
Death Row Ability: Blood Battle Level Up

Li Dao is reborn into the Daqian Dynasty as a third-class count. During a palace banquet, he accidentally drunkenly broke into a palace, coinciding with the recovery of his past life memories, so his memory was confused and drunkenly ruined the innocence of the mistress of the palace. In the end, the emperor was furious and sent Li Dao to the death camp in the border, wanting him to die outside the border. As a result, he accidentally awakened the 'Kill the Enemy and Explode Attributes' system. From then on, killing people can become infinitely stronger. Since then, Daqian has less of a playboy count, and more of a human hero who has slaughtered countless people. Dynasties fight for supremacy, rivers and lakes are in strife, foreign races invade, overseas rages, and immortal gates are opened. Step by step, Li Dao hacked out an invincible road that belonged to him alone. Years later, when Li Dao returned to the imperial capital with his great war achievements, he stepped into the imperial palace again and found that the woman whose innocence he had destroyed at the beginning was already sitting on the dragon chair. And next to the dragon chair, there was a young daughter whose eyebrows were similar to his. At this moment, there was only one question left in Li Dao's mind. Is this anti or not?

SumeruSea · ファンタジー
59 Chs

Daqian's most beautiful woman

Here, in order to prevent people from the Tamu Tribe and the Agni Tribe from sending people to pursue them.

Wei Yun took the remaining people of Weiwu Camp all the way back to Changgu Town.

"Liu Neng, count the number of people."

As soon as he got off his horse, Wei Yun shouted to Captain Liu.


Captain Liu, also known as Liu Neng, turned around and began to count the number of people.

After burning incense, the headcount was completed.

He came to Wei Yun and clasped his fists and said, "Report to the Commander-in-Chief, there are 800 people on this mission, and there are 536 people left."

Wei Yun sighed, "Did we lose more than two hundred brothers?"

Liu Neng lowered his head, "Yes, this is all thanks to 9527. If he hadn't killed the half-step innate warrior from the Fiery Tribe, we might not even be able to complete the mission."

Wei Yun nodded and said, "We will count the dead brothers and double the pensions and send them to their families."


After dealing with these, Wei Yun stood up and walked to Li Dao, saying in a deep voice, "Thank you."

If it hadn't been for Li Dao, everything might have gone as Liu Neng said, and their mighty camp would have suffered heavy losses, and they might not even be able to complete their mission.

Li Dao shook his head and said, "Everyone takes what they need."

Wei Yun continued, "But I still want to thank you."

After speaking, he glanced at the black iron sword in Li Dao's hand and said, "Isn't the sword good to use?"

"It's pretty good."

"I gave it to you, you don't have to give it back to me."


"Of course I am sure, your knife has helped me save many brothers."

Hearing this, Li Dao touched the handle of the Black Iron Knife. The knife also helped him improve a lot of attributes.


At this moment, a sudden burst of rapid horse hooves sounded from not far away.

Everyone turned around and saw a Daqian soldier running quickly in front of Wei Yun and half-kneeling on the ground.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief that there is an urgent mission from the rear."

After speaking, the soldier took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Wei Yun.

Urgent task?

Wei Yun frowned, picked up the letter and opened it to read.

After watching for a moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help shouting, "Bold!"

This sound made a group of people around him stunned, wondering what happened to make the commander so angry.

Wei Yun took a deep breath, looked up at Li Dao and the other five, and said in a deep voice, "The rest of you return to their original positions. Come to the main account with me on 9527."


Soon after, inside the main account.

Wei Yun sat on the main seat with a gloomy expression and said, "Everyone, the third mission may have to be assigned to you in advance."

Upon hearing this, Shen San suddenly became excited. This was a good thing for them. After completing this mission, they would be free.

Li Dao asked, "Commander Wei, the mission must be related to the letter in your hand."


Shen San and others also looked at Wei Yun's hands.

Wei Yun did not hide it, nodded and said, "It is indeed related to this letter."

Li Dao nodded and said, "Just tell me what the mission is this time."

Wei Yun clenched the letter in his hand and said in a deep voice, "Just when we ambush the arrows escorted by the Tamu tribe, the king of the Tamu tribe formed a team to go to our court."

"According to the information obtained by the spies, this team is led by the eldest prince of the Tamu tribe."

"And its purpose is only one thing, and that is to discuss marriage matters with our Daqian Dynasty."


Shen San asked with confusion on his face, "What are you worried about when getting married? With Daqian's current national strength, it's easy to refuse. What does it have to do with this mission?"

Wei Yun shook his head and said, "You may not be aware of some situations in the court. If it were before, the royal family would not agree to the marriage, but this time it is different."

Shen San curled his lips, "What's the difference?"

Wei Yun looked around and made sure there was no one else around, then continued, "Just over a month ago, a bad scandal happened within the imperial court."

Hearing this, Li Dao's eyelids twitched uncontrollably, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Bad scandal?"

Shen Sanyi became interested immediately after hearing this. Almost everyone likes gossip.

Wei Yun coughed and said, "Don't spread it around when I say it."

"rest assured."

Shen Sanyi patted his chest, "I am known as the Honest and Trustworthy Young Master in Jianghu, and I am known for my strict mouth."

