
Death Row Ability: Blood Battle Level Up

Li Dao is reborn into the Daqian Dynasty as a third-class count. During a palace banquet, he accidentally drunkenly broke into a palace, coinciding with the recovery of his past life memories, so his memory was confused and drunkenly ruined the innocence of the mistress of the palace. In the end, the emperor was furious and sent Li Dao to the death camp in the border, wanting him to die outside the border. As a result, he accidentally awakened the 'Kill the Enemy and Explode Attributes' system. From then on, killing people can become infinitely stronger. Since then, Daqian has less of a playboy count, and more of a human hero who has slaughtered countless people. Dynasties fight for supremacy, rivers and lakes are in strife, foreign races invade, overseas rages, and immortal gates are opened. Step by step, Li Dao hacked out an invincible road that belonged to him alone. Years later, when Li Dao returned to the imperial capital with his great war achievements, he stepped into the imperial palace again and found that the woman whose innocence he had destroyed at the beginning was already sitting on the dragon chair. And next to the dragon chair, there was a young daughter whose eyebrows were similar to his. At this moment, there was only one question left in Li Dao's mind. Is this anti or not?

SumeruSea · ファンタジー
59 Chs

Kill prisoners! Add points to become stronger!

"Who is killing prisoners? Do you want to die?"

A voice came from among the Daqian soldiers, and soon Captain Liu squeezed in from the crowd.

"Who is killing prisoners?"

Mr. Liu asked with a cold glance.

The next second, everyone glanced at Li Dao.

"what's your name?"

Mr. Liu looked at Li Dao.

Li Dao threw away the knife in his hand and said quietly, "Nine five two seven."

Nine five two seven?

Mr. Liu was stunned and suddenly raised his head, "Are you from the death row camp?"

Upon hearing the words "Death Prison Camp", everyone present, including the Northern Barbarian soldiers, were stunned.

Li Dao did not deny his identity as a death row prisoner. This kind of thing could not withstand investigation, so he nodded and admitted it.


Seeing Li Dao admit it, everyone took a deep breath.

Most of the prisoners on death row that everyone saw were dying on the battlefield, or they just hid in deserted places and shivered.

But this was the first time for many people to see the death row inmates who fought on the front line and survived with two swords.

It is simply much rarer than a national treasure.

Captain Liu calmed down, raised his head and asked, "Why did you kill the prisoners?"

Li said: "My hand slipped."

Captain Liu: "Can I slip twice if my hand slips?"

Li Dao: "The first time I skated with my left hand, the second time I skated with my right hand, it's different."

Captain Liu: "???"

Northern barbarian soldier: "******"


A long knife suddenly bounced up from the ground and penetrated directly through a Northern Barbarian soldier who was scolding him the most unpleasantly.

For a moment, the whole place was silent again.

Mr. Liu's face turned red with anger and asked, "Nine-five-two-seven, let me ask you, what are you going to say?"

Li said: "Sorry, my left foot slipped this time."

Mr. Liu laughed angrily, "Does that mean your right foot will slip a little later?"

Li Dao shrugged, "Who knows."

The northern barbarian soldiers were silenced. They were beaten and surrendered by a death row prisoner. They were killed even if they surrendered. Now they are being threatened. They really have no human rights at all.

Seeing that Li Dao looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, Mr. Liu instantly lost his temper.

After all, what can you care about with a death row prisoner?

Military justice?

Death row inmates are not soldiers.

kill him?

This is a damned death row.

Besides, if he had killed secretly before, he would have been killed, but how could Mr. Liu do it now?

The death row prisoner 9527 deserves a lot of credit for this night attack being so successful.

What's more, the more powerful the death row prisoners are, the greater their role will be on the battlefield, and their soldiers will suffer fewer casualties.

As a result, he was even more reluctant to kill.

In the end, Mr. Liu could only deal with it briefly and give him a slight punishment.

As everyone knows, the reason why Li Dao dared to kill prisoners wantonly was because he had the same idea.

In Li Dao's view, he was already on death row, so what else was he afraid of?

