
Death Row Ability: Blood Battle Level Up

Li Dao is reborn into the Daqian Dynasty as a third-class count. During a palace banquet, he accidentally drunkenly broke into a palace, coinciding with the recovery of his past life memories, so his memory was confused and drunkenly ruined the innocence of the mistress of the palace. In the end, the emperor was furious and sent Li Dao to the death camp in the border, wanting him to die outside the border. As a result, he accidentally awakened the 'Kill the Enemy and Explode Attributes' system. From then on, killing people can become infinitely stronger. Since then, Daqian has less of a playboy count, and more of a human hero who has slaughtered countless people. Dynasties fight for supremacy, rivers and lakes are in strife, foreign races invade, overseas rages, and immortal gates are opened. Step by step, Li Dao hacked out an invincible road that belonged to him alone. Years later, when Li Dao returned to the imperial capital with his great war achievements, he stepped into the imperial palace again and found that the woman whose innocence he had destroyed at the beginning was already sitting on the dragon chair. And next to the dragon chair, there was a young daughter whose eyebrows were similar to his. At this moment, there was only one question left in Li Dao's mind. Is this anti or not?

SumeruSea · ファンタジー
59 Chs

Kill the enemy to explode the attribute system

Sitting in the corner, Li Dao took out the dough, patted the dust on it, and put it in his mouth.

Suddenly, just as the pancake was about to enter his mouth, a voice sounded in his mind.

[Ding, the first kill on the enemy is completed, and the attribute system of killing the enemy is activated. ]

[Kill an enemy and gain attributes: 0.2]

[Complete the first kill, reward attribute: 1]

The next second, Li Dao only saw a blur in front of him. A panel similar to the game in his previous life appeared in front of him, and at the same time, an introduction to this system appeared in his mind.

[Master: Li Dao]

[Physique: 0.8]

[Available attributes: 1.2]



Li Dao never imagined that he would have such a thing as a system.

It's not that he didn't think about the system when his memory first recovered, but no matter how he experimented, there was no trace of the system.

I never thought that to activate the system, I would need to kill someone.

If he never kills anyone, then the system will never be activated.

If he hadn't been to the death row camp, he would still be the playboy An Yuanbo. Who knows when the system will be activated.

After waiting for a while, Li Dao suppressed the excitement in his heart. It was always better for the system to arrive late than not at all.

He glanced at his system panel.

Only three lines, ridiculously simple.

He swore it was the simplest panel he had ever seen.

Based on the information in his mind, he also knew the function of the system.

It's very simple and crude. If you kill the enemy, you can drop the enemy's attributes.

He can add the dropped attributes to himself to improve his strength.

But why the only attribute that can be increased is the physical column. Let's compare it with the character panel in the previous online game.

What about speed?

What about spirit?

What about strength?

Why does it only have one attribute: physical fitness?

Although he was confused, Li Dao wanted to try the specific effects of the system first.

He looked at the system panel and had a thought.

The next second, the physical attributes and available attributes changed together.

[Master: Li Dao]

[Physique: 1]

[Available attributes: 1]

Increased, the effect...

Before Li Dao could finish his thoughts, a stream of heat was generated in his body out of thin air in the next second, pouring into all parts of his body instantly, and even a weak stream of clear water appeared in his mind.

The heat came and went quickly, disappearing within a few breaths.


After coming back to his senses, Li Dao was stunned.

He found that his body had changed significantly compared to before.

The thin body became stronger, and the muscle lines became more obvious. What surprised him most was that his mind was much clearer at this moment, and his whole body was strengthened in all aspects.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why there was only one attribute in the attribute column: physical fitness.

Because the attribute of physique encompasses his entire being.

Strength, speed, physique, and spirit are all included in the body.

At this moment, Li Dao just wanted to give a thumbs up to the system.

Unexpectedly, simplicity and roughness have become the biggest advantage of the system.

According to the system description, the average physique of an ordinary person is one, which means that his current physique has just reached the average level of ordinary people after adding points.

It should be said that he is worthy of being a spoiled playboy since childhood. His physical fitness is not even as good as that of ordinary people.

Taking a look at the system panel, Li Dao didn't hesitate too much and decisively added the remaining attributes to his body.

The next second, an even stronger heat than before appeared in his body.

Under the influence of this heat flow, his body hidden under the prison uniform began to undergo obvious changes. His muscles continued to expand and contract. Even the internal organs in his body felt a constant relaxation, and his mind also felt refreshed under the clear current. Becoming more and more awake.

Many memories that had long been blurred began to reappear in his mind.

This time, the heat flow lasted for more than ten breaths before disappearing.

Li Dao looked down and found that after strengthening his body, his body seemed to have gone through a secondary development and became much stronger, and the original loose prison clothes became much more snug.

Fortunately, the cell was too dark, so no one noticed his changes.

He clenched his fist and felt a sense of strength.

Looking at the handcuffs and shackles, he felt like they could break them at any time.

He knew this was an illusion caused by a sudden surge in power.

An iron chain as thick as a thumb cannot be broken by a body twice the size of an ordinary person.

You must know that according to the system description, killing an enemy will drop one-tenth of the opponent's overall attributes.

In other words, the strong man's physique was already twice that of ordinary people before, but he couldn't do it, and Li Dao certainly couldn't either.

