
Death Row Ability: Blood Battle Level Up

Li Dao is reborn into the Daqian Dynasty as a third-class count. During a palace banquet, he accidentally drunkenly broke into a palace, coinciding with the recovery of his past life memories, so his memory was confused and drunkenly ruined the innocence of the mistress of the palace. In the end, the emperor was furious and sent Li Dao to the death camp in the border, wanting him to die outside the border. As a result, he accidentally awakened the 'Kill the Enemy and Explode Attributes' system. From then on, killing people can become infinitely stronger. Since then, Daqian has less of a playboy count, and more of a human hero who has slaughtered countless people. Dynasties fight for supremacy, rivers and lakes are in strife, foreign races invade, overseas rages, and immortal gates are opened. Step by step, Li Dao hacked out an invincible road that belonged to him alone. Years later, when Li Dao returned to the imperial capital with his great war achievements, he stepped into the imperial palace again and found that the woman whose innocence he had destroyed at the beginning was already sitting on the dragon chair. And next to the dragon chair, there was a young daughter whose eyebrows were similar to his. At this moment, there was only one question left in Li Dao's mind. Is this anti or not?

SumeruSea · ファンタジー
59 Chs

No double halberd method, Gang Qi

While teasing the little mouse on his hand, Jiu'er asked, "Master, does it have a name?"


Li Dao replied, "I just picked it up yesterday. I haven't had time to pick it up yet. Why don't you give it a name."

Jiu'er's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "Is it okay?"

Li Dao said casually, "It's just a name, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Thank you, Master."

Jiu'er happily looked at the little mouse in her arms and thought seriously for a moment, then suddenly her eyes lit up, "I know what to name it."

"what name?"

"Master, how about we call it Yuan Bao?"


Li Dao muttered something and asked, "Why do you need such a name?"

Jiu'er narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Because everyone loves Yuanbao."

After saying that, she picked up the little mouse and said bluntly, "Little guy, you will call me Yuanbao from now on, do you understand?"

The little mouse nodded in response.

Seeing this scene, Jiu'er was surprised and said, "Master, Yuanbao understands what I say."


While Jiu'er and Yuan Bao were playing, Li Dao washed up in the house and then walked out of the house.

As soon as he walked out, he saw that the women he had rescued before were already busy. There were no men in the village now, and they had to do all the work themselves.

A woman was walking to the kitchen carrying two loads of water, looking very difficult.

Suddenly, a figure blocked her.

The woman subconsciously raised her head to look, quickly put down the burden on her shoulders and said, "My benefactor."

"Let me help you."

Li Dao looked at the woman with a fresh scar on her face. The scar looked like it had just scabbed, and the blood marks were still very obvious.

Yesterday's meal was cooked for him by the woman in front of him, so he knew her.

He also knew the bloodstains on the woman's face. Yesterday, a Northern Barbarian cavalry saw her beauty and wanted to take her by force. As a result, the weak-looking woman in front of him directly scratched her face with his hairpin.

If Li Dao's appearance hadn't made the Northern Barbarian cavalry target Li Dao, there might have been more than just this bloody mark on the woman's face.

"no, I'm fine."

Seeing that Li Dao wanted to help, the woman quickly shook her head and refused.

But Li Dao didn't care so much and simply lifted the load easily with one hand.

"Just a small favor."

Then he walked to the kitchen carrying two buckets of water.

Seeing this, the woman quickly followed him.

Putting the two buckets of water in the kitchen, Li Dao clapped his hands.

The woman saw the two buckets of water she had lifted with difficulty being picked up and put down so easily by her benefactor. She inadvertently touched the blood scab on her face and said to herself enviously, "My benefactor, you are so awesome."

Is it awesome?

Li Dao glanced at the two buckets, which together weighed less than fifty kilograms, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Maybe in her eyes, this was awesome.

When he raised his head to look at the woman, his eyes suddenly froze.

He saw desire in the woman's eyes.

Certainly not a desire for him, more like a desire for power.

This look was very familiar to him. He had had this look when he first learned that he was in a death row camp. In that case, only strength could make him feel safe.

The woman quickly came to her senses and saw that Li Dao was still in front of her. She smiled awkwardly and said, "My dear, please go out and sit for a while. There is a lot of oil smoke when cooking."


Li Dao did not hesitate this time, turned around and left directly. After all, he was not good at cooking, so staying would not be of much help.

Of course, if he wanted to, he could easily learn it with his current brain, and even master it in a short time.


After leaving the kitchen, Li Dao did not move around.

Because he knows the attitude of the women in this village towards him, running around will only affect these women.

Soon, he came to the backyard alone.

From the back of the carriage, he found the box he had brought from Uncle Anyuan's house.

Open the box, and the dragon pattern halberd inside appears in front of you.

