
Death's return (A LitRPG story)

Suddenly, while riding the bus home, Noah Jade was enveloped by a mysterious mist. When the mist cleared, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar and hostile place. Although everything seemed intent on killing him at first, Noah discovered that even in death, he could prevail over the others. ----- My discord server for conversations and pictures of the protagonists of my works, as well as possible spoilers of my future stories. https://discord.gg/g7YrnpbTYq

Rowen_Kun · ファンタジー
111 Chs

Chapter 17 - Etheric Pumping

If I had to describe the attacks of the bloody wolf, the word "standardized" always comes to mind. So, you must be wondering why I have so many cuts on my arm. This happens simply because, although its attacks are standardized, the monster itself is incredibly fast. 

Even though I can dodge the attacks, which is obvious since, if I couldn't, I'd be dead, I never manage to escape completely unscathed due to the wolf's speed. Moreover, I managed to confirm that the information given by my skill [Identify] was indeed true. It doesn't seem like this wolf can control my blood, at least not yet, it hasn't done that.

Anyway, it would be a bit complicated to defeat this creature alone, but not impossible. Ultimately, it leaves many openings when it tries to attack me. One of these flaws is in its own speed. From what I could tell, it can't cancel its attacks. In summary, even if I put my dagger in front of it, it won't be able to dodge.

As these thoughts crossed my mind, the wolf once again prepared to attack. I noticed that it always digs its claws into the ground before launching an attack. Although I didn't know why it behaved that way, at least it gave me a chance to dodge. At this moment, I wondered if having more levels in perception would help me in any way.

Leaving an afterimage, the wolf disappeared from where it was. I didn't even need to look around to know where it was; my [Ecopulsation] always detected it seconds before it reappeared to attack me. My body reacted almost instinctively, allowing me to dodge, but still, a new scratch appeared on my arm.

(The longer this fight drags on, the worse my arm will get, and it would be terrible if it started targeting Ellen or Noelle)

With this thought in mind, I decided it was time to fight back. I already had all the information I needed. Although I didn't know when it would use its only magic, given the context and the fact that it hadn't been used so far, it would probably use it as soon as my attacks hit it.

The way to avoid this would be to make superficial cuts, just enough to cause pain but without making it bleed. However, to be honest, it's impossible for me to execute something so delicate right now. I mean, I'm here with my arm torn apart; do I need more evidence to realize that this plan wouldn't work? Well, I'll opt for the simplest strategy at the moment.

Drawing my dagger, I activate [Infusion] feeling the Ether gathering around it as my will. Holding it firmly, I pump Ether into my heart. A warm sensation begins to flow within me, but this time I need more. As the Ether accumulates in my heart, I feel its distribution intensifying throughout my body.

A previously imperceptible warmth begins to flood me, and it feels like my body is literally heating up. If I jumped into a river right now, smoke would probably rise from my body. At this moment, a translucent screen appears in front of me, catching me off guard.

You have acquired a new ability through [Etheric Pumping] action.

Why now? Even though I've used this for a long time, why did it become an ability now? I had no idea why, and I felt like I wouldn't be able to find the answer even if I used my whole brain. Honestly, I'm not sure how beneficial this will be, but in the end, it's better than nothing.

With everything ready, I initiate my attack on the wolf. As soon as my feet move, my field of vision changes, and in the blink of an eye, I'm next to the wolf. Although surprised inside, I don't have time to think about what happened. I thrust my sword into the wolf's belly, but it quickly turns, its mouth full of teeth closing in on me.

But I'm faster, and once again my field of vision changes to the other side of the wolf. Just seconds ago, I was on the other side, and in the blink of an eye, I move again to its blind spot. I have no idea why, although a suspicion floats in my mind. Immediately after, I attack: on the left paw, on the right paw, on the neck.

Every part of the wolf's body has become a target for me. Although its fur was thick, it was nothing I couldn't pierce. Slowly, its various wounds began to bleed. Then, the wolf's eyes turned red, and in that instant, the wolf's scarlet blood began to glow even brighter.

Roaring, the wolf's blood begins to behave strangely. I quickly step back, watching the situation unfold. The blood from its body begins to levitate, and before I know it, it's coming towards me. I quickly duck, watching the blood spear pass over my head. If that thing had hit me, I probably wouldn't have a head anymore.

How do I know this? The tree hit by the attack in my place says it all, with a huge hole where the spear passed. But its attack didn't stop there. Several blood spears began to float around the wolf. Honestly, where the hell was he getting so much blood from? I mean, there was enough for about three wolves. It's kind of weird to think that all this blood came out of him.

At this moment, I briefly stopped to look at Ellen and Noelle. Of the four normal wolves that were with the bloody wolf, only one remained standing. It was comforting to see that Ellen and Noelle seemed strong enough to face the wolves without needing my help.

Suddenly, my [Ecopulsation] emitted a shrill alert. Instinctively, I rolled to the side just in time to escape a spear whizzing past at high speed where I had been. With no time to ponder, I was forced to run to save my own life, while more and more spears came at me every moment. It was as if my opponent didn't even want to grant me a second to breathe and plan my next move.

I leaped backward, seeking shelter behind a tree as I crouched. A spear whizzed past just above my head, narrowly missing me. Among the trees, the scene became increasingly chaotic; the blood-made spears ruthlessly tore through the trees along the path I tried to sneak through.

At that moment, the idea of delivering a fatal blow to the wolf took hold of my thoughts. The only target I could imagine was its head or neck, but would I have enough skill to land a single fatal blow? If I failed, I could end up losing an arm in the attempt.

No, I needed to try. If the fight dragged on, I would be at a total disadvantage. With this firm thought in mind, I gripped my dagger as tightly as possible, while [Infusion] worked at full steam, channeling Aether into it. Gradually, the Aether surrounding my dagger condensed, becoming denser and more tangible.

Taking a deep breath, I leaped out of the bushes and ran towards the wolf. It quickly detected me, turning its fierce gaze in my direction, and its spears, which surrounded it, began to be launched at me. I dodged to the side, avoiding one of them, and leaped over the other.

Gaining enough momentum, I launched myself into the air. As I fell towards the wolf, I focused my gaze on the other spears around me. It was obvious that he would launch them at me, assuming I wouldn't be able to dodge in the air, but that's exactly what I wanted him to think.

As expected, one of the spears was launched at me. I gripped my dagger firmly and placed it in front of the spear, echoing a metallic clash. Meanwhile, I channeled as much Aether through [Etheric Pumping] strengthening my muscles to the maximum.

In the end, my dagger began to crack slowly, but that didn't surprise me. The cracks gradually expanded until finally, a sound of breaking echoed through the air. However, my goal had already been achieved.

Grabbing the spear that had lost almost all of its speed because of my dagger, I spun my body and threw it back at the wolf. The speed was surprising even to me. The spear pierced the wolf's body and impaled it, carrying it towards the forest. Although I could no longer see its body, the translucent screen in front of me indicated the outcome of the battle.

You have defeated [Bloody Wolf - Lvl - 12] Experience was gained.

You leveled up [9] -> [10] and gained 5 stat points and 1 skill point.