
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · ファンタジー
48 Chs

Chapter 26: Are You Threatening My Kitty?

When Felix arrived at Sorondo Street in the Magic District, it felt like he had entered a mouse hole. 

It was a terrible analogy, but sadly, that was the reality. The streets were packed on both sides, leaving only enough space in the middle for a carriage to pass.

Many adventurers displayed their acquired items by the roadside: swords and weapons, rings, magic staffs made of deadwood, various stones and gems, and a myriad of other peculiar and random items that made Felix's head spin!

In fact, the first half of Sorondo Street in the Magic District resembled an auction base. The items laid out for sale were mostly discoveries that adventurers had found in ancient ruins or perhaps some ditch or garbage heap. Shopping here was like a game of luck, challenging both your wit and courage! 

You might end up with a long-forgotten artifact, or you might just get junk.

Because of the appearance of "Bloody Slayer" Harald, the number of adventurers in the imperial capital had surged.

On both sides of Sorondo Street in the Magic District, numerous high-ranking griffin knights in heavy armor stood guard, preventing any mischief that might disrupt the city's order. The vendors varied greatly.

Some shouted and hawked their wares, trying to attract customers, while others sat in various poses like meditation or contemplation, giving off an "I don't care if you buy or not" attitude, exuding an aura of mastery from afar.

When Felix first looked, he was indeed astonished by these 'masters', especially a barbarian warrior hugging a Viking greatsword that was slightly taller than himself! The warrior looked like a peerless swordsman standing at the peak of his game.

On his stall, there were only a few items: a rust-covered dagger, two rings, and a charred piece of wood that looked like a magic staff. Prices were scribbled haphazardly below in wild cursive: 4,000, 1,500, and 3,600 Caesar gold coins respectively! The price tag made Felix's heart skip a beat.

After confirming that these items didn't have any elemental fluctuations, Felix sneered and continued on. He had initially thought that this man, with his intense aura of expertise, would have something extraordinary for sale. Turns out, they were all cheap trinkets. In Sorondo Street of the Magic District, it's all about having a keen eye.

The epic wands "Twilight's Sigh" and "Dawn's Chant" were from the stalls here. Still, most of the items in Sorondo Street turned out to be useless junk.

For spellcasters, the true value in Sorondo Street of the Magic District lay in the statues and stones brought from the ruins, as they generally had engravings of lost magic patterns and spells.

Whether or not one could interpret them depended on their depth of knowledge.

Felix believed his magical knowledge was quite limited, so he wisely chose not to examine these peculiar statues and sculptures. His ultimate goal in coming here was to purchase valuable spellcasting materials.

Soon enough, he spotted his target. 

It was an ordinary crystal bottle, but what it contained was extraordinary! Even from a distance, Felix could feel the overwhelming magical power emanating from it.

A bottle of dragon's blood! At least from a third-generation sub-dragon breed!

Due to the indulgence of the Dragon clan, there have always been various subspecies of lesser dragons. To distinguish their ranks, magicians simply categorize them by generations. First-generation lesser dragons possess half the Dragon clan's bloodline, consisting of Earth Dragons and Flying Dragons. Second-generation ones carry a quarter of the Dragon clan blood, known as Dragon Beasts. The third-generation lesser dragons are somewhat undervalued by magicians due to their diluted bloodline.

First-generation lesser dragons already fall within the "Golden Subspecies" category. It's practically suicidal to confront them unless you deploy a full-scale army or an adventurer group! Felix closed his eyes, feeling the magic surge within the crystal bottle, estimating that the blood belongs to a dragon somewhere between the second and third generations.

"Stored like this, its magic will completely dissipate in three days," Felix lamented as he approached the stall. The vendor, a swordsman draped in a cloak, sat cross-legged, concealed beneath the voluminous gray garment, rendering his appearance a mystery. A gleaming sword rested on his lap, still stained with fresh blood.

Without even glancing at Felix, the cloaked swordsman coldly stated, "Thirty thousand gold coins."

"A woman?" Even though her voice was frosty, the feminine timbre and crispness gave away her identity. What surprised Felix was that this skilled cloaked swordsman was actually a woman!

Being inherently less physically strong, women typically struggle in close-combat roles. Unless they're like Catherine with a unique lineage, most women find it challenging to excel in these roles. It's an inherent disadvantage; women simply don't possess the sheer physical stamina needed for combat.


Before Felix could say another word, he felt a cold blade on his neck. A gleaming sword, smeared with blood, now rested on his shoulder. He hadn't even had time to react; his life was now in her hands.

"Such a swift sword!"

Despite being at sword-point, Felix couldn't help but exclaim. He only saw a flash of white, and then he was in this predicament. He thought he had significantly improved under Lady Ireland's whip, but he didn't sense this threat at all.

"Do you look down on women?" The icy voice questioned. The cloaked female swordsman lifted her head, revealing an exquisitely beautiful face, marred only by her frigid expression.

Her full lips looked incredibly enticing, and her sun-kissed skin held an unusual allure. The only blemish was a ghastly scar that extended from her slender neck, across her collarbone, and seemed to reach her heart. From Felix's perspective, the scar's reach was evident.

The surrounding area suddenly went silent, with passing adventurers wearing smug expressions. Apparently, such scenes were not a rarity.

"No. I'm just surprised. I swear by the Holy Light," Felix declared, looking up at the woman who towered over him by at least two heads. Instinctively, he felt something was amiss with her mentality. He didn't want to die over a misunderstanding.

The gray-cloaked female swordsman finally got a good look at Felix and seemed slightly taken aback. Pointing at the dragon's blood on the stall, she proposed, "Sleep with me, and this is your reward."

A dead silence enveloped the surroundings, with the expressions of the spectators frozen in disbelief.

Felix was dumbfounded.

As everyone was stunned by the female swordsman's outlandish proposal, a playful, sultry female voice chimed in, "Are you threatening my little kitty?"