According to his judgment, if you want to break this iron chain, your physical strength must reach at least five points.

"Five points of physical strength, according to the system's calculation method, requires killing fifty ordinary enemies."

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked at the other people in the cell.

But he soon gave up the idea.

He wants to become stronger, but he will not become stronger without thinking.

If he really kills people mindlessly for this reason, then he estimates that he will only become a slave to power in the end. Will he still be the same person then?

Besides, the name of the system is 'Enemy Killing Explosion Attribute System'.

As the name suggests, you have to kill the enemy.

Although the people in the cell are all death row prisoners, they have no enmity or enmity against him and cannot be considered enemies.

Of course, all this needs to be judged by himself.

If he dislikes someone, then the other person will become his enemy even if he has no grievances.

In short, everything is based on Li Dao's own inner instinctive views.


Li Dao touched his stomach, and a feeling of hunger emerged from his body, which was stronger than the previous hunger.

side effect?

But it shouldn't be calculated like this. As the body becomes stronger, it naturally needs more food.

It's a pity that he only has a piece of soaked flour cake on hand, which can't supplement the current needs of his body.

After lightly patting the dust on the dough, Li Dao stuffed it into his mouth.

However, after taking one sip, Li Dao felt nothing at all, as if something was stuck between his teeth.

He understood a little bit why the strong man wanted to snatch the food before. For those who are in good health, this little food is enough for anyone.

"Sleep, sleep will reduce energy consumption."

Li Dao leaned against the wall, narrowed his eyes slightly, and held a sharpened wooden thorn in his right hand.

Although he is now twice as strong as an ordinary person, he is still a mortal body and will die if he is killed, so he should be careful when he should.


I don't know how much time has passed.

In a daze, Li Dao was woken up by a burst of movement.

Opening his eyes, he saw two soldiers opening the cell door and walking in.

"Hey, another one died."

The two soldiers were not surprised to see the dead body of the strong man, and seemed to have long been accustomed to it.

One of the soldiers said cheerfully, "This time it's mine."

"It's yours, it's yours."

The soldier on the other side waved his hand.

The soldier who spoke first showed a happy expression, took out a knife from his waist and squatted next to the strong man.

He took out a knife and scratched the strong man's left ear, and he took out a bloody ear.

The soldier didn't feel disgusted, but happily wrapped his ears in a rag and put them in his arms.

Finally, the two soldiers glanced at the cell and dragged the strong man's body away.

Seeing this, Li Dao had no expression on his face. He was used to it.

He also understood why soldiers cut off their ears.

Because in major frontier areas, the left ear represents merit.

The reason why the Daqian Dynasty was strong was that Daqian's army had a system similar to that of the ancient Qin Dynasty in its previous life.

Military nobility system.

As long as you join the army and kill enemies on the battlefield, you can use your military exploits to obtain military titles, thus achieving class advancement.

The way to calculate combat merit is very simple. Use the enemy's left ear to count the number of enemies killed, and then tally the combat merit.

After all, a person only has one ear. If you kill an enemy, cutting off the other person's left ear means you have killed an enemy.

Turn in your left ear, and the credit will be recorded to the soldiers.

If you have enough merit, you can get a promotion and a salary increase.

If a strong man's left ear is cut off, it will naturally be used by soldiers to take the credit for killing the enemy.

Fortunately, the Ministry of War has strict management of death row camps and allows death row inmates to fight among themselves, but does not allow soldiers to kill prisoners themselves. Otherwise, in addition to preventing themselves from dying in the death row camp mission, death row prisoners also have to prevent lower-level soldiers from killing themselves.

In short, the same sentence remains: death row prisoners have no human rights at all in the death row camps.

Of course, death row inmates in death row camps should not be said to have no hope at all.

In the frontier fortress, Dagan Death Row Camp has had a special rule since its establishment.

That is, as long as a death row prisoner has made enough military exploits, he can leave the death row camp openly and receive a new identity to live in this world again.

At that time, all your crimes will be erased and you can start a new life with a clean conscience.

However, since the founding of the Daqian Dynasty, there have been countless death row prisoners, and how many of these death row prisoners have been able to escape from the death row camps?

The total amount does not exceed the amount of one hand.

This is all because it is too difficult to leave the death row camp.

So high that if a death row inmate wants to leave the death row camp, he needs to collect about 500 left ears based on his military merits.

In other words, you need to kill five hundred enemies before you can leave the death row camp.

What is this concept?

For most ordinary death row inmates, this is definitely an unattainable dream.

Five hundred enemies just stood there and were killed by ordinary people. It would probably take a long time to kill them until they were weak, let alone kill them on the battlefield.

The most critical thing is that most of the death row camps are usually charged at the most dangerous positions on the battlefield. As a result, the mortality rate greatly increases again.

The vast majority of death row inmates can't even survive their first mission, let alone murder and remove ears.

In short, this rule gives people hope and despair.

Li Dao felt desperate when he knew this rule of the death row camp before.

But now he doesn't think so.

Five hundred people is a lot, but as long as he can survive, he believes that he can do it with the ability of the system.

Moreover, now he not only wants to leave the death row camp, he also wants to live a better life in this world.

Because he has experienced how comfortable life is for others in this world.

"Set a small goal, collect 500 enemy left ears, and leave the death row camp."

Li Dao thought secretly in his heart.