
Dear Hammad

I am by name Hammad Buba Marwa, a 31-year-old microbiologist and, a handsome, classy, and coldhearted multimillionaire. I'm every girl's dream but love doesn't exist in his world, for him to love and not to be loved is the hardest thing in the world. My father Alhaji Buba Marwa a multi-millionaire from Yobe State, is a well-known businessman who is always a busy man and over-committed we only get to see him once a year during Ramadan. My mother was a very beautiful Fulani woman and my father was Hausa by the tribe. I got my handsomeness from my mother's side although my father was handsome too, he was just black unlike my mother and me. My mum is a medical doctor while my dad is a businessman who doesn't always have time for any of us but I Don't Care since my mum is always there for me Our parents had only two of us and my little sister. please don't feel sorry for us because I never wanted too many siblings. Weird, right? Well, I also didn't know why, maybe because I loved being the only child. Anyways, that aside! ******************** Meet Yusrah Siddiquii Mai Dala, a 21-year-old lady, daughter to Alhaji Siddiquii Mai Dala, a multimillionaire business tycoon. she is an introvert and a very well-desired girl who barely believes in love. She's the exact opposite of her twin sister, Yasmin. Yasmin is the twin sister of Yusrah though they aren't identical they still resemble one another. Yasmin is hard not to crack and a lady who does whatever she wants and nobody can change her mind not even her parents. Can she ever change? follow me as the unravel the story of these two distinct people

Mss_zarewa · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 1

Yusra's POV.

"Dear sir, I am the girl that waved at you during..." I couldn't finish what she was writing when she squeezed the paper with an "ah!" and threw it away.

Could you imagine that I had been messing up since, reason because I didn't even know what to write to him? Him? Yes him! His name was Hammad and I just met him yesterday in biology class, he was our new biology scholar.

Gosh, I wish I could open my mind so you could see him too. He was tall, very handsome and... I was thinking when someone pulled me out of my trance by knocking on my door, it was my twin sister.

"Damn!" Yasmin lamented the moment she walked into my room. "Yusrah!, is this how you turned your room into? A dustbin?"

She was referring to the papers I threw around. Or should I just say, the letters I discarded around?

"Sis, I will sweep when I am done" I muttered about writing another letter to Uncle Hammad when she seized the book.

"Yusrah!, enough!" She said glaring at me.

"Hell no, Yasmin!" I snatched back the book from her. "This is my room, and I get to do what I want!"

"Fine then," She said in a defeating tone. "By the way, dinner is ready"

"For all I care!" I said to her and continued with my business.

"Huh? I will tell mum and Dad you've gone insane" She said.

"What?" I glared at her. "Don't you dare!"

"Hmm, wait and see," She said walking to the door and about to leave.

"No Yasmin," I attempted to prevent her but she bluffed deaf ears. "Please now!"

"Bye!" She said leaving the room.

Well, I ran after her to the dining room and hopefully, she didn't tell our parents about anything.

"Why the race?" Our mother asked.

"Nothing!" Yasmin and I chorused as we settled down at the dining table.

"Are you sure?" Our mother inquired to be sure.

"Yes!" We chorused again.

"Hmm, I don't believe them" Ya Amir, our elder brother chimed in with a chuckle. "I know they are hiding something"

"We are hiding nothing!" I whirled my eyes at him with Yusrah breaking into laughter.

"You see, even Yasmin knows I am mumbling the truth," Ya Amir said smiling mischievously.

"Enough!" Our father chimed in. "Let's have a peaceful dinner please"

"Okay sir," We said in unison and began eating our meal.


Hello everyone, this is my first chapter.

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‘*Never wish to be like someone, be someone better than them.*’

Mss_zarewacreators' thoughts