
Dear Mommy, Let's Win Your Stern Boss's Heart!

Emma Valentino, a hardworking single mother recovering from a traumatic past, faces the challenges of her job while raising her 3-year-old daughter, Eve.    Her encounter with her stern boss, Oliver, shook her confidence. As she arrives to meet his high expectations, she discovers hidden depths in both herself and Oliver.    Trust and reliance on each other shaped their evolving relationship.   Will Emma's determination to heal and succeed be enough to overcome the obstacles in her path, in addition to her trauma from her past, or will her encounters with Oliver lead her down a different path?

Daphne_Ba · 都市
6 Chs

The Misunderstanding

Oliver POV:

I watched her get into the car looking like a drenched cat, 'I would have kept a towel in the car if I knew this would happen.' he said subconsciously, unhappy about how wet her cloths are.




Emma's phone rang, getting my attention. I watched as her face light up with a smile.

'She is smiling?, Who is that calling her?' he said to himself, displeased yet curious about the call.

"Hi, my love, did you miss me?" she said giggling.

'My love?, does she have a boyfriend?, or a husband?, Hold on, she is with someone?' he thought as his hands tighten on the steering wheels trying to focus.

"Don't worry, I am fine, just leaving the office…. I am in a colleagues car, he would soon drop me off at my stop... I miss you too, I will be home soon… oh okay bye sweetheart."

She ended the call turning to me, " Thank you so much for the ride, you really are a lifesaver sir." she said smiling, meeting a change in Oliver's expression.

Still unsure of how he feels about the call, he responded with a distant voice, forcing a smile, "Sure, no problem."

The whole drive was silent, 'I can't stop thinking about the call, Why am I bothered about it?' Oliver still couldn't wrap his head around it, interrupted by her soft voice, she said,

"This is my stop" looking at me. Oliver pulled over, unlocking the car.

She came down from the car, peeping through the window,

"Thank you once again Sir, I really appreciate it.

"Yeah." he said shortly, "Goodnight."

She watched as Oliver drove off in that rainy night not understanding the change in his attitude, shaking it off, she hope it was just her imagination. Sighing she walked into her apartment.

Emma POV:

The next morning, the rain has stopped leaving the city with a refreshing atmosphere, Emma felt a hand on her face, as she opened her eyes she saw Eve smiling widely at her,

"Good morning, mummy!!," she said with excitement.

"Good Morning, my princess, Did you sleep well, baby?"

"Yes." Eve said giggling.

"Oh, I see someone is excited about something." Emma said tickling Eve.

Laughing uncontrollably, Eve said,

"You promised that we would get ice cream today after work so I can't wait."

"Yes, darling, I will get you the biggest ice cream ever!!!"


"But we need to get you ready for school, come on let's go!!" Emma said carry Eve in her arms and running to the bathroom with so much excitement.

"Oliver POV:

'I woke up this morning feeling like shit. Gosh, I can't stop thinking of last night, is she dating someone?

I shouldn't care about it that much, I need to prepare for work. Ahh, I am fucking late'. He cursed.

Oliver rush out of bed to the bathroom and after 30 minutes, he was all ready to leave his apartment. He went straight to the parking lot, and started the car.

As Oliver entered into the building, he glanced at the receptionist and noticed her attempts to seduce him,

'Here we go again.' expressing his disgust, she quickly bowed her head in embarrassment.

'I went straight to the elevator, there I saw Mike Antonio, my assistant and best friend waiting for me.'

"I thought you would sleep at the office last night." Mike said, poking him.

"I thought the same as well but shit happens."he responded, remembering what happened the other night he sighed,

'I need to stop thinking about this.'


The elevator door opened, as they walked into the open office space leading straight to Oliver's office, he saw his secretary and said,

"Tell Miss Emma Valentino that I need her in my office in the next 2 hours."

Nodding in responses, Oliver went into his office to start his day.

Emma POV:

Emma was deeply absorbed in her project, refining the important details, make it look presentable and impressive. She has spent quite some time re-adjusting the project to perfection. As she paused to review her progress, she remembered what happened the other night,

'I have to thank him when I see him.'




'The managing director asked to see you in the next 2 hours.' she read the email,

"Oh, I need to hurry up." she muffled to herself.


As Emma walked down the hallway, her mind raced through the project again and again trying to recall some important parts. When she got to the secretary desk, she was told to go in as Oliver was already waiting for her.




"Come in" said an unfamiliar voice.

Entering the office Emma thought, ' I don't know this voice, Who could that be?'

She walked into the sitting area spotting Oliver and an unfamiliar face. 'Is that his assistant ' she muffled to herself.

"Sit down, My name is Mike Antonio, assistant to Oliver Frederick. He is in a zoom meeting but he would get back to you in a few minutes." Mike said in an unfazed voice.

"Alright, it's nice to meet you. Thank you." She said with a big smile.

"Make yourself comfortable." Mike responded leaving Emma and Oliver in the office.

Emma watch as Mike walked out of the room, redirecting her gaze, her eyes landed on Oliver taking in his features.

'His jet black hair was slicked, back showing that he has been running his hands through them, the sunlight streaming through the window highlighted the sharp angles of his jaw and his hazel eyes.' Her eyes traced down from his jaw to his lips, 'Those lips.' She continued, completely lost in her thoughts.

"Emma!!!." Oliver's voice broke through her thoughts, pulling her back to reality.

"What are you staring at?" asking with a voice filled with curiosity.

Glancing up at Oliver, a warm blush creeped to her cheeks as she realized that she has been caught staring at him way too much.

'What the fuck, Emma Valentino.' she cursed at herself.

"Nothing sir, I came to show you the project, oh and thank you for the ride, I am really grateful."

"I am glad I could help, anyways, hand the project over."


Oliver POV:

'I didn't know when she came into the office until I saw her looking at me, her gaze feels like they could bore into my soul.'

I stood up approaching her, calling her,




"What are you staring at." I asked curiously.

"Nothing sir, I came to hand this project over to you oh and thank you for the ride, I am really grateful. " She said.

'Hmm... That is weird.' Oliver said to himself.

"I am glad I could help, hand it over to me." Oliver said proudly.

I read the project again and again, everything was perfect.

'Gosh, she is so good at what she does, but I couldn't let her go like that I want to know who called her last night.' Oliver said to himself.

"You did a good job, I like it, but I want you to help me out with something." Oliver continued,

"It is a project for Williams Berry, and I need help with it. I just talked to his manager and his ideas are just full of crap, so I want you to go through it here for me and tell me what you think."

"Okay sir." Emma responded, collecting the files.

'I watched as she carefully looked through the files, she looks pretty whenever she's so focused.'

After what felt like eternity, Oliver said trying to start up a conversation, "I hope your boyfriend wasn't mad at you for getting home late."

"Boyfriend?" Emma asked confused.

"Yes, boyfriend or is he your husband?. I am talking about the guy who called when I drove you home." Oliver explained.

"Oh, no that wasn't my boyfriend or husband, not that I have any." She laughed awkwardly and continued, " That was my daughter, Eve." She said with a big smile, remembering how cute she is.

"Oh, your daughter." Oliver said with relief and without much through to what she said.

"What?, You have a daughter?". He said shocked, finally understanding what she said.