

Born with an unusual birthmark, the shape of a skeleton’s head with rose patterns round about it on her neck, many believed she would only bring bad luck to those around her. This belief was solidified when two of her suitors died unexpectedly right after a visit to her home. Such a thing should come as a bother to any woman but the same could not be said about Nyx. She didn't care if the beliefs about her were true or false. She never liked any of her suitors. Her heart had always been longing for a certain man whom she was very familiar with in her childhood but ceased to appear before her the moment she entered adolescence. Since she knew him one thing was very certain about him, he was not human since he never aged. Not even once. Believing he would one day come again, Nyx was prepared to wait until the day they would meet again. But not everything goes as planned. Having a sickly mother whose only wish was to see her daughter get married and an influential suitor who didn't mind the deaths around her, Nyx soon found herself married off and her mother passed away leaving a father who dreaded her existence and a husband she never loved. **** From a distance he watched her grow, keeping his distance from her, staying within the shadows. As she aged slowly into adulthood, the mark on her neck became more prominent and so was her scent. He wanted her to grow, but when she finally came of age, he thought she would be better without him. But as time wore on and other men began to show interest in her, he could not hold back nor could he let them have her. He discarded those who had an interest in her but one of them slipped through his fingers while he was away and took her. He waited to see if she was happy with her life, with that man, if she was, then he would let her be. She would be able to live a happy life this time unlike the previous one, but everything changed when the forces from the underworld learned of her existence and her connection with him. Her husband was killed which he permitted and her life was in constant danger. Keeping the distance was no longer an option and he once again appeared before her.

Blessing_O · ファンタジー
57 Chs

One of the devils

Once he was left alone inside the room, Skye strutted towards the bed and stopped just a few feet away, and stared at her. He wondered if she would be happy waking to see his face instead of the man who held her before she slept.

Sighing, he drew closer to her and her hand. "I am sorry you had you go through today's ordeal," he caressed the back of her palm. He was still hurting knowing she didn't love him, but it was alright. She is his wife, after all. No one else could have her now. Whoever that man was, he seemed to have understood that. "I will be faster next time," he promised, knowing the likeliness of a similar thing repeating itself was high.

Nyx stirred in her sleep, and the thumb caressing her hand stopped until she was calm again. He watched her face as a lone tear trickled down her left cheek. Her lips moved, but no words were heard. Skye was able to read her lips, and he frowned.

"It is just a dream. No one can hurt you," he said beside her and whispered. He didn't understand why she would say something like that or whose name she called, but he could tell it was not a good dream. "You are safe," he reached for her cheek and wiped off the tear with his thumb.

Nyx's eyes blinked two times before they fluttered open. Her ocean-blue eyes stared at the ceiling for a while before she looked around as if she were collecting her surroundings, and then she stopped when she met Skye's gaze. There was no expression on her face, so he could not tell whether she was happy to see him there with her or not

"Are you alright?" He asked, Nyx nodded, and he offered a smile. "I am sorry if I woke you up. Your father is doing alright and has been taken into his room to rest," he informed.

Silence. Nyx still didn't say anything but just stared at him. "I know," she finally said.

"I know I am not the one you were expecting to see when you woke," he stood up and let go of her hand. "I will leave you to rest," he turned around but was held back by Nyx. He stopped and looked down at his hand that she held and then at her.

"I was not expecting to see anyone when I woke up," she said. It was true. She didn't think Skye would come to stay with her, and she was not expecting Reaper to stay either. He made it clear that he would be there when she needed him, but he would keep his distance from her. He also never really sticks around for long, so expecting his presence would only lead to disappointment. "Thank you for staying with me."

Skye stared into her eyes and saw that she was being honest and got confused as well as happy. He sat beside while she sat up and leaned on his shoulder.

"How do you feel?" Skye asked, wanting to bring up a conversation. It would be right to jeeps silent when he finally had some time alone with her and she was noy looking to leave immediately

"I feel fine. The pain is all gone," she replied, already knowing who was capable of doing that. "Skye," she called.

"I am here," he said, his voice soft and tender and filled with patience.

"Did you see him?" She asked just to be sure that he did and then her next question can follow sbe wanted to know if Reaper erased their memories of himself from their minds.

"Yes," Skye answered although he didn't want to. He wanted to deny seeing none but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He had hurt her enough he didn't want to add lying to the list.

"The man you told me about, did he look like him? Similar to him?" Nyx asked and this took Skye by surprise. He never expected that question at all. He stared at Nyx's hair for a while without replying to her. He was not sure if he was allowed to answer that question or if doing so would trigger the curse placed on him. "Skye?" Nyx raised her head to look at him.

"Y…yes," he finally replied and Nyx nodded her head. She returned to placing it on his shoulder. "How did you know?" Skye asked. He hadn't said anything about the man's appearance yet she seemed to know what he looked like already.

"It was just an inclination. If he looks similar, especially the eyes, then he should be one of the devils," Nyx stated and Skye froze. "Since we do not know for certain who he is, it would be difficult to ask Reaper for help."

Skye looked down at Nyx as if he was struck by lightning. First she said devils which he also had assumed that man was and she just called the man whom she hadived for so long, Reaper. Only one being came into his mind when he heard that name but he did not want to believe it. There was no way he would believe but it also explains why the man would be afraid of him.

"What does he have on you? Or is it just to have you marry me?" Nyx didn't think it would be that simple. Skye's life could just be another reason to not say a word but for him to have agreed in the beginning, something else must have gotten involved.

"I… it was…."

"If you can't say it then don't," Nyx stopped him. If he would get hurt then they could leave it and find another way. "Can I meet him?"

"No," Skye's reply was instantaneous and firm. Nyx raised her head and looked at him because this was the first time he had spoken to her like that and the authority in his voice was also a surprise to her.

"I won't then," she agreed. "What happened to the two people who broke in?" She changed the conversation.

Two more chapters will be released shortly

Blessing_Ocreators' thoughts