Is it possible that he can be sentenced to death again?

"9527, because you killed the prisoners this time, you won't have any share of this battle achievement."

"Does the battle merit of killing the enemy still count?"

"Kill enemies? How many have you killed?"

Li Dao didn't say anything. He took out a blood-stained cloth bag from his arms. When he opened it, he found the left ear of a Northern Barbarian soldier inside.

After roughly counting them, he raised his head and said, "Eighteen in total."

"Counting the three on the ground, that's twenty-one."

Captain Liu looked at the three dead prisoners on the ground and his face darkened, "These three don't count."

If killing prisoners can be regarded as killing the enemy, then Li Dao was not the only one to do it.

Li Dao did not refute and said quietly, "That's eighteen."

Anyway, I have all the attributes, so I don't need the ears.

However, these eighteen still shocked all the Daqian soldiers present.

Daqian and Beiman have been fighting each other for hundreds of years, with victories and defeats, and the ratio of battle losses is generally maintained at a few points to one.

In other words, the life of a Daqian soldier can only be exchanged for the life of a Northern Barbarian soldier.

Today was a night attack, so the ratio might not count, but at most it was one to two. The life of one Daqian soldier could be exchanged for the lives of two Beiman soldiers.

But this 9527 killed eighteen Northern Barbarian soldiers by himself.

This is more than the number of enemies killed by most of the regular soldiers present in their lifetime.

Captain Liu did not expect that the other party could kill eighteen Northern Barbarian soldiers in a row.

Looking at the ear handed over by the other party, Mr. Liu took a deep breath and then said, "As a punishment for killing prisoners, you will be exempted from the basic military merits of this military camp mission. If there is another time, you will also have the merits of killing the enemy." You're exempted."

Hearing this, Li Dao smiled and said, "Thank you, sir."

Realizing the benefits of attribute points, he no longer cares too much about military exploits.

Anyway, as long as you become stronger, you won't be able to gain military exploits or anything like that.

Mr. Liu snorted coldly, "Although I don't understand why you entered the death row camp, if you have the ability, cherish it, don't be too arrogant, and don't have other small ideas."


Li Dao knew what Mr. Liu was talking about.

It is to warn him not to think that he has force and choose to escape.

In fact, Li Dao also knew that if he wanted to run away before, he could run away.

But run away and then what?

When you enter the death row camp, your life has been erased, which means that you have become a criminal.

And gangsters will be ostracized and targeted wherever they go, and they may even be considered wanted criminals after being caught by the government.

Even if he ran away from the Daqian Dynasty and entered other dynasties, it would be the same.

Having no identity in this world is just like not having an ID card in the previous life.

It's okay if no one checks you, but if someone checks you, it will be difficult to move forward.

Therefore, Li Dao had never thought about such a thing.

He wants to fight his way out of the death row camp openly and in exchange for a new identity.

And there is another main reason for doing this.

That means he still has family members in this life.

If you want to go back, you can only use a clean identity.


The Northern Barbarian soldiers have surrendered, and the next step is to clean up the battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, after the battle, the prisoners on death row are locked up alone, and they have to be taken back after all.

Maybe it was because Li Dao had performed so well before and saved many Daqian soldiers, so no one raised this matter.

Moreover, after statistics, everyone also found that of the twenty death row prisoners brought this time, only 9,527 survived, and no one said anything.

Li Dao looked around and came to a bonfire.

There was also a roasted leg of lamb on the bonfire.

He was not polite, picked up the roasted leg of lamb, picked it up, and gnawed on it as if he was eating it.

After taking a sip, Dao Li breathed a sigh of relief after tasting the long-lost taste.

While eating the leg of lamb, Li Dao thought silently in his mind, "Panel."

The next second, the panel popped up in front of him.

[Master: Li Dao]

[Physique: 3.16]

[Available attributes: 1.24]

After the initial fight, his body had reached three times that of an ordinary person.

Later, because the fighting was too fierce, I didn't have time to add attributes, so I saved a lot of attributes.

While eating the roasted leg of lamb, he silently added all attributes to his body with his mind.

