

Hades, the immortal and overwhelmingly powerful ruler of the demon realm, grows weary of his monotonous existence in hell. Unexpectedly, his infernal castle is transported to a new world of sword and magic. Fueled by a desire for conquest, Hades aims for a balanced rule, seeking peace in his pursuit of dominion over this fantastical world."

Drino · ファンタジー
37 Chs

The arrival

In the dimly lit throne room at the pinnacle of the demon realm, Hades, the absolute ruler, reclined on his obsidian throne. The air was thick with an oppressive energy as demonic denizens bowed in reverence. The colossal castle, towering over the 34 floors of the underworld, was a testament to Hades' dominion.

As the master of hell, Hades received his daily reports from his nine highest subordinates – a council of demons with unparalleled strength and loyalty. Each one bore a distinct aura, emblematic of their unique powers.

First among them was Bael, the fiery general with a mane of flames and a sword that could cleave through mountains. His domain extended over the scorching landscapes of the demon realm, where rivers of lava flowed and mountains belched forth molten fury.

Beside Bael stood Lilith, the seductress with serpentine charm. Her dominion spanned the treacherous swamps and shadowy forests, where illusions danced in the moonlit darkness, ensnaring unsuspecting souls.

Mammon, the insatiable merchant demon, presided over the cavernous mines and treasuries. His grotesque appearance concealed an astute mind for trade, and his vast wealth surpassed the imagination of mortal beings.

In contrast, Belial, the frosty sorcerer, commanded the icy wastelands. His spells could freeze time itself, and his frozen citadel stood as a testament to his mastery over the element of cold.

The martial prowess of Azazel, the demonic warlord, echoed through the blood-soaked arenas of his gladiatorial colosseums. His subordinates engaged in perpetual combat, honing their skills for the battles that defined the demon realm.

Asmodeus, the trickster and master of illusions, governed the realm of mirrors and mazes. His playful demeanor masked a cunning intellect, and his domain was a labyrinth where reality itself could be distorted.

The plague-ridden lands were under the control of Beelzebub, the pestilent harbinger of disease. Swarms of locusts and toxic mists marked the boundaries of his dominion, where death lingered in the air.

Leviathan, the serpentine ruler of the abyssal depths, governed the murky seas and the monsters that lurked within. His colossal form, coiled around a throne of coral and bone, symbolized the relentless force of the ocean.

Last but not least was Ashtaroth, the enigmatic seer who peered into the threads of fate. Her shadowy realm held the secrets of time and destiny, and her gaze could unveil the future with chilling accuracy.

The daily reports unfolded with tales of conquest, rebellions crushed, and new territories claimed. However, an unspoken weariness clung to Hades as he listened to the endless cycle of power struggles in his realm. The monotony had become suffocating, and an insatiable boredom gnawed at his immortal essence.

Just as Hades pondered the emptiness of his existence, the castle trembled violently. The air crackled with otherworldly energy as the walls of his throne room seemed to warp and twist. The demonic council, Hades, and the entire castle were enveloped in a blinding light.

In the blink of an eye, they found themselves in a new world – a realm of sword and magic, where medieval landscapes stretched beyond the horizon. Hades, his subordinates, and the denizens of his castle stood in awe as they realized they had been transported to an unfamiliar realm.

The air was charged with anticipation as Hades contemplated the possibilities of this newfound land. The prospect of conquest in a world of sword and magic ignited a spark in his eyes, and a wicked smile played on his lips. Little did the inhabitants of this world know that the lord of the demon realm had arrived, seeking a different kind of dominion – one tempered with moderation and a desire for peaceful conquest...




In the shadowy depths of Hades' infernal castle, a clandestine meeting unfolded. Hades, the lord of the demon realm, gathered a group of individuals with the unique ability to conceal themselves and extract information. The air in the dimly lit chamber crackled with an eerie energy as the group awaited their orders.

"Hunters of the Shadows," Hades began, his voice resonating with a commanding authority that echoed through the chamber.

"Your task is to infiltrate the societies of this new world. Conceal your presence, gather information discreetly, and unveil the common knowledge, the secrets that weave the fabric of this realm. Report back with your findings, and remember, subtlety is paramount."

The enigmatic group nodded in silent acknowledgment before dispersing into the shadows, their forms blending seamlessly with the darkness. Hades watched as they vanished, confident in their abilities to navigate the complexities of the unknown world.

Turning his attention to matters within the castle, Hades summoned his butler, Orthos, a figure shrouded in mystery and elegance. By his side were six castle servants, each possessing unique abilities and serving under Orthos' meticulous command.

"Orthos," Hades addressed his butler, "attend to the maintenance of the castle. Ensure its stability and security. These six servants under your command will assist you. Their loyalty and skills are unmatched."

Orthos inclined his head respectfully, acknowledging the orders with a stoic demeanor. The six castle servants stepped forward, their features obscured by the dim lighting. Among them were:

1. **Abyssal Whisperer:** Master of clandestine communication, capable of eavesdropping on distant conversations and extracting valuable information.