Li Dao did not focus on the dragon-patterned halberd, but reached out to the side and took out the book of 'Unparalleled Halberd Technique' and flipped through it.

When I was a child, I didn't have the opportunity to practice this family secret skill, but now I have some spare time to practice it.

Sitting on the carriage, Li Dao opened the secret book of Wushuang Jifa and looked at it carefully.

He had a martial arts secret book before - the violent wind sword technique.

Compared with the Guangfeng Sword Technique, the Unparalleled Halberd Technique in his hand is more profound.

If the violent wind sword technique is a simple basic knowledge such as a primary school textbook.

Then the Wushuangji method is knowledge at the high school Mathematical Olympiad level, which is difficult to learn and master.

Especially he learned from the secret book of Wu Shuang Ji method.

The power of the Wushuang Halberd Technique lies entirely in the two words "Wushuang".

If you want to practice this unparalleled halberd method, it is difficult for those who are not born with divine power to get started, because this halberd method is very powerful and powerful, and it requires a heavy halberd.

So for ordinary people, just getting started is difficult for most people.

At the same time, this halberd method not only opens and closes, but also has various complex and delicate techniques.

In short, it is impossible to practice with strength without wisdom, and it is impossible to practice with strength and wisdom. Only those with strength and wisdom can practice it.

He remembered his father saying when he was a child that even the founder of their Li family could not master this unparalleled halberd technique to perfection.

The reason is that the ancestor was powerful and wise, but not very wise.

But that's right, after all, most generals are deficient in some aspects.

Although the Wushuang Halberd Technique is difficult at the moment, it is perfect for Li Dao.

In terms of strength, his physique can be improved infinitely. With his current physique, his strength is already over 10,000 kilograms, and this number will increase several times when he explodes.

When it comes to wisdom, photographic memory, and learned memory are just some basic abilities that come with his brain after being strengthened many times, which is enough to show how powerful it is.

Li Dao kept looking at the Wushuang Jifa in his hand.

And a villain has been automatically reproduced in his mind.

The villain held a heavy halberd in his hand, and he kept waving the heavy halberd in his mind as Li Dao's reading increased.

After a stick of incense.

Li Dao turned over the last page of Wushuang Jifa, and the entire secret book had been memorized in his mind.

He sat cross-legged in front of the carriage, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

And the villain in his mind also began to practice the Wushuang Halberd technique he just learned from the secret book.

Over and over again.

I don't know how much time passed before Li Dao suddenly opened his eyes.

After turning over to the carriage, he put his hand into the box and easily took out the dragon pattern halberd weighing more than 200 kilograms with one hand.

Arriving in the middle of the empty backyard, he closed his eyes and began to practice the Wushuang Halberd Technique he had just learned with the little man in his mind.

The dragon-patterned halberd weighing more than 200 kilograms seemed like nothing in his hand, and kept streaking through the air.

Maybe Li Dao's power was too great, and every time he danced the air would make a dull figure.

As time goes by, the dance of the dragon pattern halberd becomes faster and faster.

The tip of the dragon-patterned halberd brushed against the ground. Although it didn't touch it, it left a long mark on the ground inexplicably.

Ten minutes later.

The movements of Li Dao's hands gradually stopped.

When he opened his eyes and looked around, he found that the entire backyard was in a mess, with scratches everywhere.

There was even a shallow mark on the wall a few meters away from him, but he didn't notice the slightest touch of collision when he was practicing the Wushuang Halberd Technique just now.


This time Li Dao opened his eyes and waved the dragon pattern halberd.

He saw with his naked eyes an invisible sharp blade appearing at the tip when he waved the dragon pattern halberd just now.

"Gang Qi!"

Li Dao muttered to himself.

There are records about Gang Qi in Wushuang Jifa.

Gangqi is something produced by the combination of strength and skill.

Fierce and domineering, the stronger the power, the stronger the Gang Qi, and it has more powerful destructive power than Zhen Qi.

Because Gang Qi cannot be obtained through cultivation and can only be achieved by relying on pure strength and delicate skills, only a few people can master it.

And once you practice the Wushuang Halberd Technique and develop Gang Qi, it means that the Wu Shuang Halberd Technique has reached the level of minor success.

"Is this a small success?"

Li Dao once again underestimated his talent in martial arts training.

You must know that his ancestor practiced the Unparalleled Halberd Technique with only a small amount of success in his whole life, but he was unable to achieve it until his death, and he did it in less than half an hour.

Of course, his Wushuang Halberd Technique is just a small success, and it is not as good as his ancestor's Wushuang Halberd Technique which is infinitely close to being a complete success, but this is exaggerated enough.

