
Death of a Fool

A student that has no ambitions dies because of sleep deprivation. A god took pity and sent him to another world. Follow the MC's epic journey to- Wait, let me get this straight. The MC wants to die?

StarsCanAlign · ファンタジー
1 Chs

A FINE MORNING DAY....probably

Inside a small room, littered with piles of paper. A bed custom fitted with its own working table and a window by the side.

The moon shone its light through the window revealing a figure of a boy banging his head on a wall.

Tomorrow's the deadline for the research proposal huh? And to think I still have backlogs from other subjects. I grumbled in frustration.

In any case my partner is probably out playing. Hah... That bastard really gave me most of the work.

Oh, I guess I haven't introduced myself. My name is Agar Read. Yes that kind of agar... Say what you want but I've grown fond of it.

Introductions? Ah, I'm just an ordinary student with no direction in life. Ambitions? What a joke. I have none at all. Unless dying counts. The sweet relief of the void is appealing.

I was suicidal but that quickly came to pass when I realized it was a hassle. Don't get me wrong, I still want to die but just not actively doing it.

And that's the 672th time I talk to no one in particular. Honestly it became a habit

to do it everyday at some point. It first started when I wanted to do something to break the monotony of life.

Anyways it's probably time for me to carry on with my work. This is probably going to cost me more sleep again. How much sleep do I get in average? 4-ish? I lost track.

I opened my laptop as usual and quickly began typing... is what would've happened but my vision was blackening.

Hm is sleep deprivation taking a toll on me again? I mean this isn't the first time it happened. Sigh* I'm definitely fucked. I'll probably wake up tomorrow with no work done at all.
