
Chapter 118 - The boss of the mountains [3]

There was only one reason my ability [Identify] didn't work on a target: the target was far too powerful compared to me. In the end, that just meant it was a monster we shouldn't be facing under the circumstances I was in.

"This thing seems to focus on quick attacks with its claws and beak"

As I got lost in thought, I heard Eleanor beside me make a comment. Her words pulled my gaze back to the giant bird monster. So far, my clone had been able to dodge the creature's attacks, and we'd also learned quite a bit about its striking patterns. However, there was still something I couldn't quite grasp.

"It's strange... why isn't it flying?"

When I asked the question, Henry and Eleanor turned to me. Eleanor's expression looked slightly surprised, yet relieved at the same time, while Henry radiated presumptuousness and arrogance.