
Dear Mommy, Let's Win Your Stern Boss's Heart!

Emma Valentino, a hardworking single mother recovering from a traumatic past, faces the challenges of her job while raising her 3-year-old daughter, Eve.    Her encounter with her stern boss, Oliver, shook her confidence. As she arrives to meet his high expectations, she discovers hidden depths in both herself and Oliver.    Trust and reliance on each other shaped their evolving relationship.   Will Emma's determination to heal and succeed be enough to overcome the obstacles in her path, in addition to her trauma from her past, or will her encounters with Oliver lead her down a different path?

Daphne_Ba · 都市
6 Chs

Eat, then you can fire me later.

He sighed and said, "Because I hope we could be friends."


"Friends? I don't think we should continue this way." 


"Why?" His tone became different. 


"Because you're my boss, it's too much for me, and people in the office will start to notice things that aren't even there. My life is complicated enough, and I don't want you to make it worse; just stay and be my boss. Nothing else." 


He nodded slowly, taking in every word she said.


"I understand." He finally said. "If I caused you any trouble, I apologize. I never realized it was too much for you. I just wanted to get to know you more." 


Emma could feel the sharp pain in her chest. Her heart felt so heavy, but it was for the best. 


"I'm sorry, and thank you again for everything." She spoke softer than she expected. 


"It's fine. Good night, Emma," he said, giving her a sad smile.


As he left, she leaned back at her door for a moment as she tried to steady her emotions. 


'If this is what I wanted, then why do I feel depressed?'


"This is for the best, the best for me and Eve," she said to herself as she walked straight to her bedroom.






Just like every other day, I came into the office looking good but feeling like crap. Mondays will never be my favorite day. I have a shit ton of documents on my desk that I couldn't finish on Friday, and my mind can't stop thinking about Oliver.


"Hey Girl." 


Recognizing the voice, I glanced at Lydia, who was all smiley and happy today. 


"It seems you woke up on the right side of your bed today, uhn?" 


"And I can clearly see who didn't, girl. What happened?" She said this as she pulled her office chair close to me.


Lydia and Tea—you know what I mean, right?


"Well, we are going to need at least two cups of coffee each."


"That is what I am talking about." 


I was never the type of person to explain things over the phone to someone, and Lydia was obviously aware of that. I ran to the coffee room to make us a cup of coffee each, calmly explaining everything to Lydia.


"WOW! That is a lot to process, Emma," she said, with shock written all over her face. 


"I know." 


"But you know he is interested in you, right?" She said, "Because one thing I know for sure: no man wants just friendship from a woman, especially with a kid in tow." 


"But he said he just wanted to be friends."


Lydia looked at me with an expression that screamed 'really?' but, to be honest, I would rather be oblivious to the fact that Oliver wants to be more than friends. 


"What will I do?" 


"You've done what you think is best for you, so don't be confused unless you know it's not." Lydia gave a shrug. 


I turned to my computer, picked up the file I was working on, and started re-adjusting it.








"Come in." Oliver's voice sounded deeper and a lot colder than the last time we talked. 


As I walked in, the first thing I saw was the mess. Oliver's usual neat and well-organized workspace was now a chaotic battlefield of reports, projects, and financial figures.


'Gosh, this place looks awful.' 


I looked up at Oliver, who was still tapping away on his keyboard. His suit, which is usually immaculate, was now wrinkled, his tie loosened, and dark circles underlined his eyes. He looks like he hasn't eaten in years.


"Mr. Oliver, are you okay?" 


He finally glanced up at me and said, "I haven't slept in two days, so yeah, I am not okay. Give me the file I requested." His tone sounds colder than ever, and it made my heart heavy.


I handed him the file and said, "do you need anything else? You don't look so good." 


"I am fine. You can leave now." He replied harshly. 


"Have you eaten anything? You look so weak." 


"I said leave!" he responded in anger. 


'Wow, what was I expecting?' I pondered in my mind.


I walked out of the office in rage and headed for the cafeteria. I ordered for some mac and cheese, wings, and orange juice. 


'If he thinks that he is stubborn, then I will demonstrate to him that I am much more stubborn.' 


I stormed into his office and slammed the food on his desk. He looked at me with eyes burning with rage.


I pulled a chair, sat down right in front of him, and said, "I know you're angry right now, but that won't do you any good, so this is what you are going to do: eat this food, freshen up, and sleep. You can then decide whether or not to fire me for barging into your office. Now, Oliver, eat." 


I have never been so pissed and bothered about anyone else except Eve and Lydia, but here I am boiling because he looks like shit and I don't like it.


After a minute, which feels like forever, he slowly picked up his silverware and started eating. I watched as he ate the whole meal in silence before he stood up and went into the private bathroom in his office. 


'I promised myself to stay away from him, but apparently, I can't.' With a sigh, I cleared the mess on his desk and started to work. 


I picked up each file, organized them, and cleaned up his desk. While I was still trying to figure out the papers on the floor, the door to the bathroom opened, revealing Oliver all wet from washing his face and hair. 


With a sharp gaze, his eyes shot at me.


"Wow, he looks handsome." I muttered to myself.


As I continued to organize his desk, I felt him getting closer.


"Why are you doing this to me?" Oliver whispered.


I couldn't answer, nor could I look at him.


Slowly, I felt his hand move to my waist, pulling me closer to him.


I gasped, "Uhmm."


"Why are you messing with me?" He continued to rest his head on my shoulders.


His breath against my neck made my knees weak.


"I don't know. I just can't stand seeing you like this." I managed to reply, "Do you feel much better now?" 


He nodded gently and pulled me to the chair. I sat down beside him, and he placed his head on my lap.


"We shouldn't do this; what if someone comes in?" 


"Shush. Just for a while, please."


Watching him, I placed my hand on his head and started stroking his head gently. After a while, his entire body relaxed as he dozed off.




"Why is she sleeping here?"


'Isn't that Mike's voice?'


"Just let her be; she must have been tired," Oliver responded.


"What did you do to her?" Mike said.


"Am I dreaming of both of them now?"


"Who are you dreaming about, Emma?" Oliver said, chuckling.


'Hold on, am I not dreaming?' I stood up, immediately adjusting my shirt. 


"I am sorry. I didn't know when I slept off."


"It is fine," he said, stretching his hand to my head. He tucked my hair gently behind my ear. 


"Excuse me." I ran out of his office, flustered. 




"Emma!!" I looked up, and I saw Lydia. As she walked towards me, she had this expression of worry. "What took you so long? And why do you look flustered?" 
