
Chapter Twelve

I couldn't hold back a laugh at the sight of Anthony sprawled on the bathroom floor, looking as helpless and confused as a lost child. But my amusement was cut short as I opened the door and collided with someone, causing me to tumble backward onto the bathroom door. As I looked up, I realized it was someone I knew, their face initially scowling in annoyance before turning into a look of anxiousness when our eyes met. They seemed almost terrified to see me catch them looking down at me, but why? It's not like I have any power over them like a popular student might have.

"Yugin . . .?" Their voice was filled with surprise, and their anxious expression turned to shock. I recognized this person, as I had seen them around before, but for the life of me, I could not remember their name. It was one of those common middle-class names that you see all the time. A name that you would find in any article about computer science; it's been overused and worn out. "You're back?" I can't help but feel a sense of suspicion towards this person. How is he so familiar with me when I don't even remember ever speaking to him? Out of the hundreds of students in this school, I've only had conversations with a handful of them. This guy definitely doesn't make the top ten, let alone the top 20. I hardly even talk to 20 people in this entire school.

I narrowed my eyes at the man standing over me, unsure of his intentions. His posture was shifting constantly, one moment appearing confident and the next displaying alarm. I noticed how he was positioning his face so that the sunlight would reflect off his glasses, obscuring his eyes from view. There was something about this flashy, gelled-up twink that rubbed me the wrong way.

"I never left. . ." I spoke in a cautious tone, giving away the fact that I was suspicious of him. He attempted to appear more at ease by relaxing his body posture, but it was obvious that he was struggling to do so. He nervously licked his dry lips, his hand fidgeting with an already perfect knotted tie. The awkward silence hung heavily between us, and he desperately searched for a way to break it.

" What are you doing, Simon?" Mari stood skeptically behind him, and I hoped she wouldn't interpret this situation as inappropriate. After all, I was on the ground while Simon was above me. Without a single word from him, Mari pushed him to the side and I finally caught a glimpse of his eyes. He looked embarrassed at first, but that soon turned into anger when he saw Mari crouching down to meet me at eye level. Does he have feelings for her? If so, I can at least appreciate his taste; Mari is a kind and thoughtful person, almost too good for this world. She may be quiet, but she is perceptive and intelligent. Her purple hair beautifully contrasts with her fair skin and her greyish-purple eyes. Mari's features are one-of-a-kind, and I can't understand why she isn't more popular. But then again, Mari doesn't seem like the type to care about being popular - her beauty speaks for itself, unlike the other girls who rely on labels to define them.

"Are you alright, Yugin?" Her voice was soft but full of genuine care as she spoke, and the warmth of her hand on my back felt like a gentle blessing. I couldn't help but think it was ironic – all the things I've done in my life don't deserve such kindness from an angel like her. Yet here she is, helping me up as if I had suffered a serious injury.

But just as we were about to confront Simon, he vanished, leaving me perplexed and wondering what his issue was. There was something familiar about his physique, but I couldn't place who it reminded me of.

As Mari whips her face to lock eyes with me again her scent attacks my nostrils with Japanese cherry blossom, a smell that is popular with the girls in this school even the female teachers use it. "I've been meaning to speak with you, Yugin." Before I could even inquire about what had occurred, she hastily bowed to me. I was left confused and instinctively glanced around, checking that no one had witnessed the interaction. The last thing I needed was rumors spreading or anyone suspecting that I was a Death Note user. Why would Mari bow to an insignificant student like me? It would only confirm everyone's suspicions about my involvement with the death note.

She raised her head to meet my gaze, her cheeks rosy as if someone had painted blush on them. Her eyes were teary, and it seemed like she was about to break down in tears. Whatever was causing her to react this way, I wished it would disappear because I didn't know how to console her if she cried. " Your father . . ." I strained to hear her words as she spoke, but then suddenly her voice lowered to a whisper. I had to move closer to her in order to catch what she was saying. But just as I got close enough, her eyes widened and she took a step back. She placed her hand on my chest as if to hold me in place, and her focus remained solely on her hand against my chest. "I apologize for my self-centeredness when we spoke at the park the other day. I didn't realize your father had passed away, and I feel like a selfish person for talking about myself while you were grieving." Her words fired out of her mouth with the speed of bullets from an assault rifle. She paused to catch her breath and focused on a quick breathing exercise, trying to calm herself down. "Yugin-"

For some reason, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Mari is one of the few people who would apologize for being "self-centered," even though she had no idea about my father's passing. She blames herself for not knowing, but it's not something that really matters to me. Her furrowed brows and confused expression only make me laugh harder as we talk about my deceased father. "It's okay, anything is better than speaking about the dead, don't be too hard on yourself." 

A heavy silence hung between us, but it wasn't necessarily uncomfortable or tense. She stood before me, her cheeks flushed and her hand trembling against my chest. I could tell she was nervous; she hesitantly nodded in response to my statement and avoided making eye contact with me. " You don't carry your camera around anymore. Even at the park, you didn't take pictures like you used to."

I cocked my head at her, impressed by how smoothly she changed the topic. She even looked me in the eye, but I was still taken aback that she had noticed. It's not like I try to hide it or anything, but it's not something I expected anyone to pick up on. "It's broken. Anthony broke it when he slammed me into the lockers and I'm too broke to get another one."

She successfully slides her hands off my chest as she straightens her posture more seriously. "I can check it out to see if I can fix it." 


" Yes, you can give me your number and send me the address so I can collect the pieces."

" Sure-" Just as I was reaching for my phone, the first-period bell chimed, signaling it was time to go to class. Since Mari and I had the same class, we walked together while I shared my number with her.


The unbearable two periods of classes seemed to drag on forever. I couldn't stop staring at the ticking clock, even though I knew it was pointless. It felt like time was slowing down, but in reality, it was moving quickly, just not at the pace I wanted it to be. 

Just as I was about to continue voicing my complaints, my phone vibrated with a message from Hana. She informed me that Anthony wanted to talk to her after their class ended and the teacher had already let them go. My plan was finally in motion.

The bell rang, and the students rushed to pack up their bags as our class came to an end. The hallways were filled with chaos; people pushing and shoving each other to get to their next class. In a place where popularity reigns supreme, being an outcast means no mercy in these halls. I took my time leaving the classroom, knowing Hana's lockers were just down the hall where her mindless followers eagerly awaited her arrival. As I approached, they all looked impatient, ready to follow their leader's every move.

"Yugin, have you seen, Hana?" 

" No, she did inform me how she met up with Anthony."

One of the males in the group showed disgust as they sucked their teeth, "Anthony pisses me off. Hana will never like a piece of crap like him."

Do they really think that Hana would ever be interested in them? It's amusing how each of them believes they have a chance with her. Despite the fact that she is constantly surrounded by boys and girls who have massive crushes on her, she has never been in a relationship. It's strange, but she doesn't lead anyone on because she always makes it clear that she isn't looking for a romantic connection. They seem to disregard her words, convinced that Hana will change her mind eventually.

"I will search for her." I have no desire to listen to their rants about a girl they've been obsessing over. I know where she is, but I need to be strategic in my approach. As I navigate through the crowded hallways, I am constantly being jostled and pushed into lockers. It's a battle just to make it to the gym. But then I hear her voice yelling from inside, and I know it's time for me to enter.

I burst through the doors and my eyes quickly scanned the scene before me. Hana was on the floor, crawling backward as Anthony advanced toward her. A tall shinigami loomed over her, with spiky black hair, dressed in all black, and light grayish skin.

"Ryuk, help me!" Hana shouted at the top of her lungs.

Ryuk, the shinigami, was using his hands to express himself. He held them out in front of him, clearly showing signs of agitation as he spoke. "Use the red arrow, we have been through this already."

My eyes widened when I saw that Hana was the other death note user cause I certainly did not expect this to happen but I'm glad it did cause now I only need to find who the other five users are.