
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · ファンタジー
48 Chs

Chapter 3: Venomous Snake! Faith?

Half a month had passed, and the rumors about the incredibly handsome 'Star of Ellisitan,' Felix, had become a reality. Today, in the afternoon, he was to be sent to the capital and handed over to the Marquise of 'Bloody Rose,' Elizabeth, known for her beauty and ruthlessness.

This wasn't good or bad news, but it was certainly fodder for a salon party. Some were delighted, others sighed, while some quietly reached out with their greedy, dark hands.

Golden autumn, sunflowers.

The inscription of [Death's Touch] went smoother than Felix had expected. The majestic energy of the earth's veins provided him with plenty of shadow elements, though the excessive blood loss caused some unnecessary trouble.

After completing [Death's Touch], Felix spent twelve days doing follow-up work. He embellished the magical pattern inscribed on his left arm with meticulous and ornate decorations, similar to the tattoos favored by modern mercenaries but far more elegant and aristocratic.

He drew inspiration from his bloodline to make it resemble the magical markings of the elf race, which could serve as a disguise.

Yesterday afternoon, the stuffy old butler brought a message from Visak, the Count, that Felix would be heading to the capital the following afternoon. Sixty family knights would accompany him to ensure his safety and prevent his escape, though the butler would never say it like that.

Count Visak's friendship with Lady Elizabeth was not good news for the enemies of the Fairmuth family. A family with a long history inevitably had many enemies, both visible and hidden. This was not only a bad thing but also a mark of glory.

Their ancestors had defeated opponents, gained benefits, and harvested hatred.

Felix believed that the enemies of the Fairmuth family would not want to see him, a representative of the friendship between Count Visak and Lady Elizabeth, safely reach the capital. So this journey would be very 'interesting.'

Golden autumn, plane trees.

Count Visak was a middle-aged man wearing square glasses, slender and tall, his appearance bearing the unique, gentle beauty of the Fairmuth family. This Fairmuth, known as the 'eye-venom snake,' was an opponent that anyone would find formidable and frightening.

When discussing his cunning and cruelty, the nobles of Ellisitan City would unconsciously recall Nosk Adia, who had been sent to the gallows by Visak, his son-in-law.

Rumors about Felix, promoted by those with vested interests, were already well-known in Ellisitan City. But the hidden hands behind the scenes were not satisfied, and this seemingly trivial news continued to spread rapidly until it reached the ears of the powerful nobles in the distant capital.

Count Visak's cold eyes swept over the people with bowed heads—his servants, his brothers, his son. He enjoyed this feeling, the sensation of control, which pleased him more than a woman's body.

The Fairmuths had already become strong enough, reaching a saturation point. He had no more rivals, having felt lonely for a long time.

As the most outstanding Fairmuth in history, he harbored ambitions that could swallow the earth. To continue strengthening the Fairmuths, he had to break through the barriers, extend his left hand of desire beyond Oaklandia, and reach for the heart of the Titans Empire, the dazzling western jewel—Titanian!

The emperor was old, and the wounds from the war twenty years ago were still tormenting his overburdened body. His only child, the prince, who lacked the ambition characteristic of the Titans, was clearly not a worthy king. Rumors that the emperor could not have children had been circulating for twenty years, despite occasional whispers of debauched parties in the capital. But ambitious eyes were already set on the throne.

Count Visak's ambition stirred his desire, and the 'eye-venom snake' decided to strike with venom, leading the Fairmuth family, with 150 years of accumulated strength, to glory or annihilation.

Sending his son, a pawn so handsome that even men were captivated, was merely the first step of his grand plan.

Count Visak believed that the long 'lonely' Lady Elizabeth would be 'very satisfied' with his gift and would appreciate the 'friendship' and 'sincerity' of the Fairmuth family.

The endgame of a contest between intelligent people often surprises everyone.

In the golden autumn, a late breeze swept through.

"Karen." Count Visak's face had gradually darkened with anger. The people accompanying him had long since shown impatience and fury. Yet the protagonist of the day, Felix, one of the 'gifts,' had not appeared.

"Master, he has arrived," Karen, who had served Count Visak for sixteen years, said. He knew well how cold and ruthless this seemingly friendly count could be.

Wiping sweat from his forehead, he pointed excitedly at the approaching group of people. He had no sympathy for Felix, who was already late, as he didn't want to bear the brunt of Count Visak's anger.

Felix's luggage was simple, almost too simple. Of course, except for the conspicuously long, narrow box.

Felix looked at the man before him, his nominal father. Behind him stood many people, all with their heads bowed, like subjects cowering at the feet of a snake king.

His uncle, his brothers, his servants, and the nobles of Ellisitan City...

Felix's uncle, Baron Kaser, who was the younger brother of Count Visak, opened his mouth to scold Felix, but under Count Visak's icy gaze, swallowed his words.

Count Visak's eyes fell on the long, narrow box. The inscrutable look made Felix uneasy.

Determined, Felix stepped in front of Count Visak, blocking his view. He bowed, lowered his head, and then for the first time in his life, looked directly into the eyes of this man who was his father. With a calm face and a humble voice, he said, "My father, I hope that when I return, the sunflowers in my garden will still be as beautiful as they are now. I believe that someone as wise as you would not want your son to resent you over something so trivial. Am I right?"

A brief silence, followed by shock and anger! Everyone stared in disbelief at Felix, who had dared to confront Count Visak.

Felix himself felt uneasy, but he had to do this. The long, narrow box held his other trump card. He had already planned how to provoke Count Visak's anger and then divert his attention.

When he had been packing his belongings, the rigid old butler had already decided the fate of his small courtyard. Those sunflowers, which didn't fit the nobility's taste, had obviously displeased the old man, who planned to uproot these unsightly plants and plant elegant peonies or tulips.

The courtyard once belonged to Felix's mother, the pitiful half-elf. Now it belonged to Felix, and he did not want it destroyed.

Baron Kaser had learned his lesson and wisely chose to remain silent, leaving all decisions to his elder brother. Felix's elder brother, Ista Fairmuth, known for his 'philanthropy' and 'cunning,' looked with interest at this younger brother who had suddenly caught his attention.

Count Visak's expression didn't change a bit. This man, who had accumulated more than forty years of cunning, would not let anyone guess his thoughts from his face. He only looked at his son, who had surprised him, with slightly astonished eyes.

"You should be on your way," the Count said quietly and turned to leave.


Fairmuth Count's Mansion, evening twilight.

"Your brother surprised me today," Count Visak said, looking at his most favored eldest son. Ista was much like him, which pleased him greatly. Though Ista had acquired some habits that were not considered 'elegant,' that didn't matter. People with flaws lived longer than those without.

Equally handsome, Ista lifted his goblet with a faint smile, seemingly deep in thought. "Fairmuth men are all snakes."

In local beliefs, a snake represented wisdom, among other things...

Count Visak was apparently very satisfied with this answer, showing a smile.

"He hates me! Whether he succeeds or fails, he cannot change one fact," Count Visak said with a smile, both elegant and mad. "He carries Fairmuth blood in his body!"

Count Visak stood up and laughed heartily. "My sons, you always surprise and delight me!"

"In the distant East, snakes can grow into mighty dragons!" Count Visak Fairmuth declared loudly. At that moment, the snake from Oaklandia, brimming with ambition, bared its fangs towards the distant imperial city...