
Chapter 2

On the Dark Rocky cave with Several Amethyst like crystal which is several inches tall , Glowing like a Night light but flickering like a lamp at the same time every 3 seconds.

A 1 meter Egg is Cracking until a Scaly Black Reptilian feet with 3 pieces of onyx coloured talon which is long as 4 inches popped out of the egg.

It stiffened and pause...

For a few seconds , the leg move again and hastily smash the egg shells from the inside and....



From the side of an egg is a hole and came birth of a new type of monster.

A reptile like creature that has a length of a german shepherd not counting the tail.

With a Shiny Black scaly skin that has a Dragon like patterns/Scales that illuminates amethyst color because of the surroundings light reflection.

Its talons on its feet is 4 inches big and 2 inches wide and has a color of black onyx and said can be said too its claws on its front feet , but unlike the claws.

it has a side of 5 inches long and 3 inches width with a shiny black scaled arms and has a bit muscles despite its newborn age.

its face is a bit of an undeed dragon but with a flat nose , no lips and showing its teeth .

and in the sides of his head is a 6 inches curvy demonic horns that is darker than its onyx claws or shiny black scales , like a charcoal bone but its horns looks like can tear aluminium or tin plate easily.

Its body is surprisingly well toned and has 5 large white spikes on its back and the rest are smaller which reach down too its tail.

Dc PoV ( I'll call him Dc , Short for Death Claw )

He look around and saw that the surroundings are full of rocks and rich in precious metals and minerals such as Iron ore , Gold Ore , Copper , Tin , Amethyst, And More rocks with various path ways and he assumed that he is some kind of cave.... very... VERY deep cave if theres a lot of uncollected Precious Rocks.


What caught his attention is his hands...



His claws....

He move it and it worked accordingly without a fuss....

His mind then went blank.....

Dc : (.......Errrr....)

He's too speechless too make a word as he turned around and saw his reflection in the crystal.

A Demonic being reflected with a widen Gold Reptilian Eyes.

Dc : ( HOLY SHIT!!! )

Dc : *Insert A Shocked Gecko noise*


A/N : Question.... are death claws even Geckos too begin with....? or are they Komodo dragon or something like that????