
Death Game: SSS Clearance At The Start


Aki_Uchiha · ホラー
15 Chs

Chapter 9: PATTERN

In the live broadcast room outside, because Tatsuya broke through two consecutive levels in a very short period of time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has already reached the highest number in history!

[The instant noodle with sausage is ready, take a bottle of iced diet coke! ]

[I think Tatsuya will definitely be finished this time. If he passes this level, I can have a relationship him! ]

[I believe Tatsuya, he is the reincarnation of the White Emperor, so the mere level is nothing to be afraid of! ]

[Stop bragging upstairs, let's talk about it when Tatsuya really goes out! ]

[Hurry up and get your work done, Tatsuya! ]

[You dare to order Master Tatsuya?]


The gloomy and tense breath filled the entire room, quietly affecting everyone.

Everyone frowned, not knowing where to find the code, the deepening water under their feet caused a trace of fear to spread in the room.

Seeing that everyone was standing still, the elite man was very anxious. He didn't want to die!

Even if you can find the key, I'm afraid it won't be too late to open the door!

The koichi looked at the code lock at the door, and an idea was born in his mind!

'You can let some people try some random passwords composed of numbers next to the gate, maybe there will be one wrong!'

Koichi thought to himself, then looked at the crowd and said with a serious face:

"Everyone, we will only waste everyone's time if we search aimlessly, I don't think we can be divided into two teams directly. one team is responsible for continuing to search for clues in the room, and the other team is responsible for experimenting with some random codes at the door, Maybe, luck will come to us! "

"Then you said, who is in charge of finding clues and who is in charge of experimenting with passwords?"

Kiyomi looked at him with a trace of disgust in her eyes.

The koichi was overjoyed when he heard the words. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Kudo on the side!

"This method is not advisable! Billy Doll has stated the rules of the game just now, and there will be punishment for entering the wrong password!"

Kudo looked bad, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes when she looked at the koichi!

From the very beginning, Kudo can see that the character of the elite man is very bad and selfish!

Even in order to find the key, regardless of the safety of others' lives, Momo was pushed into the sea of ​​needles!

Therefore, when koichi put forward this suggestion, Kudo immediately suspected that koichi was looking for a player to pave the way for him!

"I'm sorry I forgot," koichi said with a smirk of embarrassment on his face.

In fact, he didn't forget at all, he just deliberately ignored this rule.

As long as he could go out, he wouldn't care even if it was the key to be exchanged with another player's life and even if the whole world know he is insidious he wouldn't hesitate.

Eriri on the side gave koichi a fierce look and exclaimed:

"Forgot? I think you just want us to back up for you!"

Then Yoshido took own girlfriend and walked to the southwest of the room, looking for clues.

When passing in front of koichi, he deliberately slammed his shoulder. The koichi staggered back two steps after being hit by him for a while.

Seeing Yoshido back, a trace of viciousness flashed in the eyes of the koichi, and then he quickly concealed it.

Upon seeing this, Tatsuya went straight to the door of the toilet, trying to see if there were any hidden clues in the messy graffiti.

After all, if not affecting his rating and one more people is better than less he will kill him with a dagger.

The koichi looked at Tatsuya again, and found him with a thinking expression, as if he hadn't noticed what happened in the room just now!

His face became even more ugly, and his expression was stern

"You guys seemed to be thinking! One by one seems very awe-inspiring! but it still can't find the key after a while! I see if some guys will go to the door to test the password for us!"

Although everyone ignored koichi and continued to be busy looking for clues, his suggestion was like a seed, buried in the hearts of some players.

Tatsuya seems to be standing in place thinking about the problem, but in fact he is already searching for the answer.

[System, how can I find the unlock code? ]

The system quickly loaded the answer.

At this time, the water flow in the pipe was getting bigger and bigger, and it soon flooded everyone's ankles and calves.

Everyone rummaged the entire room, but they still didn't have a clue.


This sound of water is like a reminder, constantly reminding everyone of how difficult their situation is now!

Everyone's heart is getting more and more anxious, and the fear in everyone's heart is constantly expanding!

"Big Brother, have you thought of any way?, Is there anything I can help?"

Eriri walked to Tatsuya's side and looked at Tatsuya eagerly.

"If Big Brother can't do anything about it, then in the final moment of life and death, everyone is likely to follow the suggestion of the elite man and ask someone to go to the door to experiment with the password!

And the useless person in the room is Momo and Kiyomi. At that time, everyone will probably choose kiyomo and Momo as the back cushion! "

She didn't want anyone to die again.

Eriri secretly said in her heart, the look in Tatsuya's eyes was even more helpless and pitiful!

Everyone in the room also involuntarily looked at Tatsuya, hoping to hear the voice of hope.

The Billy doll in the corner looked at Tatsuya, motionless, like a sculpture.

Under the turbulent currents, people often lose their rationality and observation due to anxiety.

Therefore, although there is no mechanism in this level, the difficulty is very high.

It tests whether people can still maintain a calm heart in desperate situations.

Tatsuya looked at the answer on the panel, stretched out his hand and rubbed Eriri hair, and said with a smile:

"I got it so no one will die!"

"Really? Great!"

Eriri jumped up excitedly, splashing water everywhere.

Her hanging heart finally fell!

"It seems that I must get closer to Big Brother, so that the chances of getting out of the Death game will be higher!"

Eriri secretly said in her heart, the look in Tatsuya's eyes is even more admiration!

After hearing Tatsuya's words, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely divided into two factions!

[Have you seen it? Tatsuya is really reliable! ]

[As expected of Tatsuya, a big guy who broke two levels in a row! ]

[I think you should wait for him to open the door and talk about it, now you're bragging! It will only make you even more embarrassing! ]

[that is! The wind is so strong! Don't be afraid of flashing your tongue! ]


Although Momo and Kudo didn't jump up like Eriri in the room, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Yoshido and Kiyomi also stopped their movements, staring at Tatsuya closely.

Only koichi looked at Tatsuya with doubts in his eyes.

How could I think of a way again!

It must be pretending!

Koichi thought in disdain.

"Kudo and Eriri you open all the toilet doors next to both of you."

Tatsuya looked behind him and found kudo just beside the toilet cubicle, and said.


Kudo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly agreed.

Because the water on the ground was deep and mixed with many sticky unknown objects, Kudo was struggling to open the door.

Upon seeing this, Kiyomi hurriedly pushed her boyfriend beside her, asking him to come forward to help kudo together.

After the doors were fully opened, Tatsuya looked in the mirror.

Sure enough, the system does not deceive people!

Tatsuya clearly saw that some patterns on the door panel overlapped with the mottled blood on the mirror.


Do you know the augmented unlimited system novel?

It mention the white emperor and it just remind me

Well I make it ""worse"" in my opinion but do it really make it worse?

I should remind you that the three plot is actually in the movie so you can find it

The plot sound familiar to those who watch saw

Heck just knowing Billy doll is enough

Ohh wait it was actually saw 2

But well if you really watch that cringe movie now in 2022 I will salute you

Just imagining the syringe plot which the woman went crazy because I think because of drug in syringe? I just copied the one that she follow the word of that man but I didn't let her find the key And let her give it to the one that push her

Beside she can think well enough to find and see the key while also grabbing it and giving it to other

And she seem painful but I just wander why she follow the man and fling her arm around like an idiot

You know they can literally pick that syringe with enough cloth so as not to be pierced by syringe beside they have shoe which they can walk around it without injury

The actor also feel like exaggerated

But my favorite part of saw is that drilling the brain with tools and I will also write it

Just comment if some typo emerge