After looking at the dragon-patterned halberd that was becoming more comfortable in his hand, Li Dao put it back into the box.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to practice the Wushuang Halberd Technique to a further level, it's mainly because according to the explanation of the Wu Shuang Halberd Technique, if he wants to practice the Wu Shuang Halberd Technique to perfection, rigid practice will not be of much use. The main reason is that he needs to continue fighting on the battlefield. Hone on the enemy.

Putting down the dragon pattern halberd, he also put the secret book of the Wushuang Halberd Technique back, and then looked at the remaining two secret books.

Tyrannosaurus's mentality was quickly ignored by him.

After all, this thing is a Qi cultivation technique. It is completely useless to a person like him who is born without pulses. It only makes him more sad.

So he could only pick up the secret book called 'The Art of War at Pagoda'.

Sitting back on the carriage, Li Dao picked up the Art of War at Pagoda and flipped through it.

A few minutes later.

Li Dao saw one tenth and found that it was really a secret book on the art of war.

However, unlike the traditional art of war secrets that are commonly circulated on the surface, this is a unique art of war secret book passed down from the Li family.

In the Art of War of the Buddha, there is a military training method called "Iron Buddha" recorded, and there are many methods to match the battle formation of the Iron Buddha.

In Li Dao's impression, his father once talked to him about Tiefu Tu.

It is rumored that the reason why his ancestor was granted the title of first-class marquis was because the Tiefutu under the ancestor of the Li family made countless contributions to Taizu Daqian when he was conquering the world.

According to what his father said at the time, it was because the ancestor of the Li family joined Taizu Daqian's army later in life.

Otherwise, just relying on the merits of Tiefutu, the Li family would be able to make them a duke instead of a king.

It is a pity that Tiefutu gradually disappeared in the long river of history due to the difficulty of training in the end, and because there were no descendants of the ancestors of the Li family who were better than their masters.

Thinking of this, Li Dao quickly looked through Tiefutu's training methods.

Just by looking at it, he instantly understood why it was said that training at Tiefutu was difficult.

Because Tiefutu has very perverted requirements for those who train from the beginning.

Height requirement requires eight feet tall.

Daqian's eight feet is about 1.85 meters.

Secondly, these people also need to be physically fit.

These are just introductions.

The real training method of Iron Buddha comes later.

In short, after looking at it one by one, Li Dao felt that the Iron Buddha Tu was none other than a special force from past and modern times.

Think about it, with the same strength, if one side is all ordinary people and the other side is all special forces, it would be an inappropriate crushing situation.

According to the explanation of the Art of War of the Pagoda, the Iron Pagoda can fight an enemy ten times more powerful than itself.

It is even said in the Art of War of the Pagoda that if the commander is strong enough, the Iron Pagoda in its strongest state can even fight enemies a hundred times its own number.

And they are still of the same strength.

If this were in the past life, Li Dao would definitely call the other person a liar if he said that.

But this is an era of spiritual practice, and everything is different.

Especially when he saw many things in the Art of War at Pagoda that he didn't understand.

For example, the Art of War at the Pagoda also states that training the Iron Pagoda first requires condensing the military power of the Iron Pagoda, and then transforming the power into military power through constant killing.

There are some military souls and other things at the back.

Anyway, it's very complicated.

It took Li Dao more than ten minutes to memorize the entire Pagoda Art of War in his mind.

That is just to remember, because some of the things inside are too unfamiliar to him and he needs to digest them slowly.

At this time, Jiu'er's voice came from the front yard.

"Master, it's time to eat."


After replying, Li Dao opened the box and put the Art of War of Pagoda back in, and then walked out of the backyard.


Not long after finishing the meal, Jiu'er found him holding the little mouse, that is, Yuan Bao.

"Master, when will we leave?"

Jiu'er came to the door and asked.


Li Dao was stunned, "Do you want to leave here early?"

"no no."

Jiu'er waved her hands quickly, and then whispered, "I see how pitiful the sisters here are, and I'm thinking about staying with them for a few days."

"That's it?"

"Master, what do you mean?"

Li Dao chuckled and said, "We are not in a hurry, so just stay for a few days."


Jiu'er smiled happily and said, "Master, you are so kind."

"Isn't it bad before?"

"It was good before, but it's better now."

"You little sycophant, let's go and play."

"Luanluanluo, Yuanbao and I went to play."

Looking at Jiu'er's running back, Li Dao smiled and shook his head, looking at the other women busy in the yard. In fact, even if Jiu'er didn't mention that incident, he wouldn't leave too fast.

He knew one thing very clearly, that is, the women in Taoyuan Village had just experienced such a tragedy and were emotionally unstable. The reason why they were able to calm down now was because he gave these women a certain sense of security.

So stay a few more days and wait until these women gradually accept the reality before leaving, so you don't have to worry.

Furthermore, he fought his way out of the death row camp, went straight to the imperial capital, and lasted for half a month. It was time for him to take this opportunity to take a good rest.