For a moment, heat surged through his body.

It may be that physical strengthening will put a certain amount of pressure on your body, and stronger hunger will appear.


Li Dao took one bite and bit off the roasted mutton together with the bones inside.

Because his body is three times that of a normal person, his teeth are also not as good as normal. When bones enter his mouth, he bites them into pieces and swallows them into his stomach.

After a dozen breaths.

The heat subsided, and Li Dao's physical strength climbed to a new level again.

[Master: Li Dao]

[Physique: 4.40]

[Available attributes: 0]

Four times the physique of an ordinary person.

Li Dao felt that even with the tetanus blade he used at the beginning, he could cut people in two with one blow.

If he had had the strength he had now, he wouldn't have had to be so scrupulous at the beginning. He could have charged into the northern barbarian soldiers and killed them wantonly.

After all, four times the physical strength of an ordinary person is overall.

Four times the strength, four times the physical strength, four times the recovery power, and superhuman speed and reaction.

(ps: In reality, speed and reaction will not double due to doubling the body, but will only increase step by step.)

Taking out one of these may not be overwhelming.

But if these are all added together, the effect will be very terrifying.

With four times the strength, even an iron rod can become an invincible weapon.

With four times his physical strength, he is almost a perpetual motion machine, and he will not get tired even if he wields a knife all night.

At extraordinary speed, every attack will kill people, and no ordinary soldier can dodge his active attack.

With his extraordinary reactions, ordinary people's actions appear to be in slow motion in his eyes. He can react quickly and counterattack in time.

Especially on the ancient cold weapon battlefield, his combat effectiveness will be infinitely amplified.

And this is just the beginning.

After all, it had only been a week since he got the system, and he had only experienced one fight.

As he develops, his strength will only snowball.

The battlefield was cleaned very quickly. After all, it was just a small team from the Northern Barbarians and did not have any important supplies.

Here, Li Dao also ate and drank happily.

Although the taste is not as complex as the barbecue in the previous life, compared with the food in the death row camp, these barbecues can be regarded as delicious on earth.

"Nine five two seven!"

Suddenly there was a voice in his ear.

Looking back, he found that Captain Liu had arrived beside him at some point, holding a bay-red horse beside him.

"Can you ride a horse?"

Captain Liu patted the horse and asked.


How could Li Dao not know how to ride a horse?

When he inherited the earlship, he was a third-class military lord. When he inherited it, there would be a special person to test his riding and archery skills.

Even if he is the last person to pass the test of the Sechanto relationship, he can still do simple horse riding.

Hearing this, Captain Liu nodded, "Then you can ride back with us."

"Finally, I would like to remind you that with your ability, it is not impossible to come out of the death row camp with integrity. Don't make the wrong decision."



Because he came on foot at night and returned on horseback, Li Dao soon followed Captain Liu's troops back to Changgu Town.

That is where this army was stationed at the border fortress.

"Take it with you."

As soon as Li Dao dismounted, Captain Liu came to his side and handed over a pair of hand and foot shackles.

Seeing this familiar equipment, Li Dao took it calmly and put it on himself.

In the past, this thing was a shackle that bound him. Now, for him, this hand and foot shackles are just an excess and will be thrown away sooner or later.

Not long after, Li Dao returned to that familiar place again.

Death row cell.

As soon as the door was opened, the death row inmates in the cell were all stunned when they saw Li Dao.

They didn't expect Li Dao to come back alive.

After seeing that he was the only one coming back, the people in the cell were even more convinced that the person in front of them was not easy to mess with.

Li Dao didn't care about the reactions of these people and directly chose a corner to sit down.

After the previous excitement of fighting, now the excitement faded away, leaving him only sleepy.

He fell asleep in a daze.

This time there were no splinters in his hands.

Because he has gained more power than the wooden thorn.

He wasn't worried about whether someone would sneak up on him.

His body, which is four times that of an ordinary person, gives him a keen sense of perception, and he can detect it even if an ordinary person is even slightly closer to him.

Naturally, I don't have to worry about this problem.