
Death's return (A LitRPG story)

Suddenly, while riding the bus home, Noah Jade was enveloped by a mysterious mist. When the mist cleared, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar and hostile place. Although everything seemed intent on killing him at first, Noah discovered that even in death, he could prevail over the others. ----- My discord server for conversations and pictures of the protagonists of my works, as well as possible spoilers of my future stories. https://discord.gg/g7YrnpbTYq

Rowen_Kun · ファンタジー
111 Chs

Chapter 37 - About Leo's intentions [1]

Strength: 10 -> Strength: 15

Agility: 16 -> Agility: 21

Ether: 65 -> Ether: 70

As the points were invested, once again, the change in my body became evident almost instantly. Though I thought I was progressing quickly before, now, it feels like some resistance that held me back before suddenly vanished. Now, I feel like I can run and strike much faster than before.

"Hey, Noah!"

While I was immersed in the changes in my body, Leo's voice broke through my thoughts. But what really caught my attention wasn't the fact that he was calling me. If I had to point out something strange about him, it would be the smile he had plastered on his face. Honestly, it was giving me chills.

But the reason for that was quite apparent. Further off, we could see several people watching us. Leo probably wanted to keep up the facade of being a friendly person, even with those who were rude to him. Honestly, this situation was even amusing to me.

"Need something?" I asked casually.

Though it was only for a moment, Leo's expression changed. Even though I already knew, he seemed to be genuinely playing the role of the good guy for the others.

"I wanted to ask a favor of you and Ellen on behalf of everyone" Leo said, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

Though his words sounded normal, he was actually putting me on the spot. Denying his request would be the same as denying everyone's request, which would put me on bad terms with everyone.

"What exactly would the request be?" I inquired, maintaining a nonchalant posture.

Honestly, I already had a basic idea of what he would ask of me. We'd have to move soon, and practically the only people who've ever walked through this forest were me, Ellen, and Noelle. Though Leo had already gone out with the others, all they did was circle the outskirts.

"It would be great if you and Noelle could guide us through the forest. We're not very familiar with the surroundings, so your help would be invaluable to all of us" Leo said, a bit louder.

As I predicted, he made the request I was anticipating. Though I really wanted to reject it outright, that wouldn't be beneficial for me. I mean, I didn't wish death upon everyone, you know? I don't have enough courage to believe I could survive until the end with just Ellen and Noelle by my side.

In the end, I was more realistic than most. So, the next words that came out of my mouth genuinely surprised Leo, who hadn't fully grasped this side of me yet, completely breaking his fake good guy expression.

"Sure, I'll guide you through the forest" I replied.

"Are you sure about that?" Ellen asked beside me, watching Leo and his group.

"Sure about what?" I asked, turning my gaze to her.

"About helping Leo. He's clearly using you to look better in front of others. I thought you hated that kind of thing"

Ellen's doubt was quite valid, and as she mentioned, I detested being used. However, from my perspective, if it was directly linked to my survival, why would I care about being used? After all, I'd be using them too.

"I don't mind much, after all, we need to move anyway. It's true that you and I know the forest the best" I replied with a shrug.

Upon hearing my words, Ellen just sighed, as if disappointed by something. Honestly, I didn't know the reason for this reaction, but I chose to ignore it. As this thought unfolded in my mind, Ellen beside me continued.

"So, do you have any idea where our new camp will be?"

Upon hearing Ellen's words, I also found myself pondering that. Honestly, I only went along with what Leo said because we really needed to get out of here. The more people survive, the better. But I didn't really have a specific place in mind. Well, it's not like I didn't know some places we could use either.

"You'll know when we get there" I replied, casting a mysterious smile at Ellen.

Upon hearing my response, she just raised her eyebrow slightly and then ignored me. Well, I can't say I wasn't expecting that. Anyway, we needed to move before another night came. We probably wouldn't last long in this place if that happened.

With that thought in mind, I got up from my seat and headed over to where Leo was talking with the others. He quickly noticed my approach and soon moved away from the people he was talking to, to speak with me.

"Are you finished? If possible, I want to reach the new camp before nightfall"

Leo's intense gaze fixed on me for a moment, without an immediate response. His expression conveyed an intensity that was starting to make me uncomfortable.

"Hmmm... let's be frank, we don't have a very friendly relationship, and to be honest, you're not exactly my type of person"

I was genuinely surprised by Leo's words. I didn't expect him to bring up this subject so directly. However, I realized that maybe it was an opportunity for us to resolve our differences. Of course, I had no intention of becoming friends, but mutual understanding could be useful.