
Death Mage with Super Growth Talent

MS_Reddy · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 1

Rock City School, Rock City

All the final-year students have gathered in the school grounds for the ceremony. Today is the awakening ceremony for all who have crossed eighteen years of age.

Everyone who crossed the age limit will undergo the awakening process to awaken their profession.

These professions are classified into three categories; combat, support, and life professions. Each profession has its own use in the society but everyone wants a combat profession which helps them gain fame.

No one remembers the one who produced food that sustains us every day but remembers the one who slays some legendary creatures. No one forgets them for years. This is only possible for someone awakened to a combat profession.

Every student from the school is discussing what they would awaken or want to do.

Though it has been hundreds of years, no one was able to discern how this process works. The profession would always be random. If a solution for how to awaken the top combat profession, everyone would want the secret.

The principal walked onto the stage and spoke, "Everyone standing here has the potential to change the future for the better. Even if you awaken the Life profession don't be discouraged, you still would have a chance for a better life."

This is true as you can see what you can really excel at. If one works diligently they can better their lives.

The ceremony process is not cheap and not every person in the world can awaken their professions. As students, they get a chance to awaken for free but the price has already been drawn in the form of tuition fees and donations.

So everyone who gets the chance to awaken is better than those who can't afford it.

"Now, stay quiet and wait for your turn."

After that one by one started to proceed through the awakening.

"Sunstriker, A-Rank"

"Wind Element Mage, A-Rank"




"Next, Mary Hinters."

Everyone turned silent when they heard the name and turned to see the person.

Mary Hinters is considered the school beauty. She is not only that but also a school topper in theoretical exams.

"Oh my god, it's my goddess. I wonder what she wound awaken?"

"She will definitely awaken S-Rank talent. Of that I am sure."

"S-Rank? Do you think that it would be that easy?"

While the students are speculating, the notification sound came.

"Angel of Justice, SS-Rank."

Everyone stopped breathing. This includes not only the students but also the staff of the school. The principal is in no better position than them.

An SS-Rank profession has appeared.

The professions are broadly classified as Combat, Support, and Life professions. Each of these categories of professions has ranks varying from F to S ranks. This is what the normal classification looks like.

This was broken a few hundred years ago when the first SS-Rank appeared. In all these years this rank only appeared five times.

Now a sixth one appeared.

Each of these SS-Rank holders was now the god of human society. They are at the topmost level.

Such a rank appears in a Tier-1 city, and the future of the city will be changed.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

The principal immediately got hold of himself and pulled Mary away from the platform. Though it is a good thing that an SS-Rank appears here, it is also a catastrophe.

There are a lot of spies that blend into commoner backgrounds. They inform their masters of any talent that appears. As much as the alliance doesn't want others to have awakening details of newly awakened, it is spread easily.

Though spying on the awakening process is not easy, it would be done in front of other awakeners. They can't keep the details to themselves.

They either discuss with friends while outside which can be interpreted by the spies. The other way is for the new awakeners to tell what happened to their families.

If the families are powerful enough, they usually try to attain someone with good talent. There are also families who don't like others to gain an advantage over them. So if they couldn't have, no one can have.

These kinds of people always existed in this world. Even when the world didn't go the awakening, they always had their way in the dark.

As soon as the principal pulled away Mary from the crowd, one of the head teachers took command and silenced everyone.

"Enough chattering, the ceremony shall continue."

The ceremony continued for two more hours. As expected there were no more surprises. There are few A-Rank awakeners but mostly the talents are C-Rank and below.

"Aaron Skyhart."

It was finally Aaron's turn. When his name was called everyone became silent. After Mary, Aaron took the next place in school. He is not only handsome but stood next to Mary in their studies.

Since Mary gave a surprise to the entire school, everyone was expecting that Aaron could too. If he could not, no one else could.

Aaron walked towards the stage under the scrutinizing eyes of everyone present.

He placed his hands on a stone tablet with some runic characters chiseled onto it. After less than a minute a notification came, "Death Mage, S-Rank."

Everyone's eyes bulged. Another S-Rank appeared but the awesomeness died soon when they realized it is the Death Mage's profession.

Yes, it is a S-Rank profession but didn't have a bright future. This profession is similar to Necromancer Profession which is A-Rank but has drawbacks as it.

Firstly, there aren't many who awakened these professions. Even if awakened they couldn't progress because of the limitations.

Secondly, it comes under support class. All summoner professions do. Summoners can't fight opponents by themselves. Even if it is close-ranged or long-ranged, they never fight directly but their summons does.

A summoner is very weak even compared with mages. If the opponent finds a gap in protection from the summons, they get killed and the summons disappear.

Since they can't do direct damage and are weak, they are considered support class.

Unlike Necromancer, a Death Mage can use curses that can weaken opponents which gives them a rank higher. This would be useful only when a priest is not present, as they can dispel curses.

All the teachers who know him sighed at losing a good seed. They considered the boy with good theoretical knowledge to have a high survival rate and a chance to become a powerhouse if he awakened a good combat profession.

Everyone was either sighing or happy. It is common that some people envy him as he was handsome and also good at studies.

This is not the case for Aaron. He kept his cold face the same as before in school. When he awakened, and didn't show any fluctuations in his face.

There is a reason for it. Unlike others standing here, he is a reincarnator.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

MS_Reddycreators' thoughts