

I knew mother wouldn't be around but I still wished I could see her face this morning.

Such a wistful dream.

I did my usual morning business which is to take my bath and other necessary things.

I climbed down the stairs, dressed for school.

After having breakfast, I got into the car and the driver drove me to school.

My luxurious car drove into the grandiloquent school, the best and most expensive school in Abuja.

I got down from the car and watched as it zoomed out of the school compound.

I went to my class with slow strides, my head hung down.

As usual, I was invincible among everyone.No one acknowledged or noticed me.

Though, it shattered my heart, there was nothing I could do. I was used to it anyway.

I went straight to my seat and settled down then brought out the novel I was reading the previous day, THE PORTER'S WHEEL.


"HI Irene"

I felt the time stop as soon as I heard that.

Maybe I'm hallucinating.

Someone said hi to me?, no way.

"I think it's ride to ignore your fellow classmate's greeting" the person said and I looked up from my book

I gasped when I saw him.

I wasn't hallucinating, it was real.

Someone said hi to me and it's not just anyone, it's him!

Ezekiel Lawson himself.

Him of all people.

My jaw dropped as I continued to stare dumbstruck at him.

This is too good to be true.

"Aren't you suppose to reply?" he asked and that jolted me out of my dazed state.

Chill girl, calm down.

Whats so special about him?

Who am I kidding? everything is so special about him.

"H..hi",i managed to stutter a reply,no longer staring at him.

I was too shy and embarrassed to do so.

"You look pretty today, who am I kidding? Of course you look pretty every single day" he said and I looked up at him but quickly dropped my gaze.

Words can't express how excited I am. If I were fair skinned, I'm sure my whole face would have been red.

"T..thanks"i stuttered.

" I want us to be friends and I seriously don't like the way you're uncomfortable around me".


"See?,you're stammering too much" he said and I kept staring at my finger.

"We'll catch up later" He said and left for his seat.

I covered my face within my palm, screaming wildly inside my head.

OMG! OMG! OMG!, he said I'm pretty. OMG!

So I'm pretty?

Ezekiel said I've always been pretty. Does that mean he's in love with me?

I scoffed inwardly at myself at that thought.

Seriously Irene, calm down.

That guy only said you're pretty and wants to be friends with you.

It doesn't mean he likes you.

But heck!, I can't help but think wildly, someone, not just someone but a guy, no, the most popular guy in the school wants to be friends with me.

Of course I'm extremely excited!


I was busy scribbling on my note when I felt someone's gaze on my body.

I looked up and my eyes glinted when I saw Ezekiel sitting in front of me, his back turned towards the class and he was facing me, smiling cutely.

My heart fluttered and my gaze went back to my book.

What are you doing to me, Ezekiel?

"I just missed you so I decided to come here" He said and I blushed deeply.

"Wow, the almighty Ezekiel is talking to Irene, that's new" Daniel one of my classmate said in a raised voice and everyone's attention diverted towards me.

I couldn't even look up as I was too shy to look in the pairs of eyes boring holes in my body.

Then my mind went to someone.. Nancy!

I slowly looked I Nancy's direction and saw her smiling at me.

That's new!.

Isn't she suppose to be angry that I'm talking with her boyfriend.

Nancy is the peacock of the class. The prettiest and also proud.

She's a proud peacock.

She flaunts her beauty to everyone, proudly pointing it out to every girl in the class that she is the prettiest and no one could beat her when it comes to that.

I get irked by her narcissistic behavior but what can I do?

She has the backing of all the boys in our class.

As expected, she's Ezekiel's girlfriend and wouldn't allow any girl in my class talk to him so I find it new and strange that Nancy is smiling at me.

Does that mean she approves of my talking with her boyfriend?

Does that mean she thinks of me as unique and special?

Does that.....

'Trust no one apart from me' I remembered mum's words but shove it aside. How has that got to do with this?

"Irene, in front of everyone, I'll make a confession" Ezekiel said and stood up as I stared at him curiously.

What confession?

"Ever since I broke up with Nancy".

They broke up?, I gasped and it seemed like I was the only one surprised.

Everyone knew?

"I noticed your striking beauty and fell in love with you. I'm a guy of short words so I'll just go straight to the point"

I watched him dumbstruck as he picked the white board marker and walked closer to the white board the wrote in block letters,


Am I in some sort of fantasy dream?