
Dear Wife of Mine

Raven_Rob_01 · 歴史
1 Chs


Honestly an arranged marriage was the last thing Duke Night needed. Just a few months ago he watched his first love get married to his best friend so excuse him for wanting more than a few months to get over the rejection.

"I do like you Night, but I love Eric." Were Estelle's words for a reply to his confession.

It hurt and yet he could not bring himself to hate her, sure the affectionate feelings have died down but there are still there .

Every time He hears Estelle's giggles and laughs, a oart of him crumbles down and die.

"Avenin, second child of the Wing house and only daughter of the southern duke. Get married to her."

Were his father's demands.

He fought against it ,he really did but seeing how he is standing at the altar while his soon to be wife is walking down it was a telltale sign that his refusal fell onto deaf ears.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced jolting Night into action as he pulled up the veil to expose his soon to be wife's face.

He hadn't met her, Night rejected all meetings in order to get his refusal through. It was childish, yes, but it felt good to do it then.

Right now he was regretting not meeting up with her. She was beautiful, very beautiful infact down right ethereal. Her eyes were silver mimicking the full moon's face, they were also droopy making her look tired and sad at the same time. Her skin looked too smooth to withstand even a blade of grass, her lips... oh her lips... they drew him in as they promised untild sweetness if he bites them.

While Estelle had an innocent charm to her, his soon to be wife was more beautiful than pretty, gorgeous than cute, sexy than charming.

"Duke?" The priest called out again drawing his attention from her to him.

Night looked at the priest who glanced at his wife reminding him just what they were there for.

Oh right, the kiss.

Night dove down planning to seal his fate with the kiss and was pleased when Avenin, his wife, tilted her head upward yo meet him halfway.

Maybe this wasn't so bad... was the last thought he had before the kiss ended and lewd images of him and Avenin filled his head making him jump back at the assault.

At his action the images stoped and a voice filled his mind.

What's going on with him? He is not going to run out on me is he?

The question rang through his mind but no one's lios moved making him flinch as he turned his head to find the source.

"Duke Night is everything okay?"

The voice asked, but now it was outside his mind coming from his wife who was looking up at him concern having filled her face.

Then it clicked.

The voice?

The images?

He could read his wife's mind.

Hi there!

Thank you and welcome to my book, Dear Wife of Mine.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I will enjoy writing it.

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