
Death is not An option

Well, Brief Rant here, Look down below the line for the Description. This is my First attempt at a novel, I might drop it, I might not, I might come back and change things, I will see. I'll do my best for spelling errors etc. This should be interesting. ------------------------------------------------ Global warming screwed us, In the years following the great flood and freeze, The worlds political landscape has changed drastically. What happens after 80% of the population is gone, Well humans being humans will always find a way to start a war. Follow Matthew Anderson or "Delta" on his journey before during and after this stupid war.

HellPhoenix41 · アクション
7 Chs

An ant is only an ant from the boots perspective.

From this point, on no more authors notes at the top. I've suddenly rekindled my interest in this book, so hopefully I'll update somewhat often when I can, however, I'm starting out as an LNA and school starts soon so my writing time might be a bit limited.

"kilo actual, this is epsilon 1 how copy." "epsilon 1, read you loud and clear, listen up fellas, General Hammond is here to give you the debrief." "alright gentlemen listen up. These new X-4s are stronger, faster and better in almost every way compared to the X-3's. if you have to dismount and leave behind a unit for ANY reason, you better blow the reactor and leave nothing but slag, moving on, at 0500 hours you will pass over the Commonwealths mountains into union territory, you are basically a spec on enemy radar, but you can't take long. When daybreak comes at 0700 you can and most likely will be spotted by anti-air stations on the border. Your mission is land near this TRAU Facility, details have been sent to your HUD's, our intel suggests this union facility has supposedly designed a new type of weapon. With tensions rising, being caught is not an option. Due to this, were sending someone special with you, I believe you all know who I'm referring to, Matthew Anderson. And don't worry, he has been training just like you all, and while he doesn't have the wealth of the experience you do, his fathers company provided you gentleman with the best equipment possible. Moving on you will drop at 0530, infiltrate enemy facility while your evac provides radar jamming from above. This facility has a ghost crew, so make sure you leave no traces, after the intel is grabbed, blow the facility and make your way to the evac 1 click north by 0630 hours. If you miss the evac time, its up to you to make your way west through the jungles 450 clicks west back to commonwealth territory where we will send a boat to get you by sea. Are there any questions gentlemen? No? good. God speed."

"alright delta, you and misfit will take the rear providing fire and technical support when necessary, if the shit hits the fan, show us what that new railgun can do misfit." "Oh, I hope I get to use this shiny thing Delta brought us." Misfit rubs his hand along the 20-meter lower rail of the railgun. "this thing will ruin some union sucker's day. Hahaha" "I'm sure it will, moving on, tumble and fritz you will be on over watch to the left and right of the formation, if anything happens use those 30 mills to give em hell." Tumble and fritz salute the man. "As for the rest of you, close the middle of the formation and keep eyes out, should be quiet but you never know."

After a couple minutes of fueling all 9 mechs can be seen loading into the back of what appears to be a large cargo plane somewhat bigger than an an-225 as they load up the pilots dismount and head to the forward area of the plan near the pilots. "alright 0300 hours, pilot lets get this party rolling." "understood colonel" the plane lumbers forwards along the runway, after about a kilometer of taxiing the plane the plane lines up for takeoff. A red light flashes on in the plane along with the pilot's voice. "attention crew, we have close to max lift capacity, we will be using the RMR to takeoff, you have 15 seconds to belt up or throw up." The red light begins blinking once a second. Meanwhile outside the aircraft the runway can be seen opening, revealing what appears to be a rail system in the middle of it, a sled couples to the forward and rear wheels of the aircraft. "all hands, five seconds, brace!" the rails along the entirety of the runway start sparking between each other. "tower this is E-942 request takeoff permission." "go for tower request granted, god speed gentlemen." After a few seconds the pilot can be heard "Takeoff!" suddenly the rails begin sparking ever more bright , a huge force descends on everyone as the plane goes from a standing start and start accelerating rapidly by the time it reaches the 2-kilometer end of the runway near the cliff it has reached a speed of around 900 km/h. near the end of the runway a large door can be seen sitting. Closing in on it the door had begun opening as soon as the plane started moving, now at full speed the plane shoots through the door out into the black.

After the long acceleration feeling, everyone feels weightless. Behind them a massive mega station sits floating above the earth like a sort of tower of babel, a long cord as if only a strand of hair can be seen stretching down to the planet surface. Now sitting above central America, the "plane" is floating away from this space station. The pilot speaks to his co pilot cooling systems green, plasma shielding ready, ion thrusters reporting normal, righto gentlemen you've got an hour till re-entry suggest you catch up on any beauty sleep well need to go slow as to not alert union space defenses." A slight humming sound can be heard, as the lights inside the cabin switch from red back to normal white. Misfit speaks out, "wake me on re-entry I'm taking a nap." "delta what about you" the team leader asked, "well sir, I was going to go over the extra intel see if there is anything we might need to worry about." "Alright I'll leave you to it."

The plane drifts for about an hour towards the commonwealth and the union. The elite team waiting for what is supposed to be an easy stealth mission. unfortunately for them this would not be the case.

il try to have the next chapter start from deltas perspective.

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