
Dear lover

Alex_Love_0168 · 現実
2 Chs

Chapter 1 

when two star-crossed lovers fortuitously encountered one another at a quaint neighborhood café, right at the dawn of the academic year! As their gazes locked amidst the gentle swirls of steam emanating from their cups of fragrant tea, an electric current of something extraordinary coursed through their beings. They were acutely aware that their lives would be forever altered by this fateful encounter.

The night unfolded in a symphony of mirth and animated discourse, as they regaled each other with tales of their past and shared their most cherished aspirations for the future. A profound connection began to take root between them, and they were unequivocally certain that a magnificent and transformative bond was on the precipice of blossoming.

, with his soft, curly black hair cascading effortlessly around his face, and his countenance adorned with delightful freckles that add a touch of youthful charm. But there is more to Vassiliadis than meets the eye.

Raised in a world of opulence and extravagance, Vassiliadis grew up alongside his brother, Victor. However, it is Vassiliadis who truly captivates the imagination, for he is a trendsetting actor in his twenties, renowned for his impeccable taste and style. One cannot help but be mesmerized by the stunning array of flower tattoos adorning his left arm,

Vassiliadis' intriguing past, You see, his father, a Greek immigrant who ventured to the United States in pursuit of higher education, left behind his entire family. It is whispered among those in the know that Vassiliadis' father may have had an affair with his mother, a woman whose life was tragically cut short around the time of his birth.

In the eyes of his father, Vassiliadis became a living embodiment of his transgressions, a constant reminder of the consequences of his adulterous actions. Yet, despite this tumultuous beginning, the law dictated that his father raise him. It is evident that Vassiliadis has always been aware of his father's inability to truly care for him, leaving him to wonder about the origins of his own name.

Vassiliadis, a name that exudes power and authority, is a fusion of 'king', 'lord', or 'master' combined with 'basileús', a term that signifies regality and royalty. The significance of this name choice remains a mystery to Vassiliadis,

Victor's father, a shrewd businessman with a reputation for his extravagant lifestyle and irresistible charm, was no stranger to the world of high-stakes gambling. His underground gambling ring, renowned for its popularity and allure, was a magnet for risk-takers and thrill-seekers alike. However, engaging with a man of such caliber was akin to willingly stepping into the depths of "sweet hell," for playing with fire always carries the inherent danger of being consumed by its flames.

It seemed that Victor's mother, fully aware of the perils that awaited her, fearlessly embraced the inferno. She was a woman known for her self-destructive tendencies, almost as if she found solace in the chaos and reveled in the chaos it brought. It was as if she was trapped in a never-ending cycle, reliving the same tragic tale year after year: a tale of an abusive man who impregnated her, leaving her to navigate the treacherous waters of her own existence.

Indeed, one cannot help but admire the audacity and ingenuity displayed by Victor's mother. She skillfully maneuvered Victor's father into signing a will, a testament to her resourcefulness. This shrewd move not only secured a future for both Victor and herself, but also laid the foundation for a thriving business. It becomes abundantly clear that Victor's mother possessed a remarkable intellect and a keen sense of business acumen. Her journey is nothing short of a remarkable success story, and it is truly fortunate that she remains the sole custodian of this captivating tale. How utterly fascinating it is to ponder the intriguing dynamics between Victor and his mother, for their interactions were limited to moments when she sought retribution against her former spouse. Now that he has departed from this world, their paths need no longer intertwine, freeing them from the obligation of spending time together.

Valentina, the mother of Victor and Vassiliadis, She single-handedly raised her two boys, a task that would have devastated any ordinary family. Yet, Valentina not only managed to navigate this challenging role, but she also showcased incredible talent in doing so. Her mere presence alone commanded respect and admiration.

Despite the numerous difficulties she has faced throughout her life, Valentina now faces her greatest challenge yet: raising children who already harbor disdain towards her. It is a daunting task, but one that she will undoubtedly tackle head-on with her characteristic resolve.

In a similar vein, Victor initially harbored reluctance towards attending school. He found solace in the confines of his room, surrounded by his beloved books. The prospect of venturing out into the world and studying things he already knew seemed unnecessary. However, his perspective shifted when he discovered that his best friend, Alexander, had also enrolled. The sheer joy of being able to share this experience with his closest companion outweighed any reservations he had about socializing.

Confident and assured, Victor embraced the opportunity to immerse himself in an environment that aligned with his passions. The allure of being surrounded by the subjects he enjoyed proved irresistible, eclipsing any doubts he may have initially harbored.

As he prepared himself for his departure to Willow Tree High School, he meticulously adorned himself in a crisp white shirt and impeccably tailored navy blue trousers. Completing his ensemble was a traditional tie, adorned with bold stripes of vibrant red and shimmering gold. The school uniform, a symbol of tradition and prestige, remained unchanged throughout the years,

Willow Tree High School, with its illustrious history, has long been synonymous with opulence and privilege. For countless generations, this prestigious establishment has served as a haven for the affluent and influential. Yet, beneath the veneer of success that shrouds its hallowed halls, lies a shadowy past marred by corruption and exploitation.

Since its inception in the late 1800s, Willow Tree High School has stood as a bastion of exclusivity, catering solely to the elite echelons of society. Its founders, driven by a desire to cultivate an environment where wealth and power could be wielded to secure unparalleled opportunities, crafted an institution that would become the epitome of entitlement. Within these walls, those blessed with affluence and influence have long enjoyed the freedom to transgress societal norms without consequence.

The Willow tree, a poignant symbol of sorrow and grief, had been chosen as the namesake for the school. Legend had it that the founder's wife, overwhelmed by the injustices she witnessed in the world, had tragically taken her own life by hanging herself from a willow tree. This tragic tale had forever linked the school to the somber connotations of the willow.

Victor, standing in the hallway, pondered whether this symbolic association extended to his own house. Suddenly, piercing screams echoed from the end of the corridor, jolting him from his thoughts. His heart raced as he swiftly turned around, only to be greeted not by his mother's stern reprimand, but by the infectious laughter of his mischievous brother, who darted away playfully.

A surge of excitement coursed through Victor's veins, prompting him to swiftly retrieve his phone from his pocket. Eager to capture the moment, he deftly opened the camera app, poised to record the scene. However, before he could even press the record button, his mother's voice reverberated through the air, commanding him to cease his filming endeavors.

"Why?" Victor demanded, his voice tinged with a growing sense of indignation.

The camera gracefully pulled back, its lens capturing every nuance of his mother's face. With a voice filled with pride, she spoke to Victor, acknowledging his exceptional ability to showcase to the world her perceived lack of success as a mother. Victor, unwavering in his determination, affirmed her words and continued to film. Despite the tears welling up in her eyes, he maintained a steady hand, ensuring that the camera remained focused on her.

Valentina reached her breaking point and retreated to the corner of the hallway, the very spot from which she had emerged. Victor calmly pocketed his phone and made his way outside, where his brother patiently awaited him in the car. The sight of his brother's presence filled Victor's heart with an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment.

Vassiliadis, growing increasingly impatient, repeatedly honked the horn. If Victor had walked any slower, the frustration building within Vassiliadis would have surely erupted into a fit of exasperated screams.

Victor settled comfortably into the passenger seat, his excitement evident in his voice. "It was only a short video!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

Vassiliadis, cranking up the volume of his stereo, played a catchy song from the 80s, adding to the vibrant atmosphere in the car. "Only?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Victor, still captivated by the video, couldn't help but express his admiration. "Absolutely, it was truly remarkable...and funny!" he proclaimed, his eyes sparkling as he took in the passing scenery.

Vassiliadis nodded in agreement, shaking his head slightly. "I'd say that's an accurate description," he replied, acknowledging the video's impact.

Just then, Vassiliadis' phone buzzed in his pocket, interrupting their conversation. With enthusiasm, he answered the call, his confident demeanor unwavering.

"Work CAN'T pick you up after school" Vassiliadis exclaimed, his voice filled with determination. He promptly turned off the stereo, focusing on the urgent matter at hand.

As they arrived at school at 5:20 pm, the anticipation for the upcoming welcoming ceremony grew. Vassiliadis and Victor knew they had ample time to prepare before the event, which was scheduled to begin at 6:30.

Victor waved goodbye to his brother as Vassiliadis drove off without hesitation,

Victor's freshman year at this institution proved to be an immense challenge, as he was faced with an overwhelming workload of coursework and extracurricular activities. Nevertheless, he approached this challenge with unwavering determination, refusing to succumb to the pressures that threatened to overwhelm him. With a firm grip on his time management skills, he meticulously organized his schedule to ensure that he could tackle each task with utmost efficiency.

Despite his resolute efforts, the school seemed determined to quash any semblance of happiness that Victor dared to pursue. The environment, suffused with toxicity, was akin to inhaling the noxious fumes of nuclear waste. In fact, Victor couldn't help but ponder whether being in close proximity to actual nuclear waste would have been a healthier alternative. Such was the extent of the detrimental atmosphere that permeated the institution

The introduction ceremony at Willow Tree High School, a grand event that showcases the values of the institution, has unfortunately devolved into a breeding ground for entitlement and arrogance among the privileged students. It is disheartening to witness this atmosphere where students are encouraged to view themselves as superior to their peers. Such an attitude is simply unacceptable, and it is imperative that we strive to cultivate an environment that is fair, inclusive, and supportive for all students. Every individual deserves to be treated with respect and provided with equal opportunities to thrive and succeed.

As the announcement echoed through the auditorium, the entire crowd rose to their feet, their hands clapping together in perfect unison. Victor, however, found himself disenchanted by this display of agreement. He couldn't help but feel that such applause was unwarranted, as if the crowd was blindly accepting whatever was being presented to them without critical thought.

" light of this, it is with great pride that we share an additional announcement, once the fervor of the crowd has settled down."

We are absolutely thrilled to announce with great enthusiasm that Willow Tree High School, an institution dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in education, is taking a momentous step forward in our unwavering mission to provide unparalleled quality education for all. It is with immense pride that we declare our gates open, extending a warm invitation to those who may have been less privileged or fortunate in their circumstances. This remarkable initiative serves as a testament to our unyielding commitment to fostering an environment of learning and growth, where every individual, regardless of their background, can thrive and flourish.

This extraordinary opportunity allows us to extend our reach beyond the confines of our school walls and make a profound difference in the lives of those who may not have been afforded the same advantages as others. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, we firmly believe that this endeavor will not only enrich the lives of our students but also have a far-reaching positive impact on our community and beyond.

As the news reverberated through the auditorium, a hushed silence fell upon the assembled crowd. The absence of applause was a testament to the sheer astonishment that gripped the room. Victor, a former student of Willow Tree High, stood frozen in disbelief. How could this be the same school he had attended just a year ago? The notion that Willow Tree High would undertake such a groundbreaking initiative was utterly inconceivable to him. The magnitude of this decision was simply unacceptable, leaving Victor at a loss for words.

Victor was utterly appalled by the audacity of the school's consideration to extend a helping hand to the less fortunate. In his eyes, the school already had a plethora of problems to deal with, and he couldn't fathom why they would burden themselves further. With conviction, he implored them to spare him this additional weight, firmly believing that it was simply too much to ask.

As The Voice chimed in with a scoff, their words dripped with disdain and a sense of superiority. It was no surprise to them that everyone was getting so worked up over the matter. After all, what possible benefit could there be in allowing poor individuals to attend our esteemed institution? Their forceful tone left no room for doubt about their disapproval.

Amidst the chaos, Victor found himself searching for his first-period class. It was then that he noticed a diminutive first-year student, clearly lost and seeking directions. The Welcome Center had long since concluded, and every student had been instructed to report to their respective first-period classes. Yet, this freshman appeared to be wandering aimlessly. Victor couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment, perceiving this as a sign of the student's lack of preparation and organizational skills.

Victor's desire to lend a helping hand to the struggling freshman was palpable, yet he found himself torn between his altruistic instincts and the pressing need to arrive on time for his class. Despite his valiant attempts to surreptitiously observe the freshman from a distance, the young student eventually caught sight of Victor and greeted him with an enthusiastic wave. Reluctantly, Victor reciprocated with a smile and a nod, fully aware that he had now committed himself to assisting the freshman, even if it meant sacrificing precious moments of his own time.

As Victor's gaze fell upon the freshman, he couldn't help but take note of the boy's distinctive features - fiery red hair, clad in a vibrant blue hoodie and complemented by a pair of light-washed jeans. It was evident that the weight of the backpack he carried was far too burdensome for his slender frame. This sight elicited a disapproving scoff from Victor, who couldn't fathom why someone would willingly subject themselves to such unnecessary strain.

The freshman appeared to be struggling with the weight of his backpack, causing Victor's irritation to grow. It was evident to Victor that this young man had yet to grasp the immense effort required to achieve high grades and successfully graduate from college. Victor couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority, observing the freshman walking around as if he were a beggar. If only this boy had been more diligent during his high school years, he wouldn't have found himself in a position where he had to rely on the assistance of a stranger. Victor's time was valuable, and he had no intention of wasting it on someone who had not put in the necessary effort to succeed.

Noticing the freshman's downcast gaze, Victor approached him with a confident stride, inquiring about his well-being. The boy responded with a silent nod, clearly indicating that he was not okay. Being the helpful individual that he was, Victor offered his assistance with the burdened backpack. It was quite apparent that anyone would struggle under the weight of such a load; it seemed to weigh a ton.

The freshman glanced up at Victor briefly before returning his gaze to the ground. "No, thank you," he replied, his voice filled with a hint of determination. "I can manage." Victor raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised by the young man's refusal. "Are you absolutely sure?" he asked, his tone exuding confidence. "I wouldn't mind lending a hand.

The freshman, with an air of self-assurance, adamantly declined Victor's generous offer of assistance, asserting his ability to handle the situation independently. Victor, his gaze fixed upon the young man, found himself unimpressed by the absence of any display of enthusiasm or gratitude. In fact, the freshman appeared rather lackluster and unremarkable, leaving Victor to lament the presence of such uninspired individuals within the esteemed halls of this institution.

It is truly disheartening to witness the presence of such individuals, who seem to possess no inkling of basic decorum. This particular individual, in particular, appears as though he has just emerged from the depths of a sewer! It is not an arduous task to exhibit even the most rudimentary manners and accept assistance when it is offered. And even if one does not require aid, a simple acknowledgment of the offer can prevent any potential awkwardness that may arise when someone is attempting to extend a polite gesture. However, this freshman, seemingly indifferent to such social niceties, could not be bothered to adhere to these common courtesies.

Victor's sarcastic remark, though perhaps unwarranted, was a testament to his frustration. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, Victor found it unnecessary to justify his comment. He chose to disengage from the situation, gradually distancing himself from the scene, disregarding the faint chuckles that emanated from behind him.

On that fateful first day of school, Victor's experience was nothing short of disastrous. Despite his noble intentions of lending a helping hand to a freshman in need, fate had other plans. As the hands of the clock ticked away, Victor found himself running late for his very first class. The universe seemed to conspire against him, for when he finally arrived at his destination, the classroom was already teeming with students. With no other option available, he reluctantly settled into the only vacant seat he could find - a desolate spot nestled in the darkest corner of the room, far away from the inviting rays of sunlight that streamed through the window.

Ah, my esteemed students, I bid you greetings. Today, we shall delve into a topic that may not immediately captivate your attention, but I assure you, it is a cornerstone of success - the art of time management. As my eyes sweep across the room, they land upon you, Victor, and I acknowledge your presence with a nod of approval. I commend your decision to join us, despite the unfortunate circumstances that led to your tardiness. Fear not, my dear student, for I shall not dwell on this matter. However, I must emphasize that punctuality is the very first step on the path to mastering the art of time management.


Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears! As the undisputed authority on this matter, I am here to impart upon you a crucial piece of wisdom: procrastination is an express ticket to utter disaster. I implore you, do not even entertain the thought of evading its clutches. Allow me to elucidate further - it is a treacherous path that leads to a realm of unrelenting stress and an overwhelming avalanche of work. Therefore, I beseech you to take heed of my counsel: meticulously plan ahead, skillfully prioritize your tasks, and unwaveringly adhere to a well-structured schedule. And should you find yourself drowning in a sea of obligations, do not hesitate to seek assistance. Remember, seeking aid in a timely manner is always preferable to facing dire consequences later on. So, I implore you to embrace my sagacious advice and seize the opportunity to surge ahead in this game of life. And if, perchance, you choose to disregard my words, well, my dear friend, the loss shall be entirely yours to bear.