
Death Party

a celebration for the new year easily became a great tragedy of the century...

Lunathi_Maseko · ホラー
1 Chs

The Mayors celebration

"HELP ME! SOMEONE PLEASE- " screamed a high pitched voice from the basement but the music was too loud for anyone to hear.

Until a loud bang that came from the basement caught everyone's attention. Everyone rushed down to the basement to see what had happened but It was to late when they arrived.

She was dead.

The traces of blood that covered the basement floor led to the back of her head. Some think it was a murder, some suicide but for time being it remained a mystery...

December 31st (24 hours before Ciara's death)

Today was the big new years party! The rich mayor decided to celebrate the coming of a successful year. He invited many celebrities and guests. It was going to be the best party to start off the new year!

Once the guests started arriving, Five teenagers snuck into the party, surprisingly it wasn't that difficult for them to pass security. They easily got in. It was 2 girls and 3 boys, there names were Ciara, Cathy, Jacob, Hayden and Ross.

They were best friends from middle school and were known to always cause trouble.

It was few hours into the party and it was alive, the music got everyone up and dancing, It definitely felt like a good way to celebrate new years eve. Through out the night the teens got drunker than a German man at a pub. Ciara started throwing up so she went to look for a bathroom while the rest stayed close by, in a corner near dance floor and undercover so that they didn't get kicked out.

While Ciara was trying to find the bathroom and arm pulled her to the side...

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