
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · ファンタジー
48 Chs

Chapter 25: The Sage Who Tends to the Lambs

The value of the Blazing Tiger far exceeded Felix's expectations, and the pursuit of certain items by the capital's nobility left him both surprised and astonished. In fact, the moment he brought out the pound of tiger bone, the auction house's steward immediately struck a deal for a staggering 8,000 Caesar gold coins.

The refined middle-aged steward with intricate gold-framed glasses even subtly suggested to Felix that if he were willing to wait until after the "Bloody Executioner" event concluded, it could fetch a price exceeding 14,000 Caesar gold coins at the auction at the beginning of the month!

In the military empire of Titans, where the sale of slaves was deemed legal, it was clear the nobility had a plethora of avenues to indulge their desires.


After leaving the auction house, Felix promptly headed to a goldsmith's shop, exchanging for sixteen 10-centimeter-long gold bars valued at approximately 800 Caesar gold coins. Besides its monetary value, gold also served as a valuable component in magical practices.

Gold with 99% purity had a magic conductivity of approximately 36% of the human body's. Typically, less affluent casters used gold as a foundational material. Moreover, Felix spent 3,600 Caesar gold coins purchasing a cat's eye gem the size of a thumb, several blood crystals of mediocre purity, and a few fragments of blue agate.

In the realm of alchemy, the magic conductivity of objects is measured against that of the human body. While gold's is 0.36, gemstones typically fall between 0.4 and 0.7. More valuable and rare casting materials can reach heights of 0.8 to 1.5.

The failure rate of alchemical experiments is high. Though Felix possessed strong mental power, granting him a decent success rate, he hadn't accumulated enough wealth to afford reckless experimentation. He planned to conduct three foundational inscriptions about the Holy Light, necessitating a robust resource reserve.

While Gamma Masters might be mad, they aren't foolish.

In fact, before inscribing magic on their bodies, Gamma Masters often practice on gold or other materials. Only when they achieve a success rate above 95% do they attempt to inscribe themselves. Having acted foolishly when inscribing "Death's Touch," Felix was adamant about not making the same mistake twice.

Money came and went quickly.

Feeling the significantly lighter pouch, Felix muttered, "Money really is a damned thing!"

Being a man with principles, Felix wouldn't directly ask Elizabeth or Ireland for money, knowing full well both were incredibly wealthy. Yet, it was a matter of pride – he couldn't show weakness.

"Perhaps I should woo a couple of wealthy and lonely beauties," Felix mused with a playful arch of his brow, laughing at the thought. He wasn't rigid; he recognized the importance of utilizing every available resource.

As for bringing ideas from his past life to make money, Felix never considered it. This world, with its millennia of history, has its own set of laws, upheld both by worldly powers and divine authority. Those who rashly challenge these rules end up displayed on crosses atop churches – a grim reminder to others.

By the time Felix completed his errands, it was noon.

Opting against returning to the Marquis's mansion, he decided to grab a quick meal in town, then visit the renowned magic street of Sorondo. If time permitted, he'd make a stop at 'Emerald Dreams,' the city's most distinctive tavern. Known for its tall, busty, skilled waitresses and the most cunning yet honor-bound thieves, it was a place of intrigue.

Finding a neat and simple eatery named Marilenna at a street corner, devoid of the opulence typical of other establishments, Felix felt it exuded a sense of simplicity and authenticity.

It turned out that Felix had a good eye for eateries. The jam this restaurant made tasted delightful, and the roasted golden brown, fatty lamb leg was exceptionally delicious. Having eaten to the point of feeling quite full, Felix, in an uncharacteristic move, took out a Caesar gold coin. Under the shy gaze of the pretty young waitress, he placed it into the cleavage of her pale white chest.

On his way to the Magic Street, Felix was stopped by an aged voice.

"Young man, are you a priest?" The speaker was an elder in a snow-white ceremonial robe, with silvery white hair and a face etched with wrinkles. However, his gaze was deep and profound, looking at Felix with astonishment. Behind the old man stood two middle-aged men in priestly white robes, looking on with reverence, and six knights in golden armor guarded them.

Felix's pupils contracted slightly, and he gave a modest nod, speaking respectfully, "Yes, elder."

Using 'elder' as an address was the safest bet when unsure of someone's identity. Felix wasn't worried that the old man might discern anything unusual about him, as Lady Ireland had assured him that nobody could recognize the malevolence within him unless they were a god. And Felix deeply trusted the gorgeous vampire.

"To which church do you belong?" The elder's face brightened with hope as he eagerly inquired. It had been decades since he had seen a youth with such astonishing potential. As a devout monk, he had little tolerance for the so-called "Holy Sons" created through ungodly means by the high officials of the church.

Feeling a bit uneasy, Felix whispered, "The Saint Erde Grand Cathedral."

The old man's eyebrows rose momentarily, then a smile broke across his wrinkled face. The Saint Erde Grand Cathedral mainly accepted nuns and female priests. Considering Felix's effeminately handsome face, the elder seemed to piece something together.

The Lord's servants, too, can have desires. Fortunately, the young man before him appeared untainted by such urges. Even servants of the Lord can err. As long as they remain faithful and learn to repent, the benevolent Lord would forgive them.

"Do you know what a priest is, child?" The old man's eyes sparkled, asking gently upon seeing Felix's slight discomfort.

After a brief pause, Felix replied, "A wise shepherd of the lambs."

Humans are the lambs of the Lord. A priest is a teacher, an elder, and a sage.

The elder was taken aback by Felix's response. Such wisdom was truly remarkable for someone of his age.

"Go about your business, child. May the Holy Light be with you!" With a gentle smile, the elder said, caressing his long beard.

Wisely, Felix did not inquire about the elder's identity. He bowed in respect and walked away.


"Your Holiness, should I look into him further?" A middle-aged priest behind the elder whispered.

The elder shook his head lightly, stating, "The Saint Erde Grand Cathedral is under the jurisdiction of the 'Night Watchers.' Not even the God of Light would dare provoke an Antediluvian on this plane."


Cradling a finely crafted silver cross in his hand, the elder murmured, "The Night Watcher will soon leave this world. The Lord has His plans for certain matters."

The middle-aged priest said no more and stepped back to his original position.

"People are often blinded. Even the most devoted monks might not be as effective in evangelism as a regular priest with an angelic countenance. People yearn for beauty. Beauty can lead one to heaven or drag them into hell!"

"The Eastern Orthodox district needs such an angel..."