So Wei Yun continued, "It is rumored that at the royal palace banquet more than a month ago, a bold person broke into the royal palace and ruined the innocence of a princess."


Suddenly, there was a shattering sound in the military tent.

Wei Yun and others looked back and found that Li Dao had some broken wine glasses on his hands.

Li Dao shook off the fragments in his hand and said calmly, "You continue."

At this moment, his heart was extremely complicated. He knew who he was talking about at the beginning. He never imagined that he would be in this remote frontier and could eat melons on himself.

Seeing that nothing happened, Shen San couldn't help but say, "Then this is too bold. The Sleeping Princess who dares to act upright in the palace is really a role model for our generation."


Li Dao coughed.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Shen San said with concern.

Li Dao waved his hand, "I'm fine, you continue."

Shen San scratched his head, then turned around and asked again when nothing happened, "Commander Wei, do you know that the princess' innocence was compromised?"

Hearing this, Wei Yun lowered his voice to a minimum and said carefully, "It's Princess Mingyue."


Hearing those four words, Shen San couldn't help but exclaimed.

"You damn fat man, please keep your voice down."

Wei Yun quickly covered Shen San's mouth, fearing that he would shout something earth-shattering.

Pushing Wei Yun's hand away, Shen San couldn't help but said with red eyes, "Tell me who did it, and I will kill him."

Li Dao:? ? ?

Wei Yun frowned and said, "Shen San, what does this have to do with you?"

"It's a big deal!"

Shen San gritted his teeth and said, "That is Princess Mingyue, rumored to be the most beautiful woman in Daqian, and the lover of my dreams. How come her innocence fell on a shameless person?"


Li Dao coughed dryly and couldn't help but ask, "How do you know you are a shameless person?"

Shen San said without hesitation, "Cholera Palace is certainly a shameless person."

Li Dao was speechless, and he couldn't explain anything.

You can't say that you ruined someone's innocence because of an accident.

However, he did not expect that Princess Mingyue would be rated as the most beautiful woman in Daqian Jianghu.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but recall a breathtakingly beautiful figure in his mind.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what this review says.

He admitted that Princess Mingyue was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

Well, she is the most beautiful both on the outside and on the inside.

But Li Dao soon noticed another thing. He frowned and asked, "Then what Commander Wei are talking about has anything to do with the marriage."

Wei Yun sighed, "Because the eldest prince of the Tamu tribe went to Princess Mingyue."

Hearing this, Li Dao's eyes narrowed and his fists clenched subconsciously.

Then Wei Yun said, "Originally, due to His Majesty's love for Princess Mingyue and Princess Mingyue's reputation among the people, even if the eldest prince of the Tamu tribe becomes the eldest queen of the Tamu tribe and proposes marriage, it is impossible for the Daqian royal family to agree. "

"But the worst thing is that Princess Mingyue has such a bad news coming out at this time."

"Because this kind of thing is a scandal within the royal family, there are naturally people in the imperial capital who want to suppress this matter, and the appearance of the eldest prince of the Tamu tribe is equivalent to giving some people a chance to step down."

"As long as Princess Mingyue is married to the eldest prince of the Tamu tribe, in addition to winning over the Tamu tribe, it can also cover up royal scandals. In short, some people are displeased with Princess Mingyue and have bad intentions. Seeing that Princess Mingyue is too favored, they want to marry Princess Mingyue. Princess Mingyue is getting married."

"We can't see anything now, but when the eldest prince of the Tamu tribe really arrives in the imperial capital, someone might actually make this happen."

Li Dao asked directly, "What is our mission this time?"

Wei Yun put the letter on the table and said in a deep voice, "Prevent the eldest prince of the Tamu tribe from entering the border of Daqian and prevent the marriage."

After saying that, he whispered, "This news comes from Jin Yiwei."


Li Dao understood instantly when he heard this.

The Jinyiwei is an official organization directly under the emperor. If the news comes from the Jinyiwei, then this mission should be a secret mission assigned by Emperor Daqian.

As expected, he agreed with what he said, a man controlled by his daughter should not be offended.

Just hearing a piece of news would immediately send someone to nip it in the bud.

Originally, given the bad relationship between Li Dao and Emperor Daqian, this kind of mission was already pretty good if he didn't do anything bad, so he couldn't possibly think of stopping it.

But when he thought of that beautiful figure, Li Dao felt a different thought inexplicably.

He only had one thought at the moment, and that was how the woman he had slept with could take advantage of others, especially a barbarian.

On this point, he tentatively reached a consensus with Emperor Daqian.

Li Dao raised his head and asked directly, "When will the mission take place?"

"Yes, when will the mission begin!"

Shen San said with red eyes, "Even if Princess Mingyue has lost her innocence, it is not something that a barbarian like him can get his hands on."

Li said: "..."

Why did he feel that Shen San was more concerned about this matter than himself.

Could it be that this is the charm of the most beautiful woman in Dagan?

I don't know what Shen San would think if he knew that he was the one who ruined Princess Mingyue's innocence.

Wei Yun explained, "Because this mission is special, those of us who are familiar with it at the border can't take action, so only the five of you can go."