsha Town camp?"

Li Dao took a sip of tea and said quietly, "Not friends."

"That is?"

"it's me."



Before the waiter could react, Li Dao turned around and went downstairs.

Soon, the waiter from the store on the second floor saw the back of Li Dao riding away.

He scratched his head and was very confused. Logically speaking, it would be difficult for a person to be assigned to a place like Huangsha Town Camp. Why did he feel that this noble man seemed so impatient.