
Death Row Ability: Blood Battle Level Up

Li Dao is reborn into the Daqian Dynasty as a third-class count. During a palace banquet, he accidentally drunkenly broke into a palace, coinciding with the recovery of his past life memories, so his memory was confused and drunkenly ruined the innocence of the mistress of the palace. In the end, the emperor was furious and sent Li Dao to the death camp in the border, wanting him to die outside the border. As a result, he accidentally awakened the 'Kill the Enemy and Explode Attributes' system. From then on, killing people can become infinitely stronger. Since then, Daqian has less of a playboy count, and more of a human hero who has slaughtered countless people. Dynasties fight for supremacy, rivers and lakes are in strife, foreign races invade, overseas rages, and immortal gates are opened. Step by step, Li Dao hacked out an invincible road that belonged to him alone. Years later, when Li Dao returned to the imperial capital with his great war achievements, he stepped into the imperial palace again and found that the woman whose innocence he had destroyed at the beginning was already sitting on the dragon chair. And next to the dragon chair, there was a young daughter whose eyebrows were similar to his. At this moment, there was only one question left in Li Dao's mind. Is this anti or not?

SumeruSea · ファンタジー
59 Chs

Death row mission. Chosen.

Time passes slowly.

Soon, a week passed.

On this day, Li Dao squatted in the corner and ate soaked noodles as usual.

Because of his prestige a week ago, no unsightly person disturbed him this week.

Likewise, no one bothers anyone else.

After all, no one knows whether the person he is causing trouble is as disguised as Li Dao. If the boat capsizes in the sewer, he will probably end up like the strong man, being killed and having his ears cut off, and his body Thrown out into the wild to be fed to wild beasts.

All in all, this week has been pretty peaceful.

If it were before the system appeared, this result would be exactly what Li Dao wanted.

But after having the system in place, he suddenly regretted that he had overly shocked these inmates.

This means that no one is bothering him, which also means that he cannot use the system to become stronger for the time being.

"Forget it, let's wait and see."

Li Dao thought secretly in his heart.

It's only been a week, but the most indispensable thing in this death row camp is people who actively seek trouble.

"Everyone wake up, everyone wake up."

Suddenly, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside the cell door.

Everyone looked up and saw a soldier wearing armor who was obviously more senior than ordinary soldiers walking over surrounded by several jailers.

A jailer came forward and asked, "Captain Liu, where are you today..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Liu raised his hand and interrupted, "I have a mission. I need to recruit twenty death row prisoners from your death row camp."

The sound was not loud, but the death row inmates in the surrounding cells could hear it clearly.

For a moment, almost all the death row prisoners had expressions of panic on their faces.

Because the so-called transfer of death row prisoners is most likely to go out and follow regular soldiers to complete military camp tasks.

In most military camp missions, the role of death row prisoners is to die and attract the enemy's attention to serve as cannon fodder.

Often, if one out of ten death row inmates comes back, it's just a matter of sheer luck.

Most of them are the kind that will never come back.

That's why death row inmates panic when they hear such words, because being selected can almost mean death.

Hearing this, the jailer immediately asked enthusiastically, "I wonder what kind of death row prisoner you want, Mr. Liu."

"I want a batch of people who are not too old or disabled. Just watch and help me choose."

As soon as these words came out, the elderly death row inmates in the cell breathed a sigh of relief, while those who met the requirements immediately became nervous.

Each one prayed to God and Buddha in his heart to prevent him from being selected.

The jailer nodded, "Understood, I'll choose for you right now."

I don't know if it was good luck or bad luck, but the first cage the jailer chose was the one where Li Dao was.

Two jailors walked in and looked around. The prisoners on death row avoided these glances, but soon, someone was chosen by the jailers.

"You come out."

One of the guards shouted, pointing to a location.

After a while, when no one responded, the jailer sneered on his face, "You still want to hide, can you?"

The jailer walked directly to the death row prisoners and dragged one of them out by his hair.

"I don't want, I don't want to leave here."

After the death row prisoner knew that he had been selected, he kept kicking and struggling on the ground.

"Don't go? Then you will die now."

The jailer was also rude. Seeing that he was disobedient, he directly drew a knife and put it on his neck.

In an instant, the death row prisoner did not dare to move under the stimulation of the cold blade.

Suddenly, the death row prisoner seemed to think of something and decisively put his left thumb into his mouth.


Hearing a groan of pain, the death row prisoner spit out his thumb from his mouth, with a ferocious smile on his face, "According to Daqian law, a person with a broken thumb is considered disabled. If I am disabled, I don't have to go."

As soon as these words came out, the jailers all laughed, very happily.

The jailer who drew the sword also took it off and showed a playful smile, "I didn't expect you, a death row prisoner, to understand the laws of Daqian?"

The death row prisoner seemed to be thinking of his former self, and couldn't help showing a proud smile, and said very confidently, "I used to be an eighth-rank official in the imperial court, and I have read hundreds of books since I was a child. This is nothing."

"Eighth-grade official?"

The jailer looked disdainful and sneered, "Even if you are a first-class officer today, it will be the same if you enter this death row camp."

After saying that, he pulled out the knife again and said rudely to the death row prisoner, "I'll give you two choices now, either lose the thumb on your right hand, or stand up."

Right thumb?

The death row prisoner glanced at his right hand and froze on the spot.

It's okay if you don't use your left thumb that you don't use often, but if you don't have your right thumb, it's completely useless and you can't hold anything.

Once he got to that point, he could almost just wait for death in this cruel death row camp. He believed that many death row inmates wouldn't mind giving him a show of adding insult to injury.

Thinking of this, a complicated look flashed across the face of the eighth-grade death row prisoner, and finally he could only sigh and walk out helplessly.

There is still a chance to come back after going out. Without the right thumb, there is really no chance at all.

Seeing this, the jailer sneered and ignored him, and continued to select people from among the death row prisoners.

Facing the jailer's gaze, all the death row inmates who met the target tried their best to hide in the corner.

But the cell is only so big, and you can hide wherever you can. The end result is that qualified people will be picked out from the crowd one by one.

After being singled out, everyone had a look of despair on their faces.

"You seem to have sound limbs, come out."

At this time, Li Dao saw a jailer's hand pointing at him.

Since he was the only one in this corner, he was naturally chosen.

Compared to the other death row inmates, Li Dao behaved very calmly.

He simply stood up and walked to the selected team calmly.

This made the jailer who selected the candidate couldn't help but look at Li Dao twice.

But after finding out that he was just a simple pretty boy, he ignored him. This kind of person seems calm now, but when he goes to the battlefield, he will probably be scared to death.

At this moment, although Li Dao looked calm on the surface, he was excited and a little nervous inside.

I am excited that after more than a month, I can finally leave the death row camp and see the outside environment.

What is tense is this death row mission.

Although his golden finger requires him to kill enemies to make him stronger.

But before he killed the strong man, he succeeded only after making extreme preparations and using a sneak attack.

Nowadays, when you go out, you may have to face enemies who are actually fighting each other. It is natural to be nervous.

But he also knew clearly that as long as he could survive the first mission, the road ahead would only get easier and easier.

Not enough cells were selected for one cell, so the jailer selected a few more.

Finally, twenty death row inmates were gathered.

Captain Liu took a look and nodded to the jailer, "Then I will take these people away."

After saying that, he directly asked his subordinates to lead the people and turn around and leave.

The jailers shouted in unison from behind, "Mr. Liu, walk slowly."


Li Dao and his party, led by Captain Liu, quickly reached the foot of a staircase.

Looking up the steps, a faint light can be seen.

Seeing the steps, many people's breathing quickened.

Because after going up from this step, it is the outside world that they have always longed for.

"Let's go."

Captain Liu just looked back and saw everyone following him, so he led the people up the steps.

A crunch!

The wooden door embedded in the ground was pushed open from both sides, and Captain Liu and others came out.

The death row prisoners behind him also walked out of the wooden door one by one.

In an instant, the scorching sun shone on everyone.

The moment they saw the sun in the sky, all the prisoners on death row subconsciously took a deep breath, and they seemed to smell the breath of freedom.

However, when they saw clearly the handcuffs and shackles on their bodies, they all became dejected and understood the reality.

In the crowd, Li Dao looked at the blazing sun and took a deep breath. While smelling the wind and sand in the air, he looked around with his eyes.

I saw many tents stationed around and many soldiers walking back and forth along the road.

"Follow me. If you wander around and are killed as an escaped death row prisoner, don't blame me for not warning you."

Under the leadership of Captain Liu, Li Dao and others quickly arrived at a tent.

Inside the tent, there were many clothes that were exactly the same as those of the soldiers, but they looked a little shabby.

"You all get dressed, and then I'll tell you about tonight's mission."

Captain Liu pointed to the clothes and said.

Hearing the sound, the death row inmates could only nod numbly and then look for clothes to wear.

After listening, Li Dao picked out a set of clothes that looked a little cleaner, then took off his death row uniform and changed into it.

After a few minutes, everyone had changed their clothes.

Seeing how the death row prisoners were dressed, Captain Liu nodded, "I will explain the mission to you next, so listen carefully."

"Tonight, the mission of you condemned prisoners is to accompany us to a sneak attack on a small camp in the Northern Barbarians."

"If the mission is completed, although you will not be exempted from your status as a death row prisoner, it will still be a record of your military exploits, so that you can live a better life in the death row camp."

"At the same time, I can make a separate promise to you. Once the mission is completed, I will reward you with a feast of meat and wine."

Maybe some people are easy to fool. Many death row inmates became excited when they heard that there was wine and meat. Some of the death row inmates even drooled. They hadn't been exposed to these things for who knows how long.

Even Li Dao's own stomach growled helplessly.

There is nothing we can do about it. A piece of cake every day is not enough.

Seeing the reaction of the death row prisoners, Captain Liu nodded and whispered to a soldier beside him, "You guys will guard these death row prisoners here first, and we will give them weapons when we get out of the city at nightfall."


"Also, go get them some bread and water."

"Captain, don't you need to be so wasteful?"

"Are you stupid? If they don't have enough to eat, how can they have the strength to block the knife for you?"

"Captain, you are still smart."

"That's right, otherwise why would I be the captain and you the soldier?"


Night came quickly.

Li Dao and others were quickly taken to a grassland open space outside the military camp by several soldiers.

At this moment, they met Mr. Liu from before again.

"Distribute weapons."

Captain Liu gave an order, and several soldiers took out a basket containing various weapons.

According to the number of death row inmates, each of them was given a handful of hair.

Soon, every death row inmate was equipped with a weapon.

But the quality doesn't seem to be very good.

Some were holding a meter-long spear, some were holding a broken long stick, and some even had a broken knife that was almost half intact.

Li Dao glanced at it and felt that his weapon seemed to be the same thing.

A knife full of rust.

Commonly known as: Tetanus Blade.

It's a pity that the blade is a bit dull, almost an arc, and there is no sharp edge visible.

But he also understood why this was the case.

Facing a group of death row prisoners with almost no loyalty, no one can provide them with good weapons.

Otherwise, these weapons will only become weapons against themselves if the death row prisoners rebel.

What's more, they are all cannon fodder and it is a waste to give them good weapons.

Here, the death row inmates seemed to know it well, and no one dared to express their opinions loudly except for whispering in private.

Of course, even if there are opinions, no one will pay attention to them.

The clothes are there, the weapons are there.

Next, under the leadership of Captain Liu, a group of death row prisoners mixed with hundreds of soldiers set off towards the grassland in the dark night.