2. **Shadow Stalker:** A stealth expert with the ability to meld into the shadows, making them virtually invisible to the naked eye.

3. **Dimensional Scribe:** A scribe adept at recording and deciphering arcane knowledge, ensuring the preservation of the castle's secrets.

4. **Ethereal Artisan:** Skilled in the mystical arts of enchantment, this servant maintained the otherworldly defenses of the castle.

5. **Spectral Guardian:** A silent protector with the ability to manifest ethereal barriers, safeguarding the castle against any intruders.

6. **Soul Harvester:** Tasked with gathering the essence of captured souls, this servant played a crucial role in bolstering the castle's dark energies.

With the orders given, Hades watched as Orthos and his cadre of servants vanished from the chamber, their presence melting seamlessly into the shadows.

The final act unfolded as Hades summoned his nine commanders to the imposing throne room.

The air thickened with anticipation as the commanders, each radiating their unique demonic aura, assembled before their lord.

"Hades," Bael, the fiery general, spoke with reverence, "we await your commands."

Hades, seated on his obsidian throne, surveyed the gathered commanders.

"The new world offers opportunities and challenges. Bael, Lilith, Mammon, Belial, Azazel, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Ashtaroth, each of you has a role to play."

"Bael, secure the fiery realms; Lilith, weave illusions and gather intelligence; Mammon, explore trade and alliances; Belial, study the arcane energies; Azazel, train our forces for potential conflicts; Asmodeus, manipulate perceptions and sow discord; Beelzebub, spread plagues strategically; Leviathan, control the seas; Ashtaroth, unveil the threads of fate."

The commanders bowed in unison, their allegiance unwavering.

"We shall carry out your will, Hades," Azazel declared, the flames of loyalty burning in his eyes.

Hades concluded, "Stay vigilant, my commanders. This new world is a canvas awaiting the brushstrokes of our influence. Let our dominion unfold."

As the commanders dispersed to execute their assignments, Hades remained in his throne room, contemplating the unfolding tapestry of conquest in the uncharted realms...




In the deepest recesses of Hades' memory, echoes of his human existence lingered like ghostly whispers. Once a frail mortal with a body that betrayed him, Hades succumbed to the inevitability of death. A life plagued by the fragility of his human form and a feeble immune system had left him bedridden and vulnerable. However, his descent into hell marked not the end, but the genesis of his ascendancy to an eternal throne.

As the chapter unfolded, Hades delved into the abyss of his own history. He recalled the early days when he was the weakest denizen of hell, an insignificant soul amidst the chaos of demonic realms. The journey from insignificance to supremacy was arduous and filled with challenges, battles, and strategic alliances.

He faced adversaries of every ilk, contending with the demons who sought dominance over the hellish domains. Through cunning, strategic brilliance, and displays of unimaginable power, Hades emerged victorious in each confrontation. The chaotic realm began to bend to his will, transforming into a disciplined hierarchy under his rule.

The pinnacle of his ascent came with a decisive confrontation against the formidable demon Vallac, known for his trickery and elusiveness. The battle between Hades and Vallac unfolded in the fiery depths of hell, a tumultuous clash of magical energies that reverberated through the infernal landscapes.

Vallac, a master of deception, unleashed illusions that twisted the very fabric of reality. Hades, however, stood undeterred, his newfound powers surpassing the cunning traps set by his opponent. The clash of their magical prowess illuminated the darkened abyss, a symphony of destructive forces that shook the foundations of hell itself.

Hades, fueled by an unyielding determination, countered Vallac's illusions with a raw display of magical might. Arcane energies surged around him as he summoned spells that defied the natural order. The battleground became a chaotic arena where reality and illusion danced in a macabre ballet.

Vallac, realizing the escalating power of Hades, attempted to retreat into the shadows, invoking shadowy forms to cloak his movements.

Yet, Hades saw through the deception.

With a wave of his hand, he dispelled the shadows, leaving Vallac exposed to the full force of his wrath.

The battle reached its climax as Hades unleashed a torrent of infernal flames, engulfing Vallac in a maelstrom of otherworldly fire. The great demon, once elusive and cunning, succumbed to the overwhelming power of Hades.

The victory solidified Hades' position as the supreme ruler of hell. The chaotic realms bowed to his command, and the once-disparate demonic forces now united under his banner. The echoes of that historic battle reverberated in Hades' memory as he looked upon his present self.

In the current moment, Hades stood tall, his frame transformed from the feeble human vessel he once inhabited.

A slim yet ripped physique adorned in a regal magical robe, and arcane rings adorned his fingers. One particular ring, a memento of his triumph over Vallac, possessed the ability to conceal his astronomical aura of magic.

As Hades gazed upon his reflection, the memories of his ascent intertwined with the present, forging an indomitable spirit that now ruled over the demon realm. The former mortal, once on the brink of demise, now stood as an eternal sovereign, his dominion stretching across the infernal landscapes that bowed to his